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KIN 477, Physical Education Curriculum, 3 s.h. NURS 305, Introduction to Professional Nursing, 3 s.h. NURS 310, Fundamentals of Nursing, 6 s.h. NURS 316, Transcultural Nursing, 2 s.h. NURS 318, Nursing Theory and Trends, 2 s.h. NURS 322, Adult and Child Nursing I, 5 s.h. NURS 323, Nursing of Women of Childbearing Age and Young Children, 4 s.h. NURS 324, Pharmacology, 3 s.h. NURS 422, Adult and Child Nursing II, 5 s.h. NURS 423, Mental Health Nursing, 3 s.h. NURS 424, Adult and Child Nursing III, 7 s.h. NURS 425, Senior Seminar, 3 s.h. 2. Request for Change in Option a. Physical Education Teacher Education Option 3. Request for Change in Major a. Nursing B. Plus-Minus Implementation Committee (Lee Brice, Chair) 1. Report IV. Old Business A. Proposed Bylaws Amendment Regarding Council on General Education Membership 1. Vote V. 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