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Department of Physics Scholarships
91²Ö¿âScholarship Resources
To Apply
Scholarships are all awarded during the fall semester (usually in September) to current students. To apply, please fill out the Physics Scholarship Application (fillable pdf) during the first three weeks of the fall semester, and attach it to an email directed to Physics office at .
Additional Information
- The number of scholarships are dependent upon the number and quality of applications received.
- Scholarship amounts vary based on available funds or determined by the Department of Physics. Awards are applied to the recipient's university account
- The recipient(s) will be selected by the Department of Physics Faculty Scholarship Selection Committee.
Visit to view and apply for all 91²Ö¿âscholarships.
Gladwyn Barrett Fund
Criteria: Outstanding students in Physics are eligible. Not renewable.
Donald R. Bride Scholarship
Student must reapply and enter the applicant pool each year.
Criteria: Declared major in Physics; Outstanding student as demonstrated by contribution to the department and/or field of physics.
Walter Eller Physics Scholarship
Students must be nominated by a Department of Physics faculty member. Renewable with faculty nomination.
Criteria: Declared major in Physics; Enrolled full-time; Preference to a student with a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA; Preference to a junior; Demonstrated extracurricular contributions to the Department of Physics and WIU
Dr. Jerry W. Forbes Research Scholarship in Physics
This scholarship will award $1,000 each year and may be split between deserving student applicants in order to fund as many undergraduate student research projects as possible. Expenses may include research supplies and equipment necessary for the student to complete their approved faculty-mentored student research project in the Department of Physics as well as conference travel expenses associated with an approved conference presentation of the results of their physics research project.
Criteria: Students must be actively involved in an approved faculty-mentored student research project in the Department of Physics; Undergraduate Physics Major in the RISE (Research Inspiring Student Excellence) program, which requires a minimum GPA of 2.800; Documented need of the student to complete their research project, such as needed supplies, equipment or conference travel.
Renewable. Student must still maintain a GPA of 2.800 and be an undergraduate Physics Major; their application will then compete with the other student applicants that academic year.
McGee Physics Scholarship
Criteria: Awarded to a physics student in any year of school, freshman through senior; GPA of 3.0 or higher; Preference will be given to students active in clubs or athletics. Not renewable.
Roger & Jean Morrow Physics Scholarship
Criteria: Declared major in Physics; Demonstrated potential to make a contribution to the overall advancement of the science of Physics; Preference given to a student wishing to teach Physics; GPA may be considered. Renewable. Student must reapply and enter the applicant pool each year.
Physics Graduate Scholarship
Criteria: Graduate student; Declared major in Physics; Demonstrated contribution to the field of Physics and/or the department. Not renewable.
Physics New Freshman Scholarship
Criteria: Declared major in Physics; Outstanding high school academic record. Not renewable.
Physics Scholars Award
Criteria: Declared major in Physics; Demonstrated contribution to the field of Physics and/or the department. Not renewable.
Norm and Judy Rocke Physics Scholarship
Criteria: Students must be an undergraduate student at 91²Ö¿âmajoring in Physics; a GPA of 3.0 or better; Financial need is not required but is a consideration; Acitivty/involvement within the Department of Physics and/or the community.
The scholarship is renewable as long as the student maintains a 3.0 GPA Â or better and continues to major in Physics. The student must reapply and enter the applicant pool each academic year to be considered for renewal.
Frank E. Rodeffer Scholarship
At the discretion of the Physics Faculty Scholarship Committee, this award may be divided between two (2) or more deserving recipients. Award is $1,000 and will be applied to the student's university account, half in the Fall and half in the Spring. This scholarship may be renewable for the senior year if the student continues to make satisfactory progress
Criteria: Primary recipient of this scholarship will be a junior Physics major in good standing with an overall and major GPA of 3.0 or higher; Preference will be given to students who are an underrepresented minority in Physics with financial need and an expressed desire to pursue a career in the field of Physics.
Peggy J. Rodeffer Scholarship in Physics
Criteria: The primary recipient of this scholarship will be a junior in good standing with a major in Physics. If there is not an undergraduate student eligible, a graduate student majoring in Physics will be chosen. Preference will be given to a female student who has an expressed desire to pursue a career in the field of Physics. Must have an overall and major GPA of 3.0 or higher. Renewable if the student continues to make satisfactory progress
Charles R. & Nancy L. Shoemate Scholarship in Physics
One award is to be given to one student each year. Renewable for the senior year if the student continues to make satisfactory progress. Applications must be submitted by the end of the first week of classes of the fall semester of each academic year.
Criteria: Physics major with preference to a student pursuing a teaching career in physics; Must be a junior class level or a transfer student; Minimum 3.0 GPA; Demonstrate potential to be a leader in the filed and have a commitment to teaching; Preference will be given to students who are an underrepresented minority in Physics with financial need and an expressed desire to pursue a teaching career in Physics at the secondary or university level.
Application: 1) 500 word (minimum) essay in English to explain how you plan to utilize Foreign Languages in your future academic and career plans 2) Two (2) letters of recommendation.
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