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Szabo GUESTS: Neil Baird, David Banash, Sean Cordes, Judi Dallinger, Bradley Dilger, Rick Hardy, Ken Hawkinson, Janice King, Jim LaPrad, Joan Livingston-Webber, Elgin Mannion, Kathy Neumann, Nancy Parsons, Gordon Pettit, John Simmons, Bill Thompson, Ron Williams, Tom Williams Chairperson DeVolder explained that this special meeting was called to discuss two agenda items for which there was insufficient time at the Senate meeting of November 10: the continuation of discussion on cores and options, and consideration of a resolution to establish a Faculty Senate ad hoc Committee on Summer School 2010. Motion: To reorder the two items to consider New Business first (Siddiqi/Made Gowda) MOTION APPROVED 19 YES 0 NO 0 AB V. New Busines Resolution to Establish Ad Hoc Committee on Summer School 2010 The Faculty Senate Executive Committee placed on the agenda for consideration a resolution to establish an ad hoc Committee on Summer School 2010: WHEREAS the faculty of 91ֿ desire a summer session of the highest academic quality, and WHEREAS the faculty of 91ֿ wish to evaluate actions taken and make recommendations about Summer 2010, and WHEREAS the Faculty Senate today will receive the report of the Provosts Summer School Task Force, and WHEREAS the Faculty Senate desires a consulting body, a clearinghouse for faculty concerns, and a powerful voice in the planning for summer session, and WHEREAS work on Summer School 2010 shall be ongoing, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the Faculty Senate establishes an ad-hoc Committee on Summer School 2010. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the purpose of the Committee on Summer School 2010 (COSS) is to consider the implications and impact on faculty of actions recommended by the Provosts Summer School Task Force, and to make additional recommendations to the Faculty Senate. The resolution proposes that the ad hoc committee be composed of one faculty representative from each college and one representative from University Libraries faculty, with at least one of these representatives a current member of Faculty Senate. The resolution specifies that the committee shall be chaired by a senator and that the Provost shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee. The resolution also proposes the following charge for the committee: Evaluate the impact on faculty of the recommendations of the Provosts Summer School Task Force. Provide a report of this evaluation, along with recommendations for action, to the Faculty Senate. Develop a proposal for a standing Faculty Senate Committee on Summer School to institutionalize a role for faculty in summer school planning. Deliver a report addressing items directly related to Summer 2010 at the Faculty Senate meeting of February 9, 2010. The remaining tasks shall be accomplished in a timely fashion, and no later than the April 13, 2010 meeting of Faculty Senate. Other items the ad hoc committee deems appropriate. Senator Pynes suggested it might be useful to have a member of CAGAS serve on the ad hoc committee. Chairperson DeVolder said while he understands Senator Pyness point, he had envisioned that when the ad hoc committee makes its recommendations for the composition of the standing committee they should include a member of CAGAS on it. He said he is not sure it is necessary to have a member of CAGAS serve on the ad hoc committee because at the previous Senate meeting Assistant Provost Hawkinson turned over to Senate two curricular items from the report of the Summer Session Task Force, and the Executive Committee today decided to charge CAGAS to investigate and report back its recommendations on those two items. He said if the resolution currently on the floor is approved, then CAGAS will be asked to consult with the ad hoc committee on its assessment of the two Task Force recommendations. University Libraries Professor Bill Thomas stated that University Professionals of Illinois (UPI) is interested in having an ex-officio position on the ad hoc committee. He said UPI would like to have a voice since the committee will be examining the impact of summer session initiatives on faculty, which suggests workload, working conditions, and other contractual issues may be discussed. He added that since an administrator will hold an ex-officio position on the committee, UPI would be interested in doing the same. Senator Rippey suggested that, given the timetable the Task Force is working to achieve, perhaps the report from the ad hoc committee should come to Faculty Senate at the January 26 meeting rather than on February 9. She stated while it is her understanding that the report is not intended to actually influence changes for summer 2010, it might be useful for it to come forward more expeditiously in case it contains something the Task Force might find it helpful to have sooner than at the moment of implementation. Chairperson DeVolder stated the Executive Committee thought February 9 was asking for a quick turn around but would be less pressure than asking for the report on January 26; however, he stated that if Faculty Senate wishes to amend the resolution, they may. CAGAS Chair Rich Filipink asked if that Councils response to the Task Force recommendations would be due to Senate on February 9 as well or if they are due in April. Chairperson DeVolder responded the items that are immediately related to summer session 2010 are the ones the Executive Committee wished to have recommendations about by February 9; he remarked that other items that might bear scrutinizing may come out as the ad hoc committee examines the Task Force report. Dr. Filipink stated that is why he was interested in having a representative from CAGAS on the Senates ad hoc committee, so that someone could be involved in pertinent discussions from the outset. Chairperson DeVolder stated the ad hoc committee is meant to be quickly assembled, to work quickly, and to address only items directly related to summer 2010. He added the Executive Committee did not include a union representative because it had been stated that contractual items were excluded from Task Force deliberations. Motion: To add a UPI representative as an ex-officio member of the ad hoc Committee on Summer School 2010 (Maskarinec/Rippey) MOTION APPROVED 19 YES 0 NO 0 AB Motion: To add a member of CAGAS to the ad hoc Committee on Summer School 2010 (Pynes/Rippey) Senator Rippey stated she would second the motion if the position was ex-officio; Senator Pynes and Dr. Filipink both stated that would be acceptable. Friendly amendment: That the CAGAS position on the ad hoc committee be ex-officio (Rippey) MOTION WITH FRIENDLY AMENDMENT APPROVED 19 YES 0 NO 0 AB Senator Maskarinec asked if the representatives to the ad hoc committee were to be senators. Senator Rippey responded it would be expeditious if senators were to volunteer to serve on the committee because it could then be convened faster. Senator Blackinton asked if Committee on Committees could try to find other interested faculty if no senator from a college is willing to volunteer. Chairperson DeVolder asked if any senators would be opposed to having the ad hoc committee composed entirely of senators. Senator Clark pointed out he is the only senator from University Libraries but would be unable to serve on the ad hoc committee due to other commitments. Chairperson DeVolder suggested notification be sent out to the Senates listproc informing eligible faculty of the creation of the committee and asking them to express interest in serving. Senator McNabb said she is unclear who would make the selection. Motion: To delegate authority for finalizing membership on the Faculty Senate ad hoc Committee on Summer School 2010 to the Committee on Committees based upon interest expressed by eligible faculty and the criteria in the resolution (Pynes/Delany-Barmann) MOTION APPROVED 19 YES 0 NO 0 AB Senator McNabb suggested that interest should be expressed by this Friday in order for the committee to be expeditiously constituted. Senator Pynes asked if senators should express interest in serving immediately in order to speed the process. Senators Maskarinec, Rippey, Delany-Barmann, and Clough expressed their interest in serving on the committee. IV. Old Business (Reordered) Chairperson DeVolder reminded senators that two to three hours of discussion have already been devoted to the question of cores and options. In order to focus todays discussion of the topic, the Executive Committee placed a motion on the Senate floor incorporating some of the key points from earlier meetings: For majors that have options, the minimum 15 s.h. core requirement shall be met as follows: a) non-comprehensive majors will have at least 9 s.h. of unique, invariant, required courses; b) comprehensive majors will have at least 12 s.h. of unique, invariant, required courses. The remaining core requirement may be satisfied by selecting a set of courses that will demonstrate the same essential learning outcomes. Exceptions to these requirements, only under unusual circumstances, may be appealed to CCPI. Exceptions may be granted provided the department presents a sound academic justification for the exception. Chairperson DeVolder explained the motion tried to address two issues: 1) that there were no choices allowed in cores, and 2) that there was no flexibility for the 15-hour core requirement. He said the motion would base core requirements on the size of majors, and the 15-hours is no longer carved in stone because exceptions can be brought forward with solid academic justification. Senator Siddiqi thanked the Executive Committee for trying to find a way to address the issues before Senate but stated that the motion seems to try to satisfy too many things at the same time, which makes it more cumbersome than it needs to be. He stated, for example, that satisfying the core requirement by using essential learning outcomes unless an exception can be presented under unusual circumstances and provided the department presents a sound academic justification for the exception establishes too many conditions for departments to satisfy. He stated in the meantime, the basic meaning of what was being argued over the last two Senate meetings seems to be lost. Senator Pynes called the ExCo motion irritating, asserting that the statement Exceptions to these requirements, only under unusual circumstances, may be appealed to CCPI is specifically directed to Philosophy and Religious Studies. He said use of an or to achieve 15 s.h. in the Philosophy core would, in this definition, be considered an unusual circumstance while Senator Pynes has been trying to present the argument that it is not. Senator Pynes stated he does not understand why Senate keeps coming back to a 15-hour core requirement as so special and sacrosanct. He said he likes the first sentence of the motion by itself the 9 s.h. and 12 s.h. requirements, and even the unique and invariant specification but he believes the 15 s.h. fixation basically makes the Philosophy option become something that was not previously conceived of as a unique circumstance. English and Journalism Professor Joan Livingston-Webber also expressed concern about the language of the motion, stating it would make the practices of benchmark institutions in English unique circumstances. She related the most common core in English majors is 9 s.h. with some having 12 s.h.; Illinois State University has a 7-hour core. She said she does not understand how the practice of benchmark institutions in a particular discipline can constitute unusual circumstances. Senator Rippey objected to the wording of the last two sentences addressing exceptions, stating that there is a sound academic argument undergirding the history and tradition that says a strong liberal arts program allows for exposure to the broadest range of disciplines. She said Arts and Sciences has sound academic reasons for smaller cores in order to allow for variety within their disciplines, and the motion on the floor disadvantages that College because they from the beginning cannot present the undergirding of all of their programs as justification for a 9-hour core with no additional criteria proposed. Senator Rippey stated there are no more than 33 to 36 hours in most non-Arts and Sciences majors, so a 9-hour core is proportional, while a 12-hour core is disproportionately small to comprehensive majors with departmental and directed electives and Gen Ed requirements. She said some Arts and Sciences majors require students to take as many as 90 hours of coursework, so those majors are bound to a very small proportion of courses that are unique and invariant while others are held to a larger proportion. Senator Rippey stated it is antithetical to the philosophy of education subscribed to by Arts and Sciences to stipulate more than a few required courses for their majors. She said Arts and Sciences majors can choose to forego options for their majors, and she hopes that is what happens if the motion goes forward because there is no sound academic reason for requiring a 15-hour core. Senator Rippey does not want Arts and Sciences to compromise its educational philosophy for a marketing tool. She pointed out that even if options are not offered, the courses taken by students will still be on their transcripts; the group of courses will not be designated as an option, but this will not affect what courses students can take. Senator Rippey stated that for proportionality reasons and for the philosophy of Arts and Sciences, she hopes the motion can be stated to only require 9-hour and 12-hour cores and defer to the disciplinary expertise of various majors to develop their curricula. Dr. Thompson expressed his agreement with Senators Rippey and Pynes, pointing out that faculty and departments know what should be included in their curricula based upon their sound academic judgment. He said it should be CCPI that has to prove, probably by a supermajority, that what a department is proposing is unsound. He asserted the motion makes it seem as if the curricula proposed by departments are, by default, unsound, and departments must prove their soundness. Dr. Thompson believes Senate should favor the belief that the various disciplines know what they are doing with their majors, and the responsibility of proof should be on the side of CCPI rather than on departments and faculty. Senator Pynes pointed out that curricula must go through college curricular committees and faculty councils before reaching CCPI, adding that the Philosophy option was approved unanimously at these levels. He recalled that former Provost Rallo wished to clean up the curricula and make it unified, but he does not know why the University is still abiding by this vision, and particularly cannot understand the insistence on a 15-hour core. Senator Pynes pointed out that colleges and majors at other institutions work in different ways rather than according to a strict standard, and he does not see why 91ֿcannot do the same and why 15-hours became such an important number. Health Sciences Professor and former CCPI Chair Nancy Parsons pointed out to senators that the definition of options existed prior to former Provost Rallo. Senator Siddiqi suggested the motion be amended to remove the last two sentences addressing exceptions, and revising the previous sentence to read, The remaining core requirements may be satisfied by selecting a set of courses that will demonstrate the same essential learning outcomes the departments according to the curricular use of their majors. Senator Pynes added that if Senate is worried about options in particular, it can be added that All options shall have the same core. He said the core can be defined as at least 9 s.h. and left at that without further elaboration; if the core is the same for all options, they will have the same basic learning outcomes. Senator Maskarinec asserted there is nothing magic about the numbers 15, 12, or 9, but they would have worked in the specific cases at hand. He thinks the motion was intended to offer a good compromise. He believes that if options have only nine hours in common, departments should consider establishing separate degrees for those options; he believes if students take only three courses in common with everyone else in a major, thats a separate degree, not a separate option. Senator Maskarinec realizes this is an inconvenience for departments, but believes that in the end it is what serves Westerns students. He urged departments to, if options are actually separate degrees, define them as such. He concluded by stating that he will vote for the Executive Committees motion. Dr. Banash asserted that some majors are more accurately defined by methodologies than according to different subject matter. He explained that narrative theory can be studied according to Film, Drama, and Literature. He told senators some disciplines are not defined by subject matter but by modes of instruction and critical abilities that can be defined by a number of subjects, and he wonders why an invariant number of hours should be required to explain that the same learning outcomes are occurring across options. English and Journalism Professor Bradley Dilger told senators that while he understands the point made about different degrees rather than different options of one degree, he pointed out that Senate seems to be forgetting that the core is only one requirement of a degree. He said there are larger things making up degrees and majors that need to be differentiated. Dr. Dilger believes senators need to stop focusing on cores, reduce their expectations of a common goal, and recognize what is being done in different fields and majors. Philosophy and Religious Studies Professor Gordon Pettit told senators that a majority of Philosophy programs across the nation would probably have 9- to 10-hour cores with diverse other courses. He does not think that majors offering only nine hours in common are not offering the same degree because it is extremely common to do so and is the academic standard in his field. Senator Pynes agreed that there is nothing special about nine hours and would like that line stricken from the motion. He said degrees can be achieved in Philosophy by taking logic, the history of Philosophy, and nothing more than value theory in an entire academic career and the individual can still be considered a philosopher without having taken metaphysics/epistemology or some other philosophical area; the same goes for metaphysics/epistemology a student could focus on that area and never, or almost never, take a value course. Senator Pynes stated the 15-hour requirement should be eliminated in favor of all options having the same core. Senator Rippey said she understands Senator Maskarinecs concerns that there not be a loophole for departments to create new programs under the guise of options, but believes this concern might stem from lack of understanding of the Arts and Sciences philosophy. However many options there might be within an Arts and Sciences major and however the option might be labeled, Senator Rippey asserts those students will have more in common with that major than any other they might have taken, and their learning experience will be distinctly different from that of students in any other major. She explained it is the degree program that defines the disciplinary majors within Arts and Sciences; the options only highlight a particular set of courses with subject matter in common, but the degree will be reflective of the discipline. She stated if a student were to major in Political Science with an option in Public Policy, that would be a distinctly different degree from Political Science with no option. Senator Finch asked what will happen to departments which currently do not meet any version of the motion, either with proposed revisions or as it currently exists. She said it seems such departments would be potentially hamstrung when wanting to revisit their existing options, even if it is in the best interests of their students to update them. She asked if such departments would be required to change their major cores if they wish to change one or two courses within their options but do not meet the 9-hour minimum requirement. Senator Maskarinec stated he thinks it would be fair to say grandfathering is an accepted practice and departments should not be required to change their majors as they exist now in order to meet new requirements established by Faculty Senate; he believes smaller changes to options or majors should be allowed. Senator Maskarinec specified that is different, however, than creating an entirely new option; new options should have to meet the new requirements. He said departments wishing to make a substitution in order to make their cores more acceptable should be allowed, but greatly enlarging their cores would be a different matter. Senator Pynes asserted that if the Senate allows grandfathering, then it has made some departments curricularly lucky and others not able to do what might be in students best interests. Friendly amendment: To strike the 15-hour requirement and add that all options in the same major should have the same core (Pynes) Senator Pynes explained that any numeric definition of a core will bring some hardship to some department that cannot be justified. Dr. Banash stated that if Senate is willing to grandfather in majors that have not significantly changed their cores, then the Emperor has no clothes. He believes if there is some magical number of hours, then Senate should make majors without that number of hours come up to standard or else the number of hours doesnt make any sense. He asserted options and majors should be justified with peer review in the department as well as college level and committee review, noting that different disciplines work in different ways. He believes allowing some departments to be curricularly lucky makes no sense. Senator Deitz asked what would be lost by striking the 15-hour core requirement. Senator Singh responded the question is not the 15 hour specification because the motion still includes requirements for nine and 12 hours; he said the sentiment seems to be to strike any numerical value at all. Senator Siddiqi asserted if the motion is passed at it was presented by the Executive Committee, the problem is not solved. He believes Senator Pyness amendment addresses the issue because the 15-hour minimum is the most problematic part. Chairperson DeVolder said he is not yet ready to go with no numeric minimum at all. Senator Rippey shares concerns about structuring the motion in such a way that would allow departments to somehow, in effect, put new majors on the books without submitting feasibility studies and going through Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) approval. She asked if language specifying that options with a single major have to have the same core and adding that the degree and the option within it have to have the same core would solve the problem. She said this would define the degree as including a standard core, and options would have to have that core plus whatever other courses are deemed necessary. She explained because an option would be attached to the degrees core, departments could not create new degrees by using the option process. She stated, for example, if the degree is in Political Science, the option on the transcript would reflect the core attached to that degree. Senator Maskarinec stated that if a new option required the same approval process as a new degree except for going before the IBHE, then his concerns would disappear; however, currently options do not require feasibility studies for approval. He stated that if Political Science, for example, has a 9-hour core and wants to create a new option with a 33-hour major, eight new courses could be offered for that option without going through any feasibility study or comparison with other universities. Computer Science Chair Kathy Neumann stated that when her department created a new Telecommunications Management degree two years ago, they could have made it a new option rather than a new major even though it only shares nine to 12 hours with the Computer Science major. She said that because it has a different instructional code, the department felt it should become an entirely different major, but some of the suggestions from senators, if approved, would not have prevented it from being considered an option of Computer Science. Senator Rippey said she is assuming that the options being discussed at Senate are not totally new with all new courses, adding that the Political Sciences options are organic to the discipline. She pointed out that a department could create eight new courses and get students to take them, then call that group of courses an emphasis; when someone looked at a students transcript, they would see a group of focused courses but they would not be designated by the name of option, although the educational experience would be identical. Senator Maskarinec stated that if a department has eight courses that are filling regularly and wants to create a new option from them, that constitutes feasibility, but if a department is hoping eight new courses will fill, that is a resource issue. He said some are proposing that there be no mechanism in the entire curriculum oversight process that would prevent putting eight new courses on the books that departments are unsure they can fill and calling them a new option. Senator Rippey pointed out that no college can put a course into a major, minor, or option until it goes through the approval process, so CCPI and Senate would have to somehow figure out if courses represent the seed of an option before approving them. Senator Maskarinec responded that if departments demonstrate that they have a body of students that will take the courses and wish to package them as an option, that would be feasibility. He said if the motion as revised would include the statement, A feasibility study needs to be done in order to offer an option, then it would be less of an issue for him. Senator Rippey stated that the motions inclusion of exceptions based upon academically sound justifications indirectly stipulates that departments can get individual courses on the books without proving students want to take them. She said often departments create courses and then upon reflection notice them and wish to group them into an option; at that point, departments would have to show that those courses are making. Dr. Banash said he finds it strange that Faculty Senate is caught between trusting that their colleagues and disciplinary professionals are trying to do things that are academically sound and have scholarship behind them as opposed to imagining that departments are trying to create curricula that are academically unsound. He finds it hard to imagine departments trying to sneak something through Senate, and the idea that curricula must be policed seems strange. He said if a department recognizes its program as a new major, it would call it as such. Senator Pynes claimed Senator Maskarinecs concerns are a red herring. He explained all his department is trying to do is offer students and their parents an option they might be interested in taking, not bringing forth new courses. Senator Siddiqi stated that for Faculty Senate, the highest body for faculty governance, to suggest in their discussions that departments and the faculty within them are not most concerned with offering the highest standards of curriculum is a sad observation, one of the saddest days in his 22 years at Western. He said Senate is proposing that if departments dont prove the worth of their curricula to CCPI, the entire structure falls; the Senate is acting as if everything is lost without a 15-hour core, which does not provide departments with the flexibility that they need to give students the highest standards of education. Chairperson DeVolder asked if Senator Pynes would accept something within his amendment referring to a minimum core requirement. SENATOR PYNES CALLED THE QUESTION SENATOR FINCH OBJECTED TO CLOSING DEBATE MOTION TO CLOSE DEBATE FAILED 5 YES 12 NO 2 AB Dr. Parsons noted that the Executive Committees motion sets a standard of 15 hours for cores but allows for flexibility with only 9 hours for non-comprehensive majors and 12 hours for comprehensive majors as unique, invariant courses; she added that programs have the opportunity to show that it is typical at other universities for their programs to have nine to 12 hour cores, which seems to address the issues raised by Senator Pynes. Senator Finch stated that she realizes the issue is sensitive because senators come from different disciplinary histories, but fears that if Faculty Senate travels too far away from the concept of a specific number for core hours it will have greatly blurred the line between emphases which are not transcripted and options which are. Senator Rippey asked if the Executive Committee would accept as a friendly amendment that their motion end after b) and the reference to a 15-hour minimum core requirement be removed. She believes this would reflect the educational philosophy of comprehensive and non-comprehensive majors as well as addressing the flexibility needed by various disciplines. Senator Pynes stated he would also like added to the motion that All options under one major must have the same core. He said that while this might seem apparent, faculty at the lower levels of the curricular process are not necessarily aware of it. Both Senator Conover and Senator Deitz stated they would accept the friendly amendments to the Executive Committee motion; Chairperson DeVolder stated he could not accept them. Because the Executive Committee was split on approval of the friendly amendments, both Senator Rippey and Senator Pynes withdrew them so that the original Executive Committee motion could be voted up or down. MOTION PROPOSED BY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FAILED 5 YES 11 NO 3 AB Motion: That the reference to a minimum 15-hour core and the last three sentences of the Executive Committee motion be stricken so that it reads, For majors that have options, the minimum 15 s.h. core requirement shall be met as follows: a) non-comprehensive majors will have at least 9 s.h. of unique, invariant, required courses; b) comprehensive majors will have at least 12 s.h. of unique, invariant, required courses. The remaining core requirement may be satisfied by selecting a set of courses that will demonstrate the same essential learning outcomes. Exceptions to these requirements, only under unusual circumstances, may be appealed to CCPI. Exceptions may be granted provided the department presents a sound academic justification for the exception. All options within a single major shall have the same core. (Rippey/Pynes) Dr. Banash pointed out this motion still raises the same question about whether the Senate cares about these numbers because there are some majors that will not reach this standard. He asked if the Senate will require those departments with options that do not fit within this definition to revise their cores and, if not, why numbers should be included at all. He said if departments are not going to be made to meet the new standards, Faculty Senate should just accept Senator Pyness suggestion to have them share the same cores with no reference to minimum numerical requirements. Chairperson DeVolder explained that when the definitions of academic terms were originally approved by Faculty Senate, it was stated that they would be effective from that point forward, and no one to this point has suggested changing that; he said there is no motion to make those departments that were grandfathered in under the definitions when they were created meet the new definitions as revised. Senator Rippey stated she appreciates what Dr. Banash is saying; however, pragmatically, the motion proposed also reflects the sentiment of the Faculty Senate councils and certain faculty present that there is a comfort level of having some specified number in the definition. She believes the motion is a worthwhile compromise because it meets the legitimate and genuine concerns of a number of people. Dr. Banash stated his agreement. SENATOR CLOUGH CALLED THE QUESTION NO OBJECTIONS TO CLOSING DEBATE MOTION APPROVED 15 YES 3 NO 0 AB Associate Provost Dallinger asked what the motion means in relation to the previous motion sent to President Goldfarb to change required courses to requirements in the definition of an option. She asked if the motion approved today replaces the previous one or is in addition to it. Chairperson DeVolder stated he thinks the motion approved by Faculty Senate on November 10 opens some possibilities that were not the focus of the original discussion. Senator Rippey clarified that the November 10 motion went to the President for approval, and he requested additional clarification, which was provided at todays meeting. She hopes it is conveyed to the President that the motion approved today reflects the sentiment of the Senate, and he neednt sign the previous recommendation. She said, in effect, the motion approved today accomplishes what Faculty Senate was trying to bring about: the flexibility to recognize that various programs at the University may operate differently. She concluded the President has not signed the previous recommendation and does not have to sign it. Senator Siddiqi suggested that when the motion approved today goes forward to the President, it be stated that it is in response to his request for clarification. Chairperson DeVolder added the intent of todays motion was to convey the sentiment from the last three Senate meetings. Senator Pynes pointed out that the recommendation made previously by Senate will default if President Goldfarb does not sign it. Motion: To adjourn (Pynes/Singh) The Faculty Senate adjourned at 5:33 p.m. Lynda Conover, Senate Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 9 #+3ABKLMVZ[]agtҺ҃xm_SHhK;3hmCJaJhK;3h75CJaJhaah75>*CJaJhaahmCJaJhaah7#CJaJhmCJaJhm56CJaJhaahF|56CJaJhh56CJaJhHE56CJaJhaah76CJaJhaah75CJaJhaah7CJaJhETnh756CJaJhETnhETn56CJaJ haah7B\]g   ! 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