
Department of Mathematics and Philosophy

Susie Brooks

Susan Brooks, Assistant Professor

Specializing in Algebra, Geometry, Analysis and Topology


Ph. D., University of Iowa (Mathematics - Specializing in Topology, Jonathan Simon and Oguz Durumeric)
B. A., Eastern Illinois University (Mathematics/Physics, Charles Delman)

Contact Information

Office: QC Riverfront Hall 211
Phone: (309) 762-3999 Ext. 62321
Email: SC-Brooks@wiu.edu

Courses Taught

Each Fall:

  • Math 133: Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
  • Math 231: Calculus and Analytic Geometry III
  • Stat 171: General Elementary Statistics

Each Spring:

  • Math 134: Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
  • Math 137: Applied Calculus I
  • Math 333: Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Math 334: Differential Equations Computation Laboratory

Research Interests

Research: My main area of interest is knot theory. My current research has ties between the areas of topology and geometry, while some of my past research involves abstract algebra.

Research with undergraduate students: I have mentored an undergraduate engineering student in applications of ordinary differential equations. In particular, we discovered how ordinary differential equations can model electrical circuits involved in AM radios.


  • Brooks, S. C., Durumeric, O., & Simon, J. (2018). Knots Connected by Wide Ribbons. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.00154.