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Discussion FL 101: Gary Schmidt (GS) explained that this class is a proposal for a new major in 揥orld Languages and Cultures� making FL study more relevant to students in the 21st century. This major is in alignment with their association抯 guidelines. Students need to engage with more than just the literature, but also living cultures. Some members of the committee had questioned that, as an FL class, why it is being taught in English? GS answered that because it is at the introductory level, to students who may pursue different language options, the course is taught in English. This is a variable content class, changing based on the instructor, so the syllabus submitted to CIE is but one iteration thereof. The committee recommended that GS provide a common set of objectives for all iterations of the course. The committee also recommended adding FLGI objectives/clarification on the syllabus. Samit: The language is a conduit through which the culture is explored? GS: That is one possible approach. But if I took a gender and sexuality approach, there would be different approach to teaching the course. But the underlying goal is to introduce them to the wide variety of ways scholars are approaching their research. The tools may vary, but the format remains the same. Michael: If you could flesh out specific examples of content that relate to specific GI objectives. Samit: give concise examples from course content that relate to GI goals. This will make the passage in the Senate much easier. Michael: Does this cover our concerns? The committee agreed and Michael made a motion to accept the course pending suggested changes. Upon review of the mechanism and changes in syllabus, the committee will vote (by email). Dr. S. will prepare a document as to how additional iterations (this is the mechanism referred to in part D.) of the course will meet Senate guidelines: Samit made the same motion as Dr. Stryker, motion seconded by Josh. Passes unanimously. HIS/GER 337: Simon Cordery (SC): We need this course, and it makes sense to also be able to offer the course for FL. Ute Chamberlin who developed the course along with GS sent along a revised syllabus that incorporates GI goals, but not the GI learning objectives. The committee has not seen or been able to review the syllabus. Ute was not able to attend the meeting today. She has also revised the FLGI form, which the committee also has not yet seen. The committee recommends that as per the above discussion specific examples for at least two or three of the objectives are elaborated upon. SC reads an example of the fleshing out of examples. The committee agrees that this would be satisfactory. Comment from Davison: Did Ute connect the syllabus to the narrative? Others gave examples of how to make this connection. Simon will send the new documents from Ute, the committee will review them and act on the course after reviewing the documents. Samit made this motion. Minsun seconded the motion. The committee approved the motion unanimously. Michael is meeting with the senate executive committee tomorrow to talk to them about the concerns that have been raised about the evaluation document we put together. He sent an email to Patrick McGinty, chair of CGE, to discuss how they are assessing GEN ED courses. This discussion has just begun and we are sure to continue this into next year. John Miller, UPI, came to Michael and said that the union would have problems with an assessment instrument of the type put together. Are we looking from bottom up or top down? Are we looking at the FLGI program or at individual courses? 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