
Sociology and Anthropology

Bachelor of Arts - Sociology

Sociology Overview

Sociology is the study of human societies, their structure, and the ways individuals and groups relate to one another. Sociological knowledge is vital to the understanding of contemporary issues and topics such as poverty, crime, delinquency, deviance, mental illness, urban growth and decay, marriage and family life, behavior in bureaucracies, and the organization and delivery of human services.

Since its curriculum emphasizes everyday issues and the workings of society in general, the B.A. in Sociology is useful in a great variety of occupational fields and positions such as personnel, industry, survey research, public-opinion polling, marketing and advertising research, and in government or nonprofit agencies which provide for the delivery of human services. Many Sociology graduates also work in hospitals or health-care organizations as well as in education and business and undertake graduate studies in Sociology and other fields. Majors in other disciplines will find that Sociology courses provide valuable background for careers in law enforcement, medicine, public health, counseling, personnel management, education, and social work.


View the specific degree requirements and course descriptions in the Undergraduate Catalog.


Western’s Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology is a solid foundation for a career in social research or service. Skilled public opinion analyses, survey database managers, and human service specialists are in demand. In business and industry, our graduates typically work in personnel management, market research, and sales. Those who focus on statistics and research methodology frequently become junior analysts in research forms or government agencies. Sociologists are employed in a wide variety of fields. Please note that employment in some of these areas requires additional education.

More information on Careers in Sociology from American Sociological Association at and at

  • Admissions counselor
  • Advertising staffer
  • Alumni relations worker
  • Career planning & placement director
  • Caseworker
  • Clinical sociologist
  • College placement worker
  • Community or urban planner
  • Community service agency worker
  • Consumer relations worker
  • Cooperative extension agent
  • Corrections officer
  • Correctional counselor
  • Cottage parent
  • Demographer
  • Elderly social service aide
  • Family development specialist
  • Human resource manager
  • Human rights officer
  • Insurance underwriter
  • Juvenile court/corrections worker
  • Legislative aide
  • Marketing analyst
  • Minority groups & race relations researcher
  • Peace Corps/VISTA worker
  • Penologist
  • Population studies researcher
  • Probation/parole officer
  • Public health statistician
  • Public relations employee
  • Publishing staffer
  • Recruiter
  • Rehabilitation counselor
  • Sales supervisor
  • Social problems analyst
  • Social research assistant
  • Substance abuse counselor
  • Youth outreach worker

Minor in Sociology

Sociology is the study of human societies, their structure, and the ways individuals and groups relate to one another. Sociological knowledge is vital to the understanding of contemporary issues and topics such as poverty, crime, delinquency, deviance, mental illness, urban growth and decay, marriage and family life, behavior in bureaucracies, and the organization and delivery of human services.

Since an understanding of human social behavior is essential in many fields, a Sociology minor is an excellent companion to many majors. Because of its emphasis on group behavior, inequality, and social structure, a minor in Sociology is particularly well suited to students interested in careers in business, law enforcement, social services, psychology/counseling, and education.