ࡱ> oqn bjbj 0 ||  j$b$m0:0j,j| : Council on International Education March 2, 2009 Minutes Members Present: Eric Ginsberg, Jongho Lee, Ming-yi Wu, Sandra Watkins, Terry Rodenberg, Muirali Venugopalan, Lawrence Andrew. Members Absent: Sara Simonson, Althea Alton, Kevin Bacon, Charles Malone. The meeting began at 3:15 PM in the Algonquin Room of the Union. Virginia Boynton was present to talk about the Department of History courses submitted to the CIE for approval as Global Initiative courses. The History Department submitted these courses, History 304, 401G, 125, 126, 145 318, 346, 445. Only History 304 and History 401G were complete with syllabuses and Dr. Boynton agreed to forward the syllabuses for those courses. Dr. Boynton gave an overview of each course and it was clear that all were implicitly global in nature. The agreed that until the syllabuses for the other course arrived we would only discuss History 304 and History 401G. The council discussed developing a rating system or matrix that it could use to evaluate each course. The application for GI include the six points: Discover how different forces (political, geographical, and historical) have shaped the development of different cultures. Compare and Contrast different countries/cultures/societies. Recognize the interdependence of countries/cultures/societies. Understand ones self and ones own culture through contact with ideas from other countries/cultures/societies. Gain new proficiencies and skills to navigate unfamiliar cultures and situations. Appreciate diversity within relationships, organizations, and societies. The council agreed that, as a standard operating procedure, it would like each of these GI goals to be each addressed explicitly in the application. It further would like to see these six GI goals listed in the Course Objectives of each courses syllabus. The council is developing a matrix that it can use to indicate the councils approval of the manner in which each course addresses each of the six issues. The council would be asking the question, for example, in what ways does History 304 enable the students to do, learn, acquire each of the six skills, proficiencies listed above. The council was impressed by both History 304 and History 401G, but would like to see the six objectives explicitly addressed in the Course Objectives of the syllabuses for these courses. Larry Andrew will develop this matrix for the council. We will meet next on March 30, 2009, at 3:00 PM. Eric Ginsberg, Chair, Council on International Education hZh#19:  * ! ,-|}9:gdZh & FgdZh.:pZh/ =!"#$% ^ 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List PK![Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢Iw},-j4 wP-t#bΙ{UTU^hd}㨫)*1P' ^W0)T9<l#$yi};~@(Hu* Dנz/0ǰ $ X3aZ,D0j~3߶b~i>3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlYOo6w toc'vuر-MniP@I}úama[إ4:lЯGRX^6؊>$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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Virginia Boynton =2,N,,312-1,2,2228Y22,H122222C22N2!2,H222H"12,B40222 TLcHUU@@ULwas present to talk about the Department of History courses submitted to the CIE for H,'2!,(,22,2,2222,H,2,!N,23!H'2"0,23!',''22N,222,D=!2! TLyGUU@@0ULapproval as Global Initiative courses. The History Department submitted these courses,22!22,,'H23, 2,2,,22!','=3,H'2#0H,2,!N,2'22N,22,',,22!(,'TXzGUU@@z0LP,  T8I[UU@@RLHistory 304, 401G, 125, 126, 145 318, 346, 445. Only History 304 and History 401G H'2"0222222H222222222222222222H20H'2#0222,22H'2"0222H T@:-UU@@SLwere complete with syllabuses and Dr. Boynton agreed to forward the syllabuses for H,!,,2N2,,H2)/-22',',22H!B40222-1",,22!2"H,!23,)/,22','!2! Td/UU@@YLthose courses. Dr. Boynton gave an overview of each course and it was clear that all were22',,22!','I!B402221,3,,223,!2,H3!-,,2,22!(,,22H,',-,!2,,H-!,TT/ UU@@LP  TX UU@@WLimplicitly global in nature. The agreed that until the syllabuses for the other course N2,/122,22,2",=2,-2!,,23,222,(0,22(,'!2!2,22-!,22!', T UU@@o ;Larrived we would only discuss History 304 and History 401G.,!!2,2I,H2222202',2''H'2&" WMFC %e"0222,22H'2"0222HTT  UU@@ o LP - TT  UU@@ LP - Td l UU@@U YLThe council discussed developing a rating system or matrix that it could use to evaluate =2,,222,2',2'',23-2,2221,!,31)/',N2!N,!32,,2222&,2,2,2,, Tn  UU@@ Lpeach course. The a,,,2,22!',=3,,TDn UU@@ )Lpplication for GI include the six points:22,,22!2!I 2,22,2,'3222'TT n + UU@@ LP P- % % % TX R UU@@; LP1.2Rp@"ArialH ,O`2 O`2 /1 d/1]|X3.* Arial`25՟`2vl TB8'10z%1< dv% % % TT P UU@@; LP K% % % TD R UU@@; TLDiscover how different forces (political, geographical, and historical) have shaped H',22,!22H2"!,",2"2!,,'!22,,1,32!,23,,,222'2!,,!3,2,'2,2,2!"  T0T UU@@ &Lthe development of different cultures.2,2,2,22N,22!2!",",2,22!,'TT T * UU@@ LP -!"  % % % TX 8 UU@@! LP2.2% % % TT 6 UU@@! LP K% % % T { 8 UU@@! <LCompare and Contrast different countries/cultures/societies.C2N2,!,,22C22!,'2!!,",2,222!,',22",''2,,,'TT| 8 UU@@| ! LP -!"  % % % TX:  UU@@ LP3.2% % % TT:  UU@@ LP K% % % T:  UU@@ LRecognize the interdependence C,,212-,2,2-!2,2,32,2,,T  : UU@@ Lof countries/cultures/societies.2!,222!,',22",''2,,,'TT :  UU@@ LP -!"  % % % TX  UU@@ LP4.2% % % TT  UU@@ LP K% % % T @ UU@@ LLUnderstand one s self and one s own culture through contact with ideas from H22,!',2222-!'',!,3222,!'2H2,22",2!3212,22,,H22,,'""2N!"  T  S UU@@z #Lother countries/cultures/societies.22,!,222!,',22",''2,,,'TTT UU@@T z LP -!"  % % % TX UU@@ LP5.2% % % TT UU@@ LP K% % % T4 UU@@ QLGain new proficiencies and skills to navigate unfamiliar cultures and situations.H,22,H2!3!,,2,,'-22'2'22,21,,22!-N,!,22!,',22'2,22'TT UU@@ LP -!"  % % % TXwUU@@`LP6.2% % % TTuUU@@`LP K% % % TwUU@@`LAppreciate diversity within rH22!,,,,22,!'0H22!TPwUU@@`+Lelationships, organizations, and societies.,,22'22'2!2,2-,22',22'2,,,'&" WMFC eTT=wUU@@`LP -!"  TTyUU@@LP - Tp]UU@@F[LThe council agreed that, as a standard operating procedure, it would like each of these GI =2,,222,-2!,,22,,',',22,!222,",213!2,,22",H2222,,-,22!2,',J  T|_UU@@]Lgoals to be each addressed explicitly in the application. It further would like to see these 12,'22,,,,2,22",''-2,32,/22,,22,-22!2!2-!H2222-2',,2,', TCUU@@,Lsix GI goals listed in the '3H13,'',222,TSCUU@@,=LCourse Objectives of each course s syllabus. The council is C22!',H2,,2,'2!,,-2,22!',!')0,22'=3,,222,' T\EaUU@@XLdeveloping a matrix that it can use to indicate the council s approval of the manner in 2,2,2221,N,!32,,,22',222,,,2,,222,!',22!23,2!2,N,22,!2 TD/)UU@@TLwhich each course addresses each of the six issues. The council would be asking the H2,2,-,2,22!(,,22"-'',',,,23!2,'3''2,'=2,,222,H2222,,'2212, T+UU@@L|question, for example, 22,'22!2!,3,N2,T+zUU@@@Lin what ways does History 304 enable the students to do, learn, 2H2,H.0'22,'H'2#0222,2,2,2,'22,2'222,,!2 T UU@@;Lacquire each of the six skills, proficiencies listed above.,,22!,,,,23!2,'3'2'2!2!,,2,,'',2-222,TT  UU@@ LP - TTUU@@kLP - TPUU@@VLThe council was impressed by both History 304 and History 401G, but would like to see =2,,222,H,'N2",'',230222H'2#0222-22H'2"0222H22H3222,2',, T\ hUU@@Q-Lthe six objectives explicitly addressed in th2,'322,,2,',32,0,22",'',222Tl  hUU@@ Q0Le Course Objectives of the syllabuses for these ,C22!(,H2,,2,'2!3,(0,32','!2!2,', T|j2UU@@L\courses.,22!','TT3j_UU@@3LP - TTNUU@@7LP - TXPUU@@WLLarry Andrew will develop this matrix for the council. We will meet next on March 30, <-!#0H23!,HH2,3,222'N,!3!2!2,,222,_,HN,,2,322Y,!,222 T4UU@@Lp2009, at 3:00 PM.2222,2228YTT4UU@@LP - TT6UU@@LP - T UU@@8LEric Ginsberg, Chair, Council on International Education=!,H2'2,"1C2,!C322,222-!2,22,=32,,22TT  UU@@ LP - TTUU@@vLP - TTUU@@LP -% % 666666&WMFCe666666666666666666666666666666 6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6 66666666666666666666  I."System--@Times New Roman--- >2 X`"JCouncil on International Education 2 XJ 2 g` JMarch 2, 2009  2 gJ 2 u`JMinutes.  2 uJ  2 `J S2 `0JMembers Present: Eric Ginsberg, Jongho Lee, Ming     2 iJ-72 nJyi Wu, Sandra Watkins, Terry   S2 `0JRodenberg, Muirali Venugopalan, Lawrence Andrew.      2 sJ v2 `GJMembers Absent: Sara Simonson, Althea Alton, Kevin Bacon, Charles Malon         2 Je. 2 J  2 `J 2 `RJThe meeting began at 3:15 PM in the Algonquin Room of the Union. Virginia Boynton        2 `UJwas present to talk about the Department of History courses submitted to the CIE for ,      2 `UJapproval as Global Initiative courses. The History Department submitted these courses,     2 J, 2 `RJHistory 304, 401G, 125, 126, 145 318, 346, 445. Only History 304 and History 401G      2 `SJwere complete with syllabuses and Dr. Boynton agreed to forward the syllabuses for e      2 `YJthose courses. Dr. Boynton gave an overview of each course and it was clear that all weree     2 (J 2 %`WJimplicitly global in nature. The agreed that until the syllabuses for the other course  d2 4`;Jarrived we would only discuss History 304 and History 401G.      2 4J  2 C`J 2 Q`YJThe council discussed developing a rating system or matrix that it could use to evaluate e  &2 ``Jeach course. The aI2 `)Jpplication for GI include the six points:A  2 `J ---2 osJ1.@"Arial--- 2 o|J ---2 oTJDiscover how different forces (political, geographical, and historical) have shaped  ,J'D2 }&Jthe development of different cultures.  2 }FJ ,J'---2 sJ2.--- 2 |J ---e2 <JCompare and Contrast different countries/cultures/societies.   2 J ,J'---2 sJ3.--- 2 |J ---82 JRecognize the interdependence ;2 ( Jof countries/cultures/societies. 2 J ,J'---2 sJ4.--- 2 |J ---}2 LJUnderstand ones self and ones own culture through contact with ideas from    ,J'@2 #Jother countries/cultures/societies.e 2 0J ,J'---2 sJ5.--- 2 |J ---2 QJGain new proficiencies and skills to navigate unfamiliar cultures and situations.e    2 J ,J'---2 sJ6.--- 2 |J ---72 JAppreciate diversity within r  L2 +Jelationships, organizations, and societies. 2 J ,J' 2 `J 2 `[JThe council agreed that, as a standard operating procedure, it would like each of these GI e  2 `]Jgoals to be each addressed explicitly in the application. It further would like to see these  42 `Jsix GI goals listed in the  g2 =JCourse Objectives of each courses syllabus. The council is  2 `XJdeveloping a matrix that it can use to indicate the councils approval of the manner in   2 -`TJwhich each course addresses each of the six issues. The council would be asking the  .2 <`Jquestion, for example,  k2 <@Jin what ways does History 304 enable the students to do, learn,    d2 K`;Jacquire each of the six skills, proficiencies listed above.a 2 K|J  2 Y`J 2 h`VJThe council was impressed by both History 304 and History 401G, but would like to see       O2 w`-Jthe six objectives explicitly addressed in thS2 w;0Je Course Objectives of the syllabuses for these  2 `Jcourses. 2 J  2 `J 2 `WJLarry Andrew will develop this matrix for the council. We will meet next on March 30,         %2 `J2009, at 3:00 PM.m  2 J  2 `J _2 `8JEric Ginsberg, Chair, Council on International Education   2 J  2 `J  2 `J --JJJJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGG՜.+,0$ hp  91ֿ  #Council on International Education Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdeghijklmpRoot Entry F0\r1Table WordDocument?SummaryInformation(,DocumentSummaryInformation8fCompObjy  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q