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ECON 497, Senior Knowledge Assessment, 0 s.h. c. IS 215, IT Infrastructure, 3 s.h. d. IS 466, Topics in Healthcare Informatics, 3 s.h., repeatable to 6 s.h. under different titles e. IS 467, Topics in Enterprise and/or Strategic Information Systems, 3 s.h., repeatable to 6 s.h. under different titles f. KIN 464, Field Experience in Exercise Science, 1 s.h. g. MUS 216, Applied Musical Theatre Voice, Lower Division, 1-4 s.h. h. MUS 416, Applied Musical Theatre Voice, Upper Division, 1-4 s.h. 2. Requests for Changes in Majors a. Athletic Training b. B.A. in Economics c. B.B. in Economics d. Elementary Education Elementary Education Option e. Exercise Science f. Musical Theatre g. Physical Education h. Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration 3. Request for Change in Minor a. Information Systems 4. Requests for New Options a. Healthcare Information Technology Systems b. Information Technology Systems B. Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) Committee (Jennifer McNabb, Chair) 1. Results of BOT/BA Writing Reviews C. Committee on Provost and Presidential Performance (Christopher Pynes, Chair) 1. President Evaluation Survey 2. Provost Evaluation Survey 3. Policies and Procedures D. Council on General Education (Phyllis Rippey, Chair) 1. Proposed Change in Gen Ed Fine Arts/Humanities Requirements E. Committee on Committees (Janna Deitz, Chair) 1. Policies and Procedures F. Ad Hoc Committee on Distance Learning (Gayle Carper, Roger Runquist, and Ken Clontz, Co-Chairs) 1. Final Report IV. Old Business A. Committee on Committees Annual Report B. Board of Trustees Bachelor of Arts Degree Program Writing Requirements C. Global Issues Guidelines a. Motion Submitted by Senate Executive Committee: The Faculty Senate Executive Committee recommends that any course submitted for Global Issues include a paragraph describing how it meets a minimum of two of the six Global Issues objectives. D. Council for Intercollegiate Athletics Policies and Procedures V. New Business A. Bylaws Revisions First Readings 1. Old Business a. Council for Instructional Technology 2. New Business a. Committee on Committees b. Committee on Provost and Presidential Performance B. Proposed Creation of New School of Engineering NEXT MEETING MAY 5, 2009 UNION LINCOLN ROOM noq  % & ) A B »µ®|x|xle^VNh92h>*h92hr7>* h92hr7 h92h!xhr75>*CJ\aJh 2h[h456]h>56]hS56]h sh!56]h sh s56] hr76] hr70J hr75\hr7hr7CJaJhr75CJ\aJh;5CJ\aJhYh;56CJ\aJh;56CJ\aJ(Popq  % & B C U W i j  |^`|gd.M |^`|$a$$a$gd;B G O T W [ i k l n & ' ( , A K U ` k l ۹ۛ}vovokokohB] hJb<h hJb<hJb< hJb<h:$d hJb<h shE$hGmhSh_h92h[>* h92h.M h92h ,h92h ,5h92h ,>*h!h!h!>* h92h?w h92hPh92hr7>* h92hr7 h92hNOh 5h s h92h( ' ( l m  gdj gd0- p`^p``gd  ^gd s ^gd[  |^`|gd , |^`|gd.Ml   . 0 1 3 6 \ _  ! 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