
College of Arts and Sciences

Spring 2015 Awards & Scholarships

The Department of English held its 2015 Awards Night on Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 6:00pm in the Multicultural Center, announcing the winners of awards from all areas of the program. Both graduate and undergraduate students were awarded more than $13,000 in scholarships and awards.

Congratulations to all the award and scholarship winners!

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Undergraduate Scholarships

Graduate Awards

Bruce H. Leland Essay Contest

*Read their pieces on the Leland Webpage (2014-2015)

ENG 100, Introduction to Writing

ENG 180, College Writing I

ENG 280, College Writing II

Creative Writing Awards

*Read their pieces in the yearly Elements edition (2015)

*See the Creative Writing Winners Archive which includes commentary by the professional judges.

Lois C. Bruner Creative Nonfiction Award

Cordell Larner Award in Fiction

  • 1st place – Emilee Cox-Deboer
  • 2nd place – Kimberly Ackers
  • 3rd place – Katelin Deushane

Cordell Larner Award in Poetry