ࡱ> TWSo ubjbj@@ 40"dJj"dJjg h h 8G,sL =: <<<<<<<>A<<<`<<#/10K6%tT/<<0 =/6DBTDB,11DB1 << =DBh Y : WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Regular Meeting of the FACULTY SENATE http://www.wiu.edu/FacultySenate Tuesday, 4 February 2025, 4:00 p.m. Union Capitol Rooms and Via Zoom A G E N D A I. Consideration of Minutes A. December 3, 2024 II. Announcements Approvals from the Provost Provost's Report Student Government Association Report Faculty Senate Chairs Report Other Announcements 1. First-Year Advising and Student Learning Center (Miguel Huerta, Director, University Advising and Academic Services) 2. Amy Carr, 91ֿRepresentative to the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) III. Reports of Committees and Councils Council on Admission, Graduation, and Academic Standards (CAGAS) (Rich Filipink, Chair) 1. CAGAS Response to Request to End Y Graduation Requirement Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction (CCPI) (Amy Burke, Chair) 1. Curricular Requests from the School of Nursing a. Requests for New Courses i. NURS 301, Nursing Communication and Medical Calculation, 2 s.h. ii. NURS 304, Introduction to Professional Nursing, 2 s.h. iii. NURS 306, Foundations in Nursing Care: Individual, Population Health and Health Promotion, 3 s.h. iv. NURS 307, Nursing Clinical, Simulation and Lab, 3 s.h. v. NURS 321, Interprofessional Nursing Practice, 2 s.h. vi. NURS 407, Evidence Based Nursing Practice, 3 s.h. vii. NURS 416, Quality Improvement and Informatics of Health Systems, 2 s.h. viii. NURS 435, LGBTQIA+ Health, 2 s.h. ix. NURS 441, Critical Care Nursing, 2 s.h. x. NURS 442, Integrative Care, 2 s.h. b. Request for Change of Major i. Nursing 2. Curricular Requests from the Department of Political Science a. Requests for New Courses i. POLS 380, Writing in Political Science, 3 s.h. ii. POLS 495, Professional Development in Political Science, 3 s.h. b. Request for Change of Major i. Political Science c. Requests for Changes of Options i. Political Science, General ii. Pre-Law Council on Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) (Nathan Miczo, Chair) 1. Request for WID Designation a. POLS 380, Writing in Political Science, 3 s.h. D. Council on General Education (CGE) (Alisha White, Chair) 1. Requests for General Education Designation a. ENG-BCJ 290 Introduction to Film, 3 s.h. E. Committee on Provost and Presidential Performance (CPPP) (Julia Albarracin, Chair) 1. Request to Change Gender Question on Provost Survey IV. Old Business V. New Business A. Creation of New Ad Hoc Committee on Responses to Federal Transition B. 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