
College of Education & Human Services

Eric C. Sheffield, Ph.D.

Interim Dean, College of Education & Human Services
Professor, Social Foundations

Department: Dean's office
Room: Horrabin Hall, 117 B
Academic Programs:
Research Areas: Community Service Learning; Religion and Education
Awards: Critic’s Choice Annual Book Award by American Educational Studies Association, 2013
Phone: 309-298-1690
Email: EC-Sheffield@wiu.edu
Website | Google Scholar | LinkedIn


Eric C. Sheffield, Ph.D.

About Me

I am the Interim Dean of the College of Education and Human Services here at 91²Ö¿â and hold the rank of professor. My professional evolution has been informed by my personal history as a high school English teacher, social foundations professor/scholar, and now administrator. Prior to coming to higher education, I taught high school English (14 years) in Putnam County Florida. Upon (finally) finishing my P.h.D at the University of Florida, I was hired by Southwest Missouri State University—now Missouri State University (MSU)—where I taught social foundations courses and served as a graduate degree program coordinator. Following my time at MSU (another 14 years in length), I landed here at 91²Ö¿â as department chair in the summer of 2017. My research interests include community service learning, philosophy of education, democratic education, dystopian educational theory, and love…among other educational matters.

Research and Publications