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Maintaining professional certifications and license, including Continuing Professional Education: CPA, and other certifications: CMA & CIA February 2019: Participated in the Institute of Internal Auditors feedback interview regarding the IIA textbook. Continuing Education activities: September 2018 NASBA Intuit QuickBooks Webinar (5 hrs CPE) October 2018 ACL Webinar Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness in SOX Compliance (1 hr CPE) December 2018 AICPA/KPMG Webcast: Year-end Payroll Tax Planning January 2019 Intuit Tax Practice February 2019 Cengage Webinar: Flipped classrooms February 2019 CITR workshop Increasing Student Engagement and Interaction with Active Polling Using PearDeck and Google Slides March 2019 Wiley Webinar on Kimmel Accounting Titles with WileyPLUS March 2019 CITR workshop Google Drive for Documents, Storage, and Collaboration May 2019 Payroll Webinar: Overtime Update June 2019 Becker Webcast: Changes to the CPA Exam UNIVERSITY/COMMUNITY SERVICE Department: Provide faculty support to student organizations such as BAP & SCIMA by attending their meetings. Supported the Internal Audit Panel Presentation hosted by BAP/NABA by creating class assignments in Acct 480 and Acct 580 that required students to learn about WIUs Internal Audit Department and prepare questions that were student led at the Panel presentation. College: Supported the 2017 Executive in Residence Program by creating class assignments related to the Executives business and developing questions for the Executive to be asked during the presentation that the students and instructor attended. University: Served on the search committee for the Director of Internal Audit Fall 2015 Community: YFC Junior High Youth Group volunteer Accounting Challenge volunteer IMPACT Feedback from my students, both current and former, consistently lets me know that my biggest impact on them is how I use my professional background to illustrate the classroom concepts they learn in accounting and auditing. Additionally, I strive to keep up to date on standards and technology tools that I can then share with my students. For example demonstrating the use of generalized audit software with instructor-led hands-on practice in class participation activities. I approach my teaching with a continuous process improvement and problem solving methodology that requires evaluation and identification of areas to improve each time I teach a class. My commitment to life-long learning for myself and my passion to share what I have learned with my students translates to a positive class room experience with good learning outcomes. 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