
Board of Trustees

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Approved: March 7, 2008
Section II: Employees
Subsection: C. Civil Service Employees

  1. Coverage
    This Subsection C. applies to all civil service employees of the Board unless otherwise provided by these Regulations, by law, or by the terms of a collective bargaining agreement.
  2. Work Week
    1. The standard work week (exclusive of unpaid meal periods) for all full-time employees shall consist of 37 1/2 hours per week, except for those classifications maintaining 24-hour-per-day operations including, but not limited to, Security and Plant Engineers, for which the standard work week shall consist of 40 hours per week.
    2. Any change in the standard work week for full-time employees shall require approval of the designated employer representative (Director of Human Resources) and the President.
  3. Work Schedules and Shift Assignments
    A schedule of work days and shift assignments shall be maintained for each civil service employee. Work day schedules and shift assignments may be changed to meet operating conditions and needs of the University upon reasonable notice to the civil service employees affected.
  4. Performance Evaluation
    The University shall develop a performance evaluation program for employees consistent with these Regulations and the statutes and rules governing the State Universities Civil Service System. The programs and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President. Each performance evaluation program shall include the following elements and such other elements as are necessary and appropriate: (a) a description of the evaluation structure; (b) an identification of the roles and responsibilities of employees and supervisors; (c) a statement of job related criteria for performance evaluation; and (d) a description of the employee appeal procedure with respect to recommendations or decisions made pursuant to a performance evaluation.
  5. Grievance Procedure
    1. The University shall establish a grievance procedure for the resolution of employee grievances. An employee may file a grievance when a dispute arises concerning the interpretation or application of these Regulations and/or policies established by the University. The grievance procedure shall contain the following elements and such other elements as are necessary and appropriate:
      1. provisions for informal resolution;
      2. formal procedures for filing a grievance; and
      3. provisions for a formal employer representative decision and an appeal by the employee of that decision.
    2. The decision made at the conclusion of the appeal shall be final and binding and shall be consistent with these Regulations.
    3. If an employee seeks resolution of the grievance in any other forum, whether administrative or judicial, or pursuant to a grievance procedure under a collective bargaining agreement, the employer representative shall have no obligation to process the grievance under the procedure established in accordance with this regulation.
    4. An employee grievance committee may be established for the purpose of advising the employer representative on employee grievances.
    5. The grievance procedures described above and any changes therein shall become effective when approved by the President.
  6. Employee Discipline Program
    1. The University shall develop and maintain an employee discipline program specifying reasonable rules of conduct, descriptions of inappropriate behavior, and corrective disciplinary measures. Each program shall contain the following elements and such other elements as are necessary and appropriate:
      1. rules of conduct with examples of unacceptable behavior;
      2. the following levels of disciplinary action:
        1. oral warning;
        2. written reprimand;
        3. suspension;
        4. discharge; and,
      3. an employee appeal procedure.
    2. The discipline programs described above and any changes therein shall become effective when approved by the President.
  7. Employee Benefits
    1. Limitations and Eligibility
      Except as otherwise indicated for prevailing wage rate groups, employee benefits shall be made available to employees in status positions, including, for the purposes of this paragraph 7., employees in appointments designed to qualify employees for status in the class, i.e. learner, trainee, apprentice, and, where appropriate, provisional. Civil Service employees in other types of non-status appointments will not be extended employee benefits under this paragraph 7. except that employees with temporary appointments shall be eligible for holiday pay in accordance with paragraph c. below. An employee with a full-time appointment shall be eligible to receive the benefits specified in this paragraph 7. An employee whose appointment is at least half-time but less than full-time shall be eligible to receive such benefits on a pro-rated basis. An employee whose appointment is for less than half-time shall not be eligible for benefits under this paragraph 7., except that such an employee shall be eligible for holiday pay in accordance with paragraph c. below on a pro-rated basis.
    2. Vacation Leave
        1. Non-exempt employees, as defined by Fair Labor Standards Act criteria, shall earn vacation leave in accordance with the following schedule:
          Years of Service Completed Rate Earned/Hr. of Pay Status Equivalent Days per Year
          At Least Not More Than Ìý Ìý
          0 3 .0462 12
          3 6 .0577 15
          6 9 .0692 18
          9 14 .0808 21
          14 Ìý .0962 25
        2. Exempt employees, as defined by Fair Labor Standards Act criteria, shall earn vacation leave in accordance with the following schedule:
      Years of Service Completed Leave Days Per Year
      At Least Not More Than Ìý
      0 3 25
      3 6 26
      6 9 27
      9 Ìý 28
      1. Beginning October 1, 1972, where there has been a break in service, the service year shall be determined by the addition of all previous periods of State service which qualified for earning of vacation leave.
      2. Employees who have completed probation will be compensated for accrued vacation upon separation from the University. Vacation time will be paid at their current rate of compensation and will be remitted in the next available payroll following separation.ÌýEmployees who are re-employed within 30 calendar days are ineligible for vacation payout
      3. Except as provided below, an employee may not accumulate more than two times the appropriate annual level of vacation leave. Upon reaching this maximum, vacation leave will cease to be earned except as the accumulation is reduced. An employee who is required to work on a special assignment may, at the discretion of the President, be permitted to earn up to 12 days of vacation leave beyond the maximum provided above. Such additional vacation leave must be used within 12 months after the employee completes work on the special assignment. Extra pay in lieu of vacation leave will not be allowed. An employee's preference as to time of leave shall be considered, but the employer representative shall have the right to assign leave periods. Observed holidays that occur during the approved vacation leave shall not be charged against vacation leave.
        1. Vacation leave shall not be taken during the probationary period, except for good cause and upon approval of the employer representative.
    3. Holidays
      1. All Board facilities will be closed except for necessary operations on the following principal holidays: New Year's Day, day before or day after New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday, Lincoln's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, day after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, day before or day after Christmas Day,
        1. Principal holidays which fall on a Saturday shall be observed on the preceding Friday; principal holidays which fall on a Sunday shall be observed on the following Monday.
        2. Supplemental holidays will be observed on days designated by the President but shall be limited to work days, except Saturday and Sunday, immediately preceding or following the observance day of the respective principal holiday.
      2. (a) Employees with full-time status, provisional, apprenticeship, trainee, learner, or temporary appointments, except employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, will be excused on the observed day of each of the aforementioned principal and supplemental holidays. Such employees with less than full-time appointments shall be eligible for holiday pay on a pro-rated basis. All other employees, except employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, will be excused without pay.
        (b) For employees who work other than a Monday through Friday work schedule, the calendar date on which a principal holiday falls shall be considered the holiday for purposes of receiving premium pay if work is performed on that date, in which case premium pay will not apply to work performed on the date the principal holiday is observed by the employer representative. If departmental needs permit, employees may be granted the calendar holiday off with full pay instead of the observed holiday in which case premium pay will not apply to work performed on the observed holiday.
      3. Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement shall be granted paid holidays in accordance with the express terms of that agreement.
      4. In the event that work is required on any observed holiday as specified in paragraph (1) above, compensation shall be determined as follows:
          1. Employees who are eligible for holiday pay shall receive straight time pay for the holiday, plus compensation at the rate of time and one-half for hours worked or, by mutual agreement between the employee and employer representative, shall be credited with compensatory time equal to one and one-half times the number of hours worked.
          2. Employees who are not eligible for holiday pay shall be compensated at the rate of time and one-half for hours worked, or, by mutual agreement between the employee and employer representative, shall be credited with compensatory time equal to one and one-half times the number of hours worked.
          3. Exempt employees, as defined by Fair Labor Standards Act criteria, who are required to work on an observed holiday shall be granted, by mutual agreement between the employee and the employer representative, paid time away from work equivalent to the number of hours worked on the holiday.
          1. Prevailing rate craft employees who are eligible for holiday pay shall receive straight time pay for the holiday. In addition, these employees shall be compensated in accordance with the terms of their area agreement for holidays designated in the area agreement for hours worked. For holidays not designated in their area agreement, these employees shall be compensated in accordance with paragraph (a)(i) above.
          2. Prevailing rate craft employees who are not eligible for holiday pay shall be compensated in accordance with the terms of their area agreement for holidays designated in the area agreement for ours worked. For holidays not designated in their area agreement these employees shall be compensated in accordance with paragraph (a)(ii) above.
      5. To be eligible for holiday compensation, employees must be on the active payroll on their last scheduled work day preceding the observed holiday and their first scheduled work day following the observed holiday, unless they are absent on such day(s) for good cause and such absence is approved by the employer representative.
    4. Sick Leave (Approved March 31, 2017)
      1. (a) An employee in a status position shall earn credit for sick leave with full pay at the rate of .0462 hours of sick leave for each hour in pay status, equivalent to one regular work day for each completed calendar month of service or twelve regular work days per year.
        (b) A status employee who fails to complete a full month of service shall have sick leave credit pro-rated for the shortened period of that month.
      2. There shall be no limit in the amount of sick leave which may be accumulated.
      3. An employee whose employment or reemployment by the Board commences within two years after termination of his or her employment by an employer covered by the State Universities Civil Service System shall, if separated in good standing, be allowed to transfer his or her accrued sick leave to the location of employment or re-employment by the Board, provided that such employee has not received a lump sum payment for accrued sick leave. If such employee has received a lump sum payment for accrued sick leave, only accrued sick leave which was earned before January 1, 1984 may be transferred; credit for accrued sick leave which was earned after December 31, 1983 and prior to January 1, 1998 shall be governed by paragraph (4) below.
      4. (a) Employees who have completed probation will be compensated for accrued sick leave earned on or after January 1, 1984, and prior to January 1, 1998 upon separation from the University. Employees who are re-employed within 30 calendar days are ineligible for sick leave payout.
        (b) The lump sum payment for accrued sick leave shall be computed as the product of the employee's daily rate of compensation and one-half of the lesser of the following: (i) the number of days, or fractions thereof, of sick leave earned by the employee, in accordance with paragraph (1) above, minus any days, or fractions thereof, of sick leave used by the employee; or (ii) the number of days, or fractions thereof, of sick leave earned by the employee in accordance with paragraph (1) above after December 31, 1983 and prior to January 1, 1998. Accrued sick leave days shall be used in the following order: pre-January 1, 1984; post-December 31, 1997; January 1, 1984 through December 31, 1997.
        (c) An employee may waive payment for all or part of his/her eligible accrued sick leave (one-half of the employee's accumulated and unused sick leave earned after December 31, 1983 and prior to January 1, 1998) by executing an appropriate waiver form prior to termination of employment.
        (d) An employee who has received a lump sum payment for accrued sick leave from an employer covered by the State Universities Civil Service System and who, within two years, is employed or reemployed by the Board may, if separated in good standing, have his or her accrued sick leave restored if, within 30 days after commencement of such employment or reemployment, the employee pays said lump sum payment to the Board for the benefit of the location at which accrued sick leave is restored. For each day of sick leave to be restored, the employee shall repay the gross amount he or she was paid for one day of accrued leave. An employee may have part or all of his or her accrued sick leave restored in this manner; however, if the employee does not make any such payment to the Board, he or she shall not be entitled to have any such sick leave so restored.
      5. ÌýAn employee may use accumulated sick leave only when the employee is prevented from performing assigned duties because of illness, injury, or temporary disabilities caused or contributed to by pregnancy, or is obtaining medical or dental consultation or treatment, or for special circumstances stipulated under the Bereavement Leave provision of these Regulations. An employee may use up to twelve (12) days of earned sick leave per calendar year for absences resulting from the illness or injury of a child, stepchild, spouse, domestic partner, sister, brother or parent. For absences resulting from the illness or injury of a mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild, grandparent, or stepparent, an employee may use an amount not less than the personal sick leave that would be accrued during six months at the employee’s then current rate of benefit accrual. ÌýThe use of sick leave for familial purposes in excess of the twelve-day limit may be granted by the employer representative upon evidence of need and recommendation of the supervisor.

      6. The Board, through its employer representative, reserves the right to require acceptable evidence of disability, illness, or injury before allowing use of any sick leave benefits.
      7. Unless approved in writing by the employer representative, sick leave requested during a work stoppage may be denied and the absence from work treated as unexcused.
    5. Parental Leave (Revised 3/27/15)
      1. An employee may take up to four (4) consecutive weeks of parental leave at full pay commencing upon the birth or adoption of a child by the employee, the employee’s spouse, or domestic partner.
      2. Following the parental leave granted above, the appropriate vice president may approve the employee’s use of sick leave for the recovery of the employee, employee’s spouse, domestic partner, or child.
      3. Upon the positive recommendation from the employee’s immediate supervisor and/or department chair, dean, and/or director, the employee may request to the appropriate vice president or President an appointment and salary at less than 100% employment (e.g., 50% employment will be compensated at 50% salary) for up to eight (8) months after the birth or adoption of a child. The request for less than 100% employment should be made as early as possible and must be taken in eight (8) or less consecutive months. If an employee is granted less than 100% employment after the birth of a child, only the first four (4) weeks of that employment shall be compensated at full salary.
      4. An employee also has the right to additional time off as provided for in the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993.
    6. Bereavement Leave (Approved March 31, 2017)
      1. Employees will be granted, upon request, leave of up to three scheduled work days to attend the funeral or memorial service and/or for travel and bereavement time, upon the death of a member of the employee's immediate family, household, in-laws, grandchildren, and/or grandparents; and up to one day to attend the funeral or memorial service of a relative other than the above who is not a member of the employee's household. The amount of leave provided is not intended to be guaranteed and is available only when there is a need. Bereavement leave shall be taken in not less than one-half day increments and may not be accumulated. Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement with different bereavement leave benefits will receive those benefits according to their agreement.
      2. Upon the death of a member of the employee’s immediate family, the employee will be granted seven additional work days of unpaid leave to attend the funeral or alternative to a funeral for the immediate family member, make arrangements necessitated by the death of the immediate family member, or grieve the death of the immediate family member.
      3. Immediate family is defined as: father, mother, sister, brother, spouse, domestic partner, and children. Biological, adopted, foster, legal wards, a child of a person standing in loco parentis, or step family members are considered immediate family under this policy. In-laws are defined as: mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law.
      4. Other relative is defined as: aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or first cousin of the employee. Such relatives are regarded as members of the immediate family only if in residence in the employee's household at the time of death.
      5. Bereavement leave benefits are not granted in the event of the death of a member of the employee's spouse's or domestic partner's family unless specifically stated. For example, grandparent refers to the grandparent of the employee. For purposes of application of bereavement leave, relationships existing due to marriage or domestic partnership will terminate upon the divorce or termination of domestic partnership of the relative through whom the marriage or domestic partnership relationship exists. Current marital status will be defined in accord with Illinois State Law.
      6. The employee's supervisor may grant additional leave to an employee who cannot, because of special circumstances, return to work at the completion of the allowable bereavement leave days. An employee may choose to take such leave without pay or may use accrued vacation or sick leave time.
    7. Leaves of Absence
      Requests for leave of absence without pay for reasons other than disability (including but not limited to leaves of absence without pay for advanced study), upon recommendation of a supervisor, may be granted by the employer representative after vacation leave is reduced to not more than five days. Each request will be considered on the basis of its individual merits and the operational needs of the employer representative. The employer representative may waive the above vacation reduction requirement when it is determined to be in the best interests of the employer to do so.
    8. Educational Benefits
      1. Tuition and fee waivers shall be granted by each state university in Illinois to status civil service employees of the University. The following credit hour maxima shall apply to employees who enroll in courses at 91²Ö¿â:


        Academic Term


        Full-time employee

        6 c.h.

        18 c.h.

        3/4 time employee

        4 c.h.

        12 c.h.

        1/2 time employee

        3 c.h.

        9 c.h.

        These maxima are employee benefit limitations and do not apply to enrollment in approved work-related training programs, the purpose of which is to improve service. The fees which will be waived by the University include credit evaluation fees, activity fees and graduation fees. In addition, service fees, such as those imposed to secure revenue for bond retirement, will be waived by the University for an employee of the University. For employees who enroll in courses at state universities in Illinois other than 91²Ö¿â, the credit hour maxima and fees which will be waived will be determined by the institution in which such employees enroll.
      2. Employees are encouraged to enroll in courses having scheduled class hours outside their scheduled work hours. For courses held during the employee's work schedule, the employee may be excused to attend classes subject to a maximum of 4 clock hours per week or the number of clock hours required to attend one course, whichever is greater. Requests for excused absences to attend classes must be submitted to the supervisor for approval prior to enrollment and request for waiver of tuition. When such approval is granted, employees shall "make-up" time at the discretion and approval of the supervisor by
        (i) working outside of regularly scheduled hours during the work week in which the excused absence occurs, or (ii) deducting the time spent in class from the employee's accumulated vacation leave. Daily overtime compensation shall not be earned for make-up time worked under (i) above.
      3. The natural, adopted, foster, or step-children up to and including the age of 25 and the spouse or declared domestic partner of any status employee under full-time employment (including employees on sick leave or compulsory disability leave) who dies while in service at the University shall be entitled to a waiver of 100% tuition and mandatory fees up to and including the baccalaureate degree at the University. Should both parents be full-time employees, the death of one parent shall make the child eligible for the waiver of tuition and fees. Children of a declared domestic will be considered as step-children of the employee for the purposes of this program.
      4. An employee who has retired from 91²Ö¿â shall be eligible for a waiver of tuition and fees at 91²Ö¿â as specified in paragraph (1) above for one-half time employees.
      5. See Board Regulations Section IV.B.2.a. for provisions governing the award of 50% tuition waivers to the children of University employees with 7 cumulative years or more of service.
    9. National, State, and Local Elections
      Upon the approval of their supervisors, employees may be granted time off up to two hours without pay to vote in any national, state, or local election.
  8. Overtime Compensation
    1. (1) Except as provided in paragraph 7.h. (2) above, employees in non-negotiated classifications that are covered by the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act will be compensated at time and one-half either through the payroll process or by allowing compensatory time off, for all time in a work week in excess of the number of hours of work comprising an established full-time daily or weekly work schedule. Employees shall not receive overtime compensation on both a daily and weekly basis for the same work time.
      (2) For the purpose of computing overtime, paid benefit time for which work is not performed shall count as time worked in any work week.
    2. For employees paid on a prevailing rate basis, the number of hours before daily and/or weekly overtime is payable, and the rate of overtime pay will depend on the number of hours and the rate being paid locally pursuant to the appropriate multi-employee area agreement.
    3. For employees in a negotiated classification, overtime payment shall be in accordance with the provisions of the applicable collective bargaining agreement.
    4. Employees in positions that are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act shall work as required by their position.
  9. Compulsory Disability Leave
    1. If the employer representative believes an employee is unable to perform assigned duties due to illness, injury, or disability, the employee shall be informed in writing on the basis of such belief. The employee may be required to obtain medical examinations and may be placed on leave for disability in accordance with rules of the State Universities Civil Service System. Refusal of an employee to complete a medical examination may result in disciplinary action.
    2. The employer representative shall notify the employee in writing of the duration of the compulsory disability leave period. Any earned sick leave or vacation leave may be used during the compulsory disability leave period. That portion of compulsory disability leave for which earned sick leave or vacation leave credits are not used shall be without pay.