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Consideration of Minutes 4 October 2005 APPROVED AS DISTRIBUTED Motion: To move item B. of New Business, the revised Council on Intercollegiate Athletics annual report, to be considered next (DeVolder/Erdmann) MOTION APPROVED 16 YES 0 NO 0 AB IV. New Business (Reordered) Council on Intercollegiate Athletics (Jim Olsen, Chair, 2004-2005) 1. Revised Annual Report Senators were provided with additional detail regarding the NCAA Peer-Review Team report. Under the section of the report on Equity, Welfare, and Sportsmanship, the peer-review team had noted that while WIUs Commitment to Equity Plan for Improvement addressed each of the 13 program areas to be reviewed for gender issues, it did not appear to be active at all times and needed to be extended five years into the future. Senators were provided with that update, which extends the plan through 2009 and makes it active at all times. Similarly, the peer-review team had requested that WIUs Minority Issues Plan, which was found to cover all eight of its program areas, be updated and extended five years; that revised plan through 2009 was also provided to senators. NO OBJECTIONS II. Announcements A. Provosts Report Provost Rallo told senators that the IBHE today approved the Forensic Chemistry major and Westerns requests for a Multicultural Center, Hanson Field improvements, and a new building to house Document and Publication Services. He said there was much conversation at the IBHE meeting regarding faculty online reporting. Provost Rallo announced that Dean of Libraries James Huesmann has accepted a position at the University of Alaska. A search for a Dean of Libraries will begin in the near future. SGA Report Matt Davis reported that SGA committees are investigating book rental programs at other universities. The SGA senator in charge of education has met with the President Goldfarb and Provost Rallo on this topic. SGA is also investigating student participation in extracurricular activities, and Mr. Davis hopes to have an update on this at the next Senate meeting. Other Announcements Chairperson Rock asked for a volunteer to attend the annual Memorial Tree Planting to represent Faculty Senate. Senator Wolf will attend the ceremony, which will be held at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, November 2 on the hillside adjacent to East Village. For those with interest in the Congressional debate on the Academic Bill of Rights, Chairperson Rock announced that a discussion on this topic on NPRs Talk of the Nation has been archived at  HYPERLINK "http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4946306" http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4946306. Interviews for the Director of Disability Support Services will be held on October 26 in the Unions Fox Room, October 28 in the Algonquin Room, and October 31 and November 2 in the Capitol Rooms. Faculty may meet with the candidates from 1:30-2:30 p.m. each day. Discussion of Textbook Issues and Information (Al Harris, Association Vice President for Student Services Student Support Services; K.J. Johnson, Director, University Union Bookstore; and Garry Johnson, Vice President, Student Services) Chairperson Rock stated the Union Bookstore representatives were invited to attend after discussions at Executive Committee where concerns were expressed about textbook issues. Chairperson Rock told senators that the Bookstore significantly under-ordered books for all three of his courses this semester; although the classes showed normal enrollment, students still did not have their books for the first weeks of the semester. Another concern expressed at ExCo was that the online site where students can find information regarding textbooks did not post information in a timely fashion for fall semester. Chairperson Rock asked how the Bookstore decides how many books to order for a class. K.J. Johnson replied that the history of the class, the instructor, the number of books ordered in the past, how many books are already in inventory, current and maximum enrollment are all factors that are taken into account when ordering textbooks; the Union Bookstore Textbook Coordinator then makes a value judgment based upon this information. Senators were asked to raise their hands if there were not enough textbooks available for their classes this semester; six of the 19 senators present experienced a shortage of available textbooks for fall. Mr. Johnson suggested some factors that could have contributed to the shortage, including that the publisher may not have made enough editions of a new book on the first run or the publisher may have been out of stock of that particular text. Mr. Johnson explained that the University is graded by the publisher on the number of textbooks that are over-ordered and returned, and the publisher provides better service to its best customers based upon this grading system. One senator remarked that it seems as if being a good customer to the publisher may be at the expense of the student. Mr. Johnson stated that he would like to get a list of the senators who experienced textbook shortages this semester and the classes affected and research each case individually. English and Journalism faculty member Bradley Dilger asked what the Bookstore is doing to track under-orders and special orders. Mr. Johnson responded that those are tracked, and he believes that the number of special orders and emergency orders are dropping. He added that if the student does not get their textbook because of a mistake on the part of the Bookstore, they will order the book via next-day or second-day air at the Bookstores expense. In response to a question, K.J. Johnson stated that the Union Bookstore typically does order less books than requested by faculty because they are aware that students will buy books from Chapmans and online. Vice President Garry Johnson added that the sooner the Bookstore obtains faculty book lists, the more likelihood there is that those books can be obtained used rather than new since used books are in high demand. In response to a question, K.J. Johnson told senators the Bookstore is a for-profit entity, typically generating $750,000 net profit annually. Mr. Johnson was asked how much of the profits accrued from book sales and how much from soft goods; he responded that profits from book sales were miniscule on a per book basis and that most of the profits are a result of soft goods. Vice President Johnson elaborated that the money generated by the Bookstore pays for most of the programs run through the University Union. He also pointed out that the Union Bookstore is prohibited by law from charging less for textbooks than Chapmans because that would represent unfair competition. Regarding the online posting of textbook information, K.J. Johnson told senators this is compiled by a group called  HYPERLINK "http://www.efollett.com" www.efollett.com. He said they post after they have all of the information from the University. The University must decide at which point  HYPERLINK "http://www.efollett.com" www.efollett.com is allowed access to the information because students would not want to get two books for a class and then find out later that actually four books are required. When asked at what point this information becomes available online, Mr. Johnson said it should be posted the first week of December and the first week of August. It was pointed out that students would not be able to know their textbooks over the summer for their fall classes through  HYPERLINK "http://www.efollett.com" www.efollett.com, but Vice President Johnson noted that if faculty posted course information online, students could know earlier. Senator Wolf stated that she had checked  HYPERLINK "http://www.efollett.com" www.efollett.com a week or two before fall semester and only spring course information was posted. Mr. Johnson responded that until now, the Bookstore has been very happy with  HYPERLINK "http://www.efollett.com" www.efollett.com, but that its apparent that the timeliness of their postings will need to be monitored closely since posting that information a week before classes begin is too late. Chairperson Rock inquired if there was an easy way to check the prices of textbooks since if a faculty member has 12-15 textbooks to choose from and all equally deserve to be chosen for use in a class, perhaps the price of the textbook could be the deciding factor. Senator Thompson responded that University Libraries has Books in Print online that can be checked for retail prices. Mr. Johnson added that if the new book price is determined from Books in Print, the used price will be 75 percent of the new price. Chairperson Rock asked how the Bookstore determines how much a student will get when selling a book back. Mr. Johnson responded that if the Bookstore knows that the book will be used the following semester, the student will get 50 percent of the new book price, whether the book was purchased new or used. If the Bookstore does not have the next semesters book list yet from the faculty member, or if the book is not going to be used the following semester, then the price returned to the student reverts to the national supply/demand-driven price, which he stated will not be nearly 50 percent. He said this price is determined by individually analyzing the title and seeing what wholesalers are willing to pay for it. When asked by a senator about textbooks that are used every other semester, Mr. Johnson pointed out that the Bookstore does not have the space to store those so the buy-back price reverts to the national value. III. Reports of Committees and Councils A. Committee on Committees (Kevin Hall, Acting Chair) OTHER COMMITTEES: Dean Search Committee, College of Business and Technology Steven Hunt, Accountancy TBA, Agriculture Lee Tichenor, Computer Science William Polley, Economics Bill Cupples, Engineering Technology Farideh Dehkordi-Vakil, Information Management and Decision Sciences Joe Dobson, Management Barton Jennings, Marketing and Finance In response to a question as to how the nominees were selected, Senator Hall stated the process was left to each department to enact. Senator Hall said he personally visited with the Agriculture Department chair and pointed out that the Search Committee plans to begin meeting within the next two days. Motion: That whoever is selected or elected by the Agriculture Department as their nominee to the COBT Dean Search Committee be automatically approved by Faculty Senate (Meloy/Clontz) MOTION APPROVED 19 YES 0 NO 0 AB There were no further nominations. The CoC nominees were approved. It was pointed out that the election of Bill Cupples will also fulfill the specification in the Administrator Selection Policy that preference be given to a member of the Graduate Council when filling the faculty appointments. B. Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction (Patricia Anderson, Chair) Request for New Course a. CS 305, Introduction to Computer Forensics, 3 s.h. NEW COURSE APPROVED IV. Old Business A. Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction (Patricia Anderson, Chair) 1. Request for New Course a. JOUR 428, The Press and Popular Culture, 3 s.h. Dr. Anderson told senators that this request was re-addressed at the October 20 CCPI meeting and, since both departments had resolved their previous issues, was reapproved by that Council. NEW COURSE APPROVED C. Professor Emeritus Recognition Senators expressed their desire to have some physical recognition of retiring faculty established at the University, and some stated a preference for an imprinted brick walkway. Provost Rallo pointed out that the Student Recreation Center has a dedicated brick walkway and pointed out that senators would need to specify where they would want it to be located. The Provost meets with the pre-Master Planning Committee tomorrow and stated that he would pose the question to them. He said the idea of a brick walkway is a fine one and that placing it within the master plan would be workable. Senator Rabchuk stated that faculty may not want to be remembered with a brick and may prefer a plaque; he suggested that they could perhaps be given a choice. Senator Meloy volunteered to gather information regarding imprinting bricks costs and suppliers and to bring that information to the November 1 Senate meeting. It was suggested that Senator Meloy contact the Student Recreation Center Manager regarding who supplies their imprinted bricks. One senator suggested that if a brick walkway is established, a dedication ceremony could be held once a year to recognize retiring faculty emeriti. Faculty Senate asked Recording Secretary Annette Hamm to gather information regarding cost and supplies of plaques, as well, and to bring that information to the November 1 meeting. V. New Business Revision of the Administrative Search Policy for Deans The Executive Committee recommended to Faculty Senate a revision to the Administrator Selection Procedures for Deans ( HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/VPAS/handbook/policies/adminselect.shtml" www.wiu.edu/VPAS/handbook/policies/adminselect.shtml): Current: 2.k. The committee shall elect a Chair from amongst its members. Proposed: 2.k. The President shall appoint the Chair of the committee. Chairperson Rock asked Provost Rallo to explain the philosophy behind the request. The Provost told senators that traditionally, dean search applicants expect to see the committee chair be an executive individual. He added that the language proposed by the Executive Committee is already used in the search procedures for Vice Presidents. Allowing the President to appoint the committee chair would allow the Provost to begin work on templates and advertisements at an earlier date than if the chair is chosen by the committee members. Provost Rallo added that the request is not an attempt to usurp anyones prerogative but to bring the language in line with what is used for Vice Presidents and with normal practices. A senator pointed out that according to the proposal, the President could select a chair from outside the search committee, but Provost Rallo responded that the intent is that he would appoint from amongst the members with the expectation that the chair would be the representative from the Deans Council but could be someone else. He stated that the Deans Council representative for the College of Business and Technology Dean search was chosen the day the vacancy was announced. Senator Rabchuk asked if it would not make more sense to have the chair appointed by the Provost rather than the President since the position of Dean is more of an academic one than Vice President. Motion: To change item 2.k. to read, The Provost shall appoint the Chair of the committee from amongst its members. (Rabchuk/Shouse) Senator Thompson pointed out that in effect, this proposal is stating that the Deans Council will appoint the chair of the dean search committee. Provost Rallo requested that his title be changed to Provost/Academic Vice President. Both Senators Rabchuk and Shouse accepted the friendly amendment. FRIENDLY AMENDMENT APPROVED 17 YES 2 NO 0 AB AMENDMENT TO THE DEAN SEARCH POLICY APPROVED 17 YES 2 NO 0 AB SGA Request for Online Course Information Prior to Registration Chairperson Rock has spoken with SGA representatives, who are very interested in obtaining course information before registering for classes. He told senators that initially SGA wanted to have syllabi posted online, but Chairperson Rock indicated to them the difficulty of asking faculty to prepare syllabi up to six months before classes begin. Senate packets contained a model used by the English and Journalism Department, which lists the courses that have online information and gives a synopsis of each, including the aim of the course, teaching method, assignments, tentative reading list, and prerequisites. SGA representatives told Chairperson Rock they would also be interested in the course format (lecture, seminar, field trips) and materials necessary beyond textbooks. Chairperson Rock stated he feels most faculty would know this information at the same time they submit their book orders each semester. He said posting such course information would have to be voluntary, but it would be very helpful for faculty to do so for students. Senators discussed how such information could be made available to students: if it would be sent to a central location to be posted or need to be done by departments. Senator Sonnek stated the method used in the English Department, set up by Bradley Dilger, is quite easy to use and she has heard no complaints from faculty about utilizing it. She said the course description and book information from the previous semester can be pulled up and used or changed as necessary. She added that since what is posted is a tentative reading list, students will often ask professors if the one posted is the final list. Chairperson Rock pointed out that if faculty complete the online course info form at the same time as submitting textbook orders, the books posted would be the final ones. Motion: To establish a subcommittee to investigate posting course information online prior to registration (Clontz/Orwig) MOTION APPROVED 17 YES 1 NO 1 AB Chairperson Rock asked for volunteers to serve on the subcommittee. Senators Clontz, Mors, and Thompson volunteered to serve. The subcommittee was asked to report back to Faculty Senate in four weeks, at its November 15 meeting. Chairperson Rock will inform SGA representatives of the establishment of the subcommittee and will give them the name of the chair once one is determined. He asked senators to contact subcommittee members with any ideas they might have regarding online course information. Referencing the Committee on Committees Report earlier in the meeting, Senator DeVolder noted that CoC did not address the need for a Faculty Senate representative to the COBT Dean Search Committee. The Administrator Selection Policy specifies that The Faculty Senate shall elect a representative from the respective college. Discussions had occurred at Executive Committee regarding designating one of the eight department faculty representatives as the Faculty Senate rep. Acting CoC Chair Kevin Hall stated that none of the nominees had been contacted about serving as Senate representative since the Committee was waiting on the one remaining vacancy to be filled by the Agriculture Department. It was suggested that a search committee member familiar with faculty governance would be a good representative. The sense of the Senate was to ask Lee Tichener, who has served on Faculty Senate in the past, to serve as the representative from the Search Committee to the Senate. Motion: To adjourn (Orwig/DeVolder) The Faculty Senate adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Jean Wolf, Secretary Annette Hamm Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 3 3ABJKMRUZ   % f r ~ ´zrjjbzhSKPCJaJhm CJaJhHTCJaJhmC/CJaJh4yCJaJh{kCJaJhLPCJaJhki5>*CJ\aJhLP56CJ\]aJh4y56CJ\]aJhmC/56CJ\]aJhki56CJ\]aJhki6CJ]aJhki5CJ\aJhkiCJaJhki#B[\f     , - G  @&^ `^gd4y & Fgd4y ^ gdLP  ^ `@&$a$$@&a$@&UV     * 6 \ f     # & ' , - / 5 F G H P    ݫ吇sghgg_hgg_>*CJaJhgg_hgg_5CJaJha CJaJhgg_5CJaJhgg_5CJ\aJhtCJaJhX+CJaJhmC/CJaJhLP>*CJaJhki>*CJaJh{kCJaJhgg_CJaJh4yCJaJhLPCJaJhki5CJ\aJhkiCJaJhzCJaJ(G H    F d e ~  ^ & Fp^pgdR^gdgg_ & Fgdgg_ & Fgdgg_ & F^gdgg_  @&^ `    E Q [ z { '*+abmɾ奶}hCJaJhrHCJaJhjCJaJhCJaJhKCJaJhmC/CJaJhki>*CJaJhkiCJaJhgg_5CJ\aJhRhR5CJaJhCJaJhRCJaJhgg_CJaJha hgg_CJaJha CJaJ1()=>78gdJ9 & Fgdvdgdh^gdh & FgdW p0^p`0 & FgdmC/^gdu^gdrH^gdrH & FgdrH^'()<=>67CEFGŽ|og_gSh>-h>->*CJaJhACJaJhJ9CJaJh1ihh0JCJaJ#jh1ihhCJUaJhhhhCJaJjhhCJUaJh1OCJaJhjCJaJha CJaJhhCJaJhkiCJaJh{.h{.>*hBhki>*huCJaJhhrHCJaJha CJaJhrHCJaJGU6mj-246LW[Ale h 5!6!J"Q"_"d"m###X$%&&&&'&(&8&9&&û˫˫ˣ×Åxh1ihQ0JCJaJ#jih1ihQCJUaJjhQCJUaJhyCJaJhfzCJaJh1OCJaJh,SCJaJhQCJaJhorCJaJh!bCJaJhg9fCJaJha CJaJh>-CJaJh>-hJ9>*CJaJ/6!7!%%@+A+001181S1T1g1h1gdmC/ ``^``gdmC/ `!@^!`@gdmC/^gdmC/^gdmC/]^`gdzD: & F^gd>-&&&&&&&&&&m'n''k(u(((((((() )1)P)Q)X)[))))))ܽ赭𵭵znz\n#jh1ihO]CJUaJjhO]CJUaJhO]CJaJh1ih0JCJaJ#jh1ihCJUaJjhCJUaJh1OCJaJhCJaJh1ihQ0JCJaJ#j2h1ihQCJUaJjhQCJUaJhQCJaJhLybCJaJhorCJaJ!)))^*_*******+A+R+,,,--Z/00000111 181߼ߴwldYPhmC/>*䴳󳾰/󳾰/䴳Ѣ䴳쾱5Ca쾱>*䴳쾱䴳J9䴳>-䴳fǰ䴳,䴳f6Cf䴳󰿱6C󳢲䴳#1󰿱䴳󰿱䴳󰿱䴳1󰿱0䴳81911111111111111111123<3333344ʺؠ~~tj`t`U`Gh_Uh_U5CJ^JaJh_U5CJ^JaJh_UCJ^JaJhLybCJ^JaJh,SCJ^JaJh>-CJ^JaJhhCJ^JaJhhhh>*CJ^JaJhmC/CJ^JaJhhhmC/5>*CJ^JaJhhhrH5>*CJ^JaJh> hmC/5CJ^JaJh> hmC/CJ^JaJhtVhmC/CJaJhrHCJaJhmC/CJaJh11111 202v222233444455'6B6C6^gdZ ]^ ]^ `]gdLyb ``]^``gdmC/445|555555&6(696B6C6P6Z6[6^66666666666667ȿЊznfbZbVMhmC/>*CJaJhmC/hh\Phki>*hkihvdCJaJhL3hL35CJaJhL3CJaJhUoCJaJh CJaJh{>*CJaJhh\Phki>*CJaJh\=CJaJhZCJaJhkiCJaJhki>*CJaJhJCJaJhmC/CJaJhLybCJ^JaJhQCJ^JaJhmC/CJ^JaJh>-CJ^JaJC6[6666666677"7U7V788p^pgd_U h^`hgdmC/^gdmC/^gdmC/ ]^gdmC/ ]^gdmC/ `0]^`0gdP h^`hgd+ & F0`0gd+7 77!7"7U7V7Z788'8(8*8-8L8M8V8`88::::::h<m<<<<=|qfqfffff[[h{ hQ"CJaJh{ h~ACJaJh{ h_UCJaJh{ h_U>*CJaJh{ hQ>*CJaJh{ hQCJaJh{ hQ5CJaJhL35CJaJhL3hL35CJaJhL3CJaJhCJaJh_UCJaJhmC/CJaJhmC/>*CJaJhh\PhmC/>*CJaJhmC/hmC/CJaJ8(8)8L8M8=====>>>?G?H?S???EEE^gdQ"^gdQ" & FgdQ"gd|P]gdtV^gd_UgdQ h^`hgdL3========v>w>>>>>>>>?I?Q?*@+@CEEEEFFFFG"GAGBGGGIKKXMҿҸҸҒ{{tmftf h{ hS h{ hHVU h{ hoh{ hT5 h{ hTh{ h55 h{ h5h{ h,a>*h{ h,a0JjVh{ h,aU h{ h,ajh{ h,aUh{ hQ">* h{ hQ"h{ hki>* h{ hkih{ h|VCJaJh{ h_U5CJaJ(EE.F/FFFFFAGBGGGKKNN6O7O]O^OXQ^gdS ^gdHVUgd|P & FgdQ"^gdQ" ]^gdT^gd5^gdQ"XMfM NNNNNN5O6O7O]OOOOWQXQT2U3U4U=UIUWUzU{U|U~UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU·zzz h0Jjh0JUhdjhdUh{ h1"TCJaJh{ hICJaJh{ hQCJaJh{ hkiCJaJh{ hki5CJ\aJh{ h>* h{ hT h{ hB. h{ h;uh{ hS 5 h{ hS h.XQYQ3U4UYUZUUUUUUUUUUU & F p@ @&^` & F p@ P@&^`P & F p@ P^`P & F & F@&p^pgd^gd;ugd;uUUUUUUUUUUVVV&`#$ UUUUVVVh{ hkiCJaJhdh h0Jjh0JUh1O0JmHnHu5 01h:pO/ =!8"#$h% iDyK =http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4946306yK zhttp://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4946306DyK www.efollett.comyK 2http://www.efollett.com/DyK www.efollett.comyK 2http://www.efollett.com/DyK www.efollett.comyK 2http://www.efollett.com/DyK www.efollett.comyK 2http://www.efollett.com/DyK www.efollett.comyK 2http://www.efollett.com/WDyK 5www.wiu.edu/VPAS/handbook/policies/adminselect.shtmlyK xhttp://www.wiu.edu/VPAS/handbook/policies/adminselect.shtml@@@ mC/NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH P@P Heading 1$ & F @& >*CJaJR@R Heading 2$ & F@&^5CJ\aJH@H Heading 3$ & F@& >*CJaJJ@J Heading 4$ & F@&5CJ\aJZ@Z Heading 5$ & F@&]^5CJ\aJDA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List XOX Level 17$8$H$^OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XOX Level 4@ 7$8$H$^@ OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XOX Level 3p7$8$H$^pOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XO"X Level 57$8$H$^OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XC@2X Body Text Indent ^ >*CJaJ6B@B6 Body TextCJaJ4 @R4 Footer  !.)@a. 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