Undergraduate Catalog
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Chairperson: Dr. Peter F. Jorgensen
Office: Memorial Hall 302
Telephone: (309) 298-1507
Program Offerings and Locations:
- Bachelor of Arts in Communication: Macomb, Quad Cities, Online
- Minor in Communication: Macomb, Quad Cities, Online
- Minor in Health Communication: Macomb, Quad Cities
- Minor in Social Media: Macomb, Quad Cities, Online
Learning Outcomes
For student learning outcomes, please see wiu.edu/provost/learningoutcomes.
Averbeck, Avtgis, Carpenter, Hill, Jorgensen, Lauer, Little, Macchi, Menken, Miczo, Miller, Zanolla, Zhao.
Academic Advisor
GradTrac is available to Communication majors. See more information about GradTrac.
Honors Curriculum
Academically qualified students in this department are encouraged to complete an honors curriculum in University Honors, Honors in the Major, or General Honors. All Honors students must complete the one-hour honors colloquium (G H 299). General Honors includes General Honors coursework. Honors in the Major includes honors work in the major. University Honors combines Honors in the Major and General Honors. View more information about honors curricula or visit the Centennial Honors College website at wiu.edu/honors.
Integrated Baccalaureate and Master’s Degree Program
An integrated baccalaureate and master’s degree program is available for the Bachelor of Arts in Communication: Master of Arts in Communication. An integrated degree program provides the opportunity for outstanding undergraduates to earn both degrees in five years. Please refer to the Graduate Studies catalog for details about the integrated program.
Department Information
Communication is a dynamic and varied discipline, offering majors a broad range of career opportunities and pursuits. The major focuses on the primary areas of organizational communication, persuasive communication, interpersonal communication, and rhetorical communication to ground students in theoretical and applied knowledge of the key role that communication plays in all aspects of human interaction. The discipline routinely prepares students to enter any number of diverse professions from event planner to sales, college recruiter to business management, training and development to politics. Students of Communication receive fundamental training in and exposure to the infinite number of contexts in which humans interact with and influence one another. This knowledge base then provides them with an understanding of message processes that will serve them on an ongoing basis, both professionally and personally.
The Department of Communication offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication. Communication majors are able to select minors that complement their major areas of study and their career goals. Minors in Communication, Health Communication, and Social Media are also available. A full-time academic advisor assists students in planning their programs of study.
Degree Program
Bachelor of Arts—Communication
All students seeking the Bachelor of Arts in Communication must complete I, II, III, IV, and V below, and the foreign language/global issues requirement for the major#. The minimum semester hour requirement for the baccalaureate degree is 120 s.h. Current 91²Ö¿âstudents must be in good standing (2.0 GPA or higher) to declare a major in Communication.
- University General Education Curriculum: 43 s.h.
- Core Courses: 12 s.h.
COMM 130, 247†, 311, 344 - Directed Electives: 30 s.h.
Select 30 s.h. of COMM courses, at least 9 s.h. at the 400 level. - Any Approved Minor: 16 s.h.
- Open Electives: 19 s.h.
# The foreign language/global issues graduation requirement may be fulfilled by successfully completing one of the following: 1) a designated foreign language requirement [see Foreign Language/Global Issues Requirement]; 2) a General Education global issues course; 3) a Communication (COMM) global issues course; or 4) an approved Study Abroad program.
†COMM 247 fulfills the Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) graduation requirement.
Minor in Communication: 18 s.h.
- COMM 130 and 247: 6 s.h.
- Select three of the following: COMM 312, 343, 344, 356: 9 s.h.
- COMM Electives from courses numbered 300 or higher: 3 s.h.
Minor in Health Communication: 18 s.h.
- COMM 130, 333, and 425: 9 s.h.
- Select three of the following: COMM 235, 315, 341, 343, 344, 356, 428, 456, 457, 496: 9 s.h.
Minor in Social Media: 18 s.h.
- COMM 130, 345, 445: 9 s.h.
- Choose three of the following: BC&J 340, 345; COMM 312, 356; any 400-level elective COMM course: 9 s.h.
Course Descriptions
130 Introduction to Human Communication. (3) (General Education/Humanities) Introduction to the various approaches and subfields which comprise speech communication, with a focus on the theoretical foundations of contemporary human communication theory.
235 Communicating in Small Groups. (3) (General Education/Social Sciences) Broad examination of the functioning of communication in small groups, including practical advice for becoming a more effective group member.
241 Introduction to Public Speaking. (3) (General Education/Communication Skills) Preparation and delivery of informative and persuasive speeches. Students apply concepts of critical listening, audience adaptation, organization/support of ideas, appropriate style, and effective delivery. Not open to students with credit for COMM 242. Accelerated section available. IAI: C2 900
242 Fundamentals of Public Speaking. (3) (General Education/Communication Skills) Preparation and delivery of informative and persuasive speeches. Students apply concepts of critical listening, audience adaptation, organization/support of ideas, appropriate style, and effective delivery completed in an online format. Not open to students with credit for COMM 241.
247 Argumentation. (3) A course in examining what it is to construct a strong argument in favor of any proposition through reasoning, critical thinking, and well-chosen evidence. Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) course. Prerequisite: COMM 241 or consent of instructor.
254 Great Speeches. (3) (General Education/ Humanities) An analysis of representative speeches that have significantly influenced the course of human events.
305 Interviewing. (3) Theory of interviewing and its purposes in various communication settings. Practical applications of the principles of interviewing.
309 Communication Theory. (3) A survey of communication theories. This course will also address the process of theory building and the role of communication theory across major paradigms guiding communication research. Prerequisite: COMM 130 with a grade of C or higher.
310 Qualitative Research Methods in Communication. (3) A survey of the qualitative research methods used in communication studies. Qualitative research design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation are addressed. Students will plan and conduct a final research project. Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) course. Prerequisites: COMM 130 with a grade of C or higher; ENG 180 and 280.
311 Communication Research. (3) A practical introduction to data-based communication research projects from research design through analysis and interpretation. Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) course. Prerequisites: COMM 130 with a grade of C or higher; ENG 180 and 280.
312 Rhetorical Criticism. (3) An introduction to the ways rhetoric works in language, images, and other media. Course explores the leading principles used to analyze and decode rhetorical messages encountered in daily life. Prerequisite: COMM 130.
314 Professional Presentations. (3) Advanced instruction for preparing and delivering engaging extemporaneous professional presentations using strategically designed messages. Topics include creating meaningful and aesthetically pleasing visuals, utilization of new communication technologies, working collaboratively in a group presentation, and adapting messages to diverse audiences. Prerequisites: ENG 180 and 280; COMM 241.
315 (Cross-listed with WS 316) Gender and Communication. (3) This course examines gender and gender-role differences and similarities in verbal and nonverbal communication and surveys several contexts in which sex differences in human communication occur. Not open to students with credit in WS 316. Prerequisite: COMM 130.
330 Language and Communication. (3) This survey course explores the historical and contemporary functions of language in communication. The course will examine theories of language, meaning, and communication, with emphasis on contemporary language research and controversies surrounding language and meaning in society. Prerequisite: COMM 130.
333 Risk and Crisis Communication. (3) Course is intended to provide students with an understanding of key elements of risk and crisis communication in organizational and health communication settings—pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis. Course focuses on understanding and developing effective messaging in such situations. Prerequisite: COMM 130 and ENG 180.
341 Small Group Communication. (3) Examination of significant factors which affect the behavior and effectiveness of social and task groups. Study of group behavior research.
343 Organizational Communication. (3) Survey of the different approaches to studying organizational communication as well as the various communication processes involved. Application to real-world scenarios and companies will also be discussed. Prerequisites: COMM 130; ENG 180 and 280.
344 Interpersonal Communication. (3) Theory and concepts relevant to face-to-face interaction. Focus on the content of communication in relationships and the role of communication in creating and defining relationships. Prerequisites: COMM 130; ENG 180 and 280.
345 Social Media. (3) Exploration of social media. Focus on and examination of competent communication technology use in a variety of contexts. Analysis of problematic issues of social media including accuracy, trust, privacy, and identity. Prerequisite: COMM 130.
356 Persuasion. (3) An exploration of cuttingedge and time-tested theories and techniques from the social sciences on changing minds and behavior. Prerequisite: COMM 130.
377 Nonverbal Communication. (3) Introduces basic codes, properties, and principles of nonverbal communication. Multidisciplinary content approached from scientific perspective rather than intuitive and experiential judgments. Designed to improve the communication effectiveness and understanding of the communication process. Prerequisite: COMM 130.
380 Special Topics in Applied Communication. (3) This course addresses special topics of interest in communication and/or provides students with the opportunity to develop communication skills that are transferable to personal and professional situations. Prerequisite: junior standing.
381 Intercultural Communication. (3) (Global Issues) Intercultural communication explores the intersection of culture, communication, and shared meanings. Topics may include cultural differences, traditions, contemporary issues in language across cultures, relationships, new technologies which shape our intercultural interactions, race, gender, religion, national identity, sexuality, politics, and education. Prerequisite: COMM 130.
400 Senior Honors Thesis Research. (3) Bibliographic and other preliminary work in preparation for a senior honors thesis (see COMM 401). Students will produce a final, graded project for this course. This course may not be taken concurrently with COMM 401. Prerequisites: ENG 180 and 280; COMM 310 or 311; students must be in good standing in the Centennial Honors College and must be juniors or first-semester seniors majoring in Communication.
401 Honors Thesis. (3) Students will write a senior honors thesis. This course may not be taken concurrently with COMM 400. Prerequisites: COMM 400; ENG 180 and 280; students must be in good standing in the Centennial Honors College and must be seniors majoring in Communication.
409 Communication and Conflict Management. (3) Study of the role of communication in conflict. Consideration of major theories of conflict management. Prerequisites: COMM 130; ENG 180 and 280.
410 Advanced Interpersonal Communication. (3) Study of theory, concepts, and methodology relevant to communication in close relationships. Examination of the dynamics and management of interaction within these contexts. Prerequisites: COMM 130 with a grade of C or higher; COMM 311 with a grade of C or higher; COMM 344; ENG 180 and 280.
413 Advanced Organizational Communication. (3) This course develops an understanding of theoretical and practical communication frameworks in order to analyze problems and generate strategies to overcome personal, group, and organizational barriers to effective communication in the workplace. Prerequisites: COMM 130 with a grade of C or higher; COMM 311 with a grade of C or higher; COMM 343; ENG 180 and 280.
418 Independent Research in Communication. (1–6, repeatable to 6) Individual reading or research under supervision of the faculty. Open to juniors and seniors who have demonstrated competence in broadcasting, communication, rhetoric, public address, or the speech-languagehearing sciences. Prerequisites: ENG 180 and 280; consent of instructor and department chairperson.
425 Health Communication. (3) This course will survey a number of topics relevant to both the institutional settings of medicine (e.g., doctor-patient interaction, media campaigns) as well as the interpersonal ramifications of illness (e.g., social support). Prerequisite: COMM 130 or permission of instructor.
428 Family Communication. (3) This course will investigate communication processes in the context of the family environment. Specifically, it will examine communication’s role in and its influence on family relational processes. Prerequisite: COMM 130 or permission of instructor.
430 Communication Training and Development. (3) This course explores the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in effective communication training and development in organizations and/or consulting in the field of communication. Prerequisite: COMM 311.
441 Rhetoric and Public Culture. (3) Study of the ways symbolic action shapes and energizes public culture. Practical case studies detail the powerful uses of rhetoric across a range of public, professional, and educational contexts. Prerequisites: COMM 312; ENG 180 and 280.
445 Social Media Analytics. (3) Study of message and relational processes in social media. Examination of theory and research exploring how individuals share, send, and receive messages via communication technologies. Prerequisite: COMM 345.
456 Communication Campaigns. (3) Principles and practical steps in designing campaigns targeted at the public using strategic message and channel choices. Prerequisites: COMM 130 with a grade of C or higher; COMM 311 with a grade of C or higher; COMM 356; ENG 180 and 280.
457 Social Influence. (3) Study of powerful impact other people have to change people’s minds. Students will learn how to leverage and resist social influences in their everyday lives. Prerequisites: COMM 130 with a grade of C or higher; COMM 311 with a grade of C or higher; COMM 356; ENG 180 and 280.
480 Special Topics in Communication. (1–3, repeatable to 6, for different topics, with permission of department chair) This course deals with selected topics of interest in communication such as nonverbal communication, intercultural communication, and family communication. Prerequisites: ENG 180 and 280; completion of at least 12 s.h. in Communication.
496 Communication Internship. (1–12, repeatable to 12) Directed work assignments in private or public sectors in communication areas. Students may count up to 3 s.h. of COMM 496 toward the Communication major. Prerequisites: Junior standing; 12 s.h. of Communication courses completed; ENG 180 and 280; permission of internship coordinator and department chairperson; a GPA of 2.50 in major courses taken as well as an overall GPA of 2.25. Graded S/U only.
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