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Singh GUESTS: Autumn Greenwood, Jim LaPrad, Russ Morgan, Kathy Neumann, Nancy Parsons, Alphonso Simpson, Ron Williams Consideration of Minutes 8 November 2011 MINUTES APPROVED AS DISTRIBUTED Announcements Provosts Report Interim Provost Hawkinson thanked Chairperson Rock for his presentation this afternoon to the Chairs Council on performance based funding, at which Chairperson Rock also answered questions about Senate activities. Interim Provost Hawkinson recommended that the Senate Chair present an update yearly to the Chairs Council. Interim Provost Hawkinson announced that 91ֿhas received $6.5 million of the money owed to it by the state for FY 2011; the state now owes 91ֿ$6.2 million from last year, and Interim Provost Hawkinson expects that the University will receive that remaining money by the end of December. He told senators that the University holds $20 million in reserve, which should cover payroll and other expenses for December and January. He added that the University is in a better situation this year than in the last couple of years, and pointed out that tuition dollars should start arriving in January. Interim Provost Hawkinson added that the state of Illinois owes 91ֿ$35 million for FY 2012, and the state may extend that payment, or part of it, into December of next year as they have done for the past two years, so the University must continue to conserve its financial resources. Interim Vice President for Administrative Services Julie DeWees spoke to chairs today about the continued need to only make essential purchases. Interim Provost Hawkinson noted that the state of Illinois is beginning to see income from its tax increase so hopefully the financial situation may improve somewhat in the coming year. Interim Associate Provost Kathy Neumann provided senators with an update on the Desire2Learn system which will be replacing Western Online next year. She explained that Desire2Learn is a company located in Canada, and the University will be outsourcing to them. Last Friday, a critical piece of equipment the depository of learning objectives was turned on, so Dr. Neumann believes that things will now be changing quickly in noticeable ways. The Center for the Application of Information Technologies (CAIT) will be contacting instructors over the next two weeks that have identified their courses as entirely taught online in order to help with their conversion to Desire2Learn. Courses offered in summer 2012 will be the first ones converted, followed by those offered in fall 2012 and spring 2013. Those instructors whose courses are not taught online will have access to Desire2Learn on February 1, 2012, unless they are teaching a face-to-face course in summer 2012 and make a special request to department chairs to obtain access sooner in order to work on their courses over the semester break. All other instructors will have the opportunity after February 1 to choose which of their existing courses currently in Western Online format to convert to Desire2Learn, which provides an opportunity to clean up courses and decide which ones may not be necessary for conversion. Interim Associate Provost Neumann commended University Technology representatives Fred Seaton and Matt Mencel for their work on the conversion process. Senator Myers asked for clarification that someone from CAIT will contact instructors with courses that are entirely online within the next couple of weeks. Interim Associate Provost Neumann confirmed this is correct; she stated that one developer is being assigned to work with all faculty within each department. Senator Anderson asked when access to Western Online will be discontinued; Interim Associate Provost Neumann responded it will be discontinued after spring semester 2012. Senator Hunter asked if faculty will receive an email informing them of the conversion process so that they can make appropriate arrangements; Dr. Neumann responded that department chairs will be informing and working with their faculty who have classes that are entirely online because that is a pretty small number, but a general announcement will go out about the February 1 date. She said that faculty with questions are welcome to contact her. Student Government Association (SGA) Report (Autumn Greenwood, SGA Representative to Faculty Senate) Ms. Greenwood reported that SGA has passed legislation to revise its constitution to allow for impeachment of senators. The SGA Cabinet has recommended impeaching one of its senators for non-attendance or participation in SGA. Ms. Greenwood wrote a bill passed by SGA recommending that faculty members be required to post midterm grades. She met with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and will be working together with them to see how a greater percentage of faculty can be encouraged to post midterm grades online. Other Announcements Strategic Planning Committee (Joe Rives, Vice President, Quad Cities, Planning, and Technology) Consideration of this item was postponed due to problems with the CODEC connection to the Quad Cities. Reapportionment Results Every two years, a count is taken of full-time faculty eligible to serve on Faculty Senate according to the Senate Constitution: Adjustment in Senate membership shall be calculated at the end of the fall semester of each off numbered year. New seats assigned to any college on the basis of this calculation shall then be filled at the following regular election. (Article III., Section 2.d.) One Senate seat is assigned for every 40 faculty members in a college. As a result of this years biennial reapportionment, an additional seat will be designated for a faculty member from the College of Arts and Sciences beginning in fall 2012. An election for this senator will be conducted during the general election in late January. Senator Hironimus-Wendt asked if the number of at-large representatives would be reduced to accommodate the additional Arts and Sciences seat. According to the Constitution, the number of at-large representatives is separate from the designation for college reps and is not affected by any change in that number: Six representatives shall be elected by and from the faculty at large whose primary assignment is at the 91ֿ campus in Macomb, and one representative shall be elected by and from the faculty at large whose primary assignment is at 91ֿs Quad Cities campus. (Article III., Section. 2.b.) Chairperson Rock announced that Governor Quinn has reappointed Bill Griffin and Bill Epperly to the Board of Trustees while Lynier Cole, a member of the Alumni Council, was newly appointed. The Board also includes Michael Houston, who has served since 1997, and student trustee Jesse Andrews, who serves through June 30, 2012. Chairperson Rock observed that the individuals who were elected as BOT chair and secretary in September were not reappointed by the Governor and are not now on the Board; there are three vacancies remaining on the BOT at this time. Chairperson Rock has contacted Mr. Epperly to continue to push the Faculty Senate proposal to add a faculty representative to the BOT. He provided Mr. Epperly with material on faculty representation at other state university boards provided by Senator Polley, as well as similar information from public and private boards of trustees nationwide. Mr. Epperly believes the issue should not be placed on a BOT agenda until the Board is fully constituted, but Chairperson Rock plans to try to contact him again to urge its immediate consideration. Chairperson Rock told senators that in times like these it is more important than ever to have faculty representation on WIUs Board of Trustees that is not subject to state appointment in order to ensure continuity. Senator Thompson asked if the BOT currently has a quorum; Chairperson Rock responded that they do. Senator Thompson observed that in that case the Board can act on the Senates request even though they do not have a full complement. Chairperson Rock stated that Mr. Epperly will serve as the acting chair of the BOT. He noted that UPI President John Miller is pursuing change at the legislative level to require state boards of public universities to include faculty representation, but Chairperson Rock believes the Senates proposal has merit and should continue to be pushed as well. Chairperson Rock announced that the Social Work curricular changes provisionally approved at the last Senate meeting were sent forward to the Provost with the specified letters of support, and were approved by Interim Provost Hawkinson. Reports of Committees and Councils Council for Curricular Programs and Instruction (Jim LaPrad, Chair) Request for New Course AAS 312, Black Men in the U.S., 3 s.h. Senator Thompson asked if this course is related to the new Center for the Study of Masculinities and Mens Development. African American Studies Interim Chair Alphonso Simpson responded that it is not associated with the Center at this time but may be in the future. Dr. LaPrad added that the Center, which conducts academic research for the College of Education and Human Services, is aware of this new course. AAS 312 APPROVED Old Business None He a New Business None C. Other Announcements (Continued) Strategic Planning Committee (Joe Rives, Vice President, Quad Cities, Planning, and Technology) Vice President Rives told senators the Strategic Planning Committee plans to present the first draft of the revised Higher Values in Higher Education strategic plan to the campus community in spring 2012. He noted that there are several members of the Senate on the Strategic Planning Committee, including Chairperson Rock. He asked senators to let him know if there are any items that they would like to see considered before the first draft is compiled. Chairperson Rock asked how often the Committee is meeting. Vice President Rives responded the Committee is meeting about every other week and is considering revisions to the mission, vision, and values statements. The Committee has reviewed Goals 1 through 3 and will consider Goals 4 and 5 on Friday; Goal 6 will be reviewed by the end of this semester. The first Plan is expected to be completed this spring. Chairperson Rock asked if there is a website where this information is available; Vice President Rives responded that a website will be made available once the first draft is completed. Senator Thompson asked how performance based funding is engaging the strategic planning review process, if at all, and if a family friendly campus is part of the strategic planning discussion. Vice President Rives explained that performance based funding is based on Illinoiss strategic plan for higher education, the Illinois Public Agenda. WIUs Strategic Planning Committee has reviewed the goals and actions of the Illinois Public Agenda and has tried to identify if it includes action items that are consistent with WIUs goals. Vice President Rives believes it is important to keep in mind that Western should be taking the lead in tying its goals to those of the Illinois Public Agenda. He stated that the Higher Values in Higher Education first draft will be consistent with the six goals of the Illinois Public Agenda, but that Goal 6, Accountability, in WIUs strategic plan was changed to reflect more on measurability in anticipation of performance based funding, which will evaluate institutions enrollment, retention, and graduation rates, as well as indicators for faculty and staff. Regarding a family friendly environment, Vice President Rives recognized that Senator Thompson called for this in the last revision of the strategic plan and stated that several outcomes are closely aligned to this concern. He stated that what would greatly help the writing committee would be if Senator Thompson could provide more specific examples of what a family friendly campus should look like in order to assist the Committee in its discussions. Senator Rabchuk asked if the role or emphasis on teacher education is already addressed in the strategic plan in terms of its importance for the long-term health of the University. He noted that one way of thinking about developing a good recruiting base for the University is to position 91ֿas a place where high quality teachers are nurtured. Vice President Rives stated there are a couple of places in the strategic plan where items on teacher education are addressed. He suggested that Senator Rabchuk read the first draft of the plan to evaluate whether it is addressing his concerns in this area because those are the kinds of issues for which the Strategic Planning Committee would like to receive feedback. Motion: To adjourn (Hunter) The Faculty Senate adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Bill Thompson, Senate Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 4  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 *+,-/8=?IXYZvw     * + 4 6 > ~vnid hB5 h/5h(h/5h/hB5h(hhm5hBhL5h(hL5h(hE45h(hYy5h(hB5 hpmT5h(hpmT5h(hhmCJaJhX h(hkPh(hFJ6 hX6 h)6h(hhm6 h(hvv h(h 1{ h(hhm$IYZvwl \ ] v w gd`^gdeG^gdeG & F gd0Q[gdII & F gd0Q[gdpv'gd)gdhm $^a$gde9> ? 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