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Curricular Requests from the School of Computer Sciences a. Request for Change of Major i. Information Systems b. Requests for Changes to Emphases i. Business Intelligence ii. Information Systems iii. Cybersecurity c. Request for Additional Emphasis i. Computer Information Systems Council on General Education (CGE) (Alisha White, Chair) 1. Requests for General Education Designation a. CHEM 114, Chemistry of Health, 3 s.h. b. REL 100, World Religions, 3 s.h. c. AAS 100, Introduction to African American Studies, 3 s.h. d. WS 190, Introduction to Womens Studies, 3 s.h. Senate Nominating Committee (SNC) (Julia Albarracin, Chair) Faculty Nominations IV. Old Business Faculty Senate Protest and Censure of 91ֿ Board of Trustees Actions Faculty Senate Protest and Censure of Interim President, Interim Provost, and Interim Associate Provosts Actions Faculty Senate Protest and Censure of Interim Provosts Actions V. New Business A. 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