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Spring 2006 Case Writer: Jon Billman
Jon Billman, author of When We Were Wolves, is the 91²Ö¿â Lola Austin Case Writer in Residence for Spring 2006. He will visit Westerns English and journalism department from Feb. 27-March 3.
Billman will present Writing and the Environment, a question and answer session, at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28 in Simpkins Hall 27. He will also read from his current work at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 1 in the University Union Sandburg Theater followed by a reception in the Lincoln Room hosted by Westerns Institute for Environmental Studies. Both events are open free to the public.
Previously a wildland firefighter, Billman was also a seventh grade teacher. He is a visiting professor of English at Iowa State University where he is helping to design a writing and the environment component in the MFA program. His writing has been published in Esquire; The Paris Review, a notorious and respected literary magazine; and Zoetrope, the short-fiction magazine founded by Francis Coppola. When not in Iowa, Billman lives in Kemmerer, WY where he is working on a new novel.
Billmans visit to Western is made possible through the Fred E. Case and Lola Austen Case Endowment designed to nurture upcoming writers. The endowment provides learning for a lifetime through extended residencies for visiting writers and greater opportunities for more interaction between students and established writers.
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