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Clark GUESTS: Andy Baker, Brad Bainter, Steve Bennett, Rick Carter, Autumn Greenwood, Angela Lynn, Rose McConnell, Josh Moon, Russ Morgan, Julie Murphy, Kathy Neumann, Julie OBrien, Nancy Parsons, Bob Quesal, Joe Rives, Lance Ternasky, Ron Williams, Michelle Yager, Stu Yager Consideration of Minutes 24 January 2012 MINUTES APPROVED AS DISTRIBUTED Announcements Approvals from the Provost Catalog language to describe the WID requirement Request for New Minor Therapeutic Recreation Request for Change in Minor Marketing Provosts Report Provost Hawkinson announced that 91ֿnow has $35.8 million held in reserve so is in a much better situation financially than the last two years. He pointed out, however, that the state of Illinois still owes the University $38 million -- $32.5 million in appropriated dollars and $5.5 million in Monetary Award Program (MAP) funding; there is the chance that the legislature will approve an extension of those payments through the first half of the next fiscal year as they have done in the past, so the University must continue to be vigilant and fiscally conservative and cannot increase operating budgets at this time. He stated that the University is in good shape until the June payroll, and because of the improved fiscal conditions the President has released the remaining 25 percent of operating budgets held back throughout the University. Improved financial prospects have also allowed Provost Hawkinson to release 37 tenure track positions, and he stated that Unit B positions will now also start to be released to replenish faculty lines. Provost Hawkinson informed senators that the spring 2012 tenth-day count showed overall 91ֿheadcount down 1.77 percent with overall full-time equivalency (FTE) down 1.97 percent compared to spring 2011. Larger freshman classes in fall 2010 and 2011 resulted in numbers of freshmen and sophomores increasing while numbers of juniors and seniors decreased. Provost Hawkinson stated the administration believes the larger number of freshmen and sophomores currently enrolled will bode well for future 91ֿenrollments, particularly with the new scholarship initiatives and grade replacement policy now in place. He stated that enrollment overall at Illinois universities is down an average 3.38 percent, so 91ֿis doing better than many others in the state. He said that the major reason for the enrollment decline is financial students are unable to pay their bills and are making choices to attend community colleges whose tuition rates are about one-third of those for four-year institutions. Senator Thompson asked for clarification regarding FTE enrollment figures whether only full-time students are included in those counts. Registrar Angela Lynn confirmed that the overall headcount does include part-time students but FTE only counts full-time enrollment; Provost Hawkinson added that FTE is based upon 15 s.h. enrollment. Provost Hawkinson will hold the Provosts Open House at the Quad Cities Riverfront Campus from 3:00-4:00 p.m. on February 17 and in Macomb on March 22 from 3:00-4:00 p.m. in Sherman Hall 205. The first meeting this semester for the Provosts Advisory Council will be announced soon. Distinguished Faculty Lecturer T.K. Vinod, Department of Chemistry, will speak on Green Chemistry: Retooling of Chemistry and Making it More Sustainable at 7:00 p.m. on March 19 in the COFAC Recital Hall on the Macomb campus and at 3:00 p.m. on April 9 at the WIUQC 60th Street campus. Provost Hawkinson called Dr. Vinod an acknowledged scholar with extensive lists of publications and grants to his credit. Desire2Learn (Kathy Neumann, Interim Associate Provost for Budget, Planning and Personnel) Associate Provost Neumann reported that WIUs conversion from WebCT Vista to the Desire2Learn online learning system began in fall 2011 as staff from the Center for the Application of Information Technologies (CAIT) worked with faculty teaching online and summer 2012 classes; with a few exceptions, that part of the process is now completed with over 200 courses successfully migrated so far. She reported that unacceptable errors encountered last week slightly postponed the open migration, but an email will be sent tomorrow with instructions to the remaining faculty to begin the migration process. Senator Hunter asked if faculty will still have access to their Western Online bulletin boards during the migration process. Dr. Neumann responded that all items accessible to faculty currently will still be available during and after the conversion. She explained the system will still be branded Western Online, but Desire2Learn will be supporting it rather than WebCT Vista. Dr. Neumann stated that a developer has been identified for each college that can answer questions and provide faculty with tips during the migration. The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research (CITR) has also been holding workshops and provides links on their website to frequently asked questions and tips. Dr. Neumann stated that Desire2Learn appears to be much more robust and may also be more intuitive than the previous system. Senator Rabchuk asked how long the migration might take. Dr. Neumann responded that will depend on how many faculty try to simultaneously migrate tomorrow morning; the process could take as long as 48 hours. She said once the information leaves WIU, it is run through the Desire2Learn conversion process. Senator Singh asked what is being done to educate 91ֿstudents about the change. Dr. Neuman responded that student education will be the next piece of the process once the migration is successfully underway. She stated that the University is still having problems with Respondus, a third-party piece of plug-in software, as well as some authentication issues on which 91ֿtechnicians are hard at work. Ms. Greenwood asked how different the new system will be from what students are currently using and if students will have a difficult time picking it up. Senator Singh, who has been designated as a developer for the College of Business and Technology, explained that the array of tools utilized with Desire2Learn is identical to that currently used; the question is one of interface with the different structure. He explained, for instance, that WebCT Vista currently uses a folder system; Desire2Learn does not, so there will be a bit of a learning curve with the organization of the course filing system and in terms of students being able to find everything. Senator Singh stated the differences are not difficult to learn but may take some time, which could be frustrating to students. Parliamentarian Kaul asked if a copy of faculty members work will remain on WebCT as they migrate to Desire2Learn and are able to access their work there. Dr. Neumann explained that a copy will be made of what faculty currently have on WebCT, which will be bundled and sent to Desire2Learn for the conversion process. She warned, however, that once Westerns WebCT license has expired, it will be difficult for faculty to retrieve information stored on it. She advised faculty to copy material on Western Online at the end of spring semester because once the window to WebCT is closed, it will be difficult and time intensive to retrieve that information. Parliamentarian Kaul asked what the deadline is for faculty to complete migration of their material. Dr. Neumann replied that Westerns license to WebCT expires on June 30, so faculty should have completed the migration before the end of May. Senator Haynes remarked that she has migrated her online class and finds Desire2Learn to be a better and more robust system although there may be more steps to utilizing it. Senator Thompson asked Provost Hawkinson if he has been speaking with colleagues in Springfield about Governor Quinns upcoming state of the state address, which may include information on proposed pension reform and the loss again of Health Alliance health insurance. He noted that the tuition waiver for employees and their dependents is also coming under attack, and he wonders if the Universitys administration has been engaging in vigorous conversations about these topics. Provost Hawkinson responded that President Thomas is attending the Illinois Board of Higher Education meeting in Chicago today; WIUs President has been meeting with other university presidents all morning. He stated that Illinois university presidents are united in opposition to the changes noted by Senator Thompson. Provost Hawkinson related that in a recent teleconference meeting with the state budget director and other state budget personnel, he strongly objected to proposed changes in the pension system, informing them that it would lead to the loss of quality faculty at state universities. He added that it would also negatively impact K-12 teachers because the increased expenses will not be able to be supported by school districts and will likely be passed on to homeowners in increased property taxes. Provost Hawkinson said he has been briefed on the threat to tuition waivers by the Universitys legislative liaison Dave Steelman, and 91ֿhas raised objections to any change. Provost Hawkinson recently attended a meeting with the new Chief Executive Officer of McDonough District Hospital and other hospital leadership and asked them to advocate with 91ֿto keep Health Alliance as a state insurance option. Senator Thompson reiterated the need for WIUs administration to strongly advocate about these issues on all fronts; Provost Hawkinson noted that sometimes the advocating is done face-to-face with government officials and is not always reported in the press. Ms. Greenwood asked how updates to the science classrooms and the 3D art facilities are being funded, stating that SGA would like to know if this is coming from the student fees allocation approved last year for facilities improvements. Provost Hawkinson confirmed that these projects are being paid from the facilities fees approved by SGA last year. He explained that $10 million was put into replacing the 70-year-old steam lines that provide heating and cooling to the residence halls. Another $2 million was provided for improvements to the science labs that were deemed to be insufficiently healthy for WIUs students and to provide proper ventilation to the 3D art facilities in the heating plant annex. Provost Hawkinson stated that both these areas presented problems for accreditation. The science labs project was bid two weeks ago, and bids for the art project went out today; both projects should be completed in summer 2012. Provost Hawkinson noted that improvements to Hanson Field were funded separately from the two current projects, and all were approved by SGA. He stated that WIUs administration does not plan to ask SGA for more money in the foreseeable future, but noted that the state of Illinois no longer provides 91ֿwith funding for deferred maintenance and life safety improvements which unfortunately results in a reliance on student fees for those types of needs. Provost Hawkinson introduced Michelle Yager, who replaced Candace McLaughlin as Director of the University Advising and Academic Support Center upon Ms. McLaughlins retirement in December. Student Government Association (SGA) Report (Autumn Greenwood, SGA Representative to Faculty Senate) Ms. Greenwood reported that SGA is working to fill vacant positions for three senators. An open forum was held a couple of weeks ago at which SGA spoke to students not involved with student government to hear their opinions and concerns. Ms. Greenwood related that students expressed dissatisfaction with the First Year Experience (FYE) book program because freshmen area asked to read a book over the summer but there is not as much follow-up or usage of the book in freshmen classes as is implied by FYE. Students in attendance also spoke about the need for additional oversight of departmental academic advisors and encouraging advisors to speak to students about their plans after college and warn them about such things as prereqs needed for classes they wish to take. Ms. Greenwood related that students also expressed concerns about the Graduate and Family Housing at Lamoine Village being eliminated from student housing choices. SGA has been exploring the idea of a smoke-free campus for WIU. Ms. Greenwood related that a couple of senators at-large have spent the last year and a half researching the concept of a smoke-free campus. SGA will be writing a smoke-free campus bill in the next couple of weeks and plans to have senators speak to governing bodies such as Faculty Senate and Interhall Council to try to gather support. SGA passed a bill to provide funds for Whats Up Wednesdays, a program whereby SGA will provide free hot chocolate and water in the Union on certain Wednesdays and talk to students about what is happening on campus. SGA is also planning for the third SGA/Interhall Council formal to be held on March 29. Other Announcements Capital Campaign and Faculty Scholarship Development Fund (Brad Bainter, Vice President for Advancement and Public Services) Vice President Bainter informed senators the 91ֿFoundation was established in 1948 by Internal Revenue Service standards as a 501C3 charitable foundation. He explained that the Foundation, which has a current value of just over $46 million, accepts gifts of cash, stock, other securities, trusts, land, art, and other tangible assets; it also sells charitable gift annuities, which are a popular item. The Foundation works with attorneys and other financial planners and consultants to manage those assets, as well as 1,100 acres of farmland which the Foundation currently manages. The 91ֿFoundation also worked with planned giving to ensure the future of the University; currently, $31 million in planned gifts have been promised to 91ֿby donors upon their deaths. Vice President Bainter stated the 91ֿFoundation is administered by a committee of volunteers and meets as a full board three times a year, in addition to committee meetings, such as the investment committee, scholarship committee, and executive committee. The assets of the 91ֿFoundation are managed by Mercer, an investment management firm based in St. Louis. Vice President Bainter stated that the Foundation invests in U.S. large and small cap funds, international funds, markets, hedge funds, private equity and fixed assets, with some assets in Macomb banks and about $4.5 million in fixed assets in a Quad Cities bank. Vice President Bainter related that in 1995 the University embarked on its first comprehensive campaign with an initial goal of raising $15 million; President Spencer at that time asked that the goal be increased to $20 million, and the centennial campaign raised nearly $25 million. This year, the consultant for the Higher Values in Higher Education campaign suggested $30 million would be an achievable goal, while it would be a stretch to try to raise $40 million. Vice President Bainter told senators that President Goldfarb challenged the 91ֿFoundation to set the goal at $60 million, and that challenge was accepted. He said that $50 million has been raised so far, and Vice President Bainter anticipates that 91ֿwill reach its goal before the end of the current campaign on December 31, 2013. He explained that all universities in the United States are required to abide by campaign standards; for instance, if a 35-year-old man tells the Foundation that he is leaving 91ֿa million dollars in his will, those funds are not counted in the campaign individuals must turn 65 during the time period of the campaign before those types of gifts can be counted. Vice President Bainter stated that in WIUs previous campaign approximately five million dollars was raised per year; currently, despite difficult economic times, the campaign is raising eight to nine million dollars per year. Two of the most recent gifts that are being finalized currently are an estate gift of about one million dollars for education scholarships from a 101-year-old alumnus in Minnesota and a gift of 500 acres of farmland and pastureland valued at three million dollars that will also support scholarships on campus. The 91ֿFoundation supports several areas and special events across the campus, including the retirement receptions for President Goldfarb and Vice President Thompson last year, campus beautification projects, the employee years of service gifts, retirement gifts, and the summer research stipend. He related the Foundation is currently working on improvements to the memorial garden in memory of 91ֿemployees who have passed away; plaques are purchased to assign to trees in memory of deceased employees so that family and friends will have a place to go to remember them, and there are plans to add benches. Other projects supported by the 91ֿFoundation include landscaping at the Alumni House and a three to four million dollar refurbishing project for the Sherman Hall Auditorium. Vice President Bainter told senators the 91ֿFoundation recently paid about $4,000 to restore a piece of artwork formerly in storage which had been commissioned as a WPA project by 91ֿPresident Morgan in the 1930s and had been hung in Grote Hall until it was closed in the 1980s; it is now hanging over the Alumni House fireplace. Vice President Bainter stated that because the University has a limited marketing budget, the 91ֿFoundation has assisted in marketing efforts such as the kiosk located behind the Union and the think purple campaign in the community. He stated that when the realization of a possible shortage of funds from the state occurred last year, the 91ֿFoundation agreed to fund, at no interest to the University, a loan of one to two million if there is ever a shortfall in University funds to pay 91ֿemployees payroll. The 91ֿFoundation also oversees Westerns scholarship program, which Vice President Bainter related awarded over three million dollars in scholarships this fiscal year. Vice President Bainter told senators that as the University heads into the last 18 months of its comprehensive campaign on July 1, the 91ֿFoundation wishes to initiate the first faculty/staff fundraising campaign on the 91ֿcampuses. Vice President Bainter stated that the Foundation has long wanted to initiate such a campaign, but with many years of low or no raises and fiscal uncertainty, the time didnt seem right; he feels that the atmosphere on campus is now at a good point to launch this initiative. Vice President Bainter plans to visit colleges, departments and faculty assemblies to talk about the campaign. He told senators the faculty/staff campaign is aimed at increasing participation rather than setting a dollar goal. Vice President Bainter related that sometimes when 91ֿrepresentatives are conducting fundraising campaigns they are asked Do your own faculty and staff support what you do, and they need to be able to respond affirmatively with a good percentage of participation. He said while faculty/staff gifts can be directed to any area of the University, his thought is that faculty and staff should consider donating toward their own areas in which they work; for example, if ten employees in a department could afford a $20 a month donation, they could raise $2,400 for scholarship support for needy or worthy students in their own department. Vice President Bainter noted that as funding levels continue to plummet for public universities, the University of Missouri recently voted to make cuts across the board, but its faculty and staff voted not to cut alumni development because they recognize its worth. He hopes Faculty Senate will not only endorse the faculty/staff campaign but also lead by example. Senator Rabchuk asked what the University is growing on its 1,100 acres; Vice President Bainter responded the University is growing corn, wheat, and soybeans with some acres devoted to pastureland. Senator Hironimus-Wendt asked what the participation rate is currently for 91ֿemployees. Vice President Bainter responded that in the past fiscal year, with about 2,200 total employees, approximately one-third participated in the comprehensive campaign; COAP participated the most, while civil service and faculty were about tied in their participation levels. The 91ֿFoundation would like to see that percentage of participation increase to 50 percent. Request for Feedback on First Draft of Higher Values in Higher Education (Joe Rives, Vice President for Quad Cities, Planning and Technology) Vice President Rives reported that a writing committee of over 30 members has worked on the first draft ( HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/university_planning/planningupdates.php/" www.wiu.edu/university_planning/planningupdates.php/), and he is now soliciting feedback, advice, concerns, and direction for draft 2. Chairperson Rock inquired about the time period for feedback. Vice President Rives responded he hopes that senators can engage in a dialogue today; the committee will meet again February 17 to begin working on the second draft, so feedback should be provided within the next two weeks. Chairperson Rock and Senators Hironimus-Wendt, Werner, and Delany-Barmann serve on the Committee for Review/Update of Higher Values in Higher Education, so input can be provided to those representatives or to Vice President Rives or Interim Associate Provost Parsons. Senator Rabchuk noted that in Goal 2: Enrich Academic Excellence, Action item 1: Support Strong Commitments to Teaching and Learning, he would like to see a statement about the connection between research and creative activity and teaching and learning. He said it needs to be made clear that these are not separate enterprises and enrich one another. He believes the committee should consider making this part of the basic statement. Under Action item 4: Support Strong Commitments to Mission-Driven Public Service and Outreach, Senator Rabchuk suggested the importance of teacher education be made clearer as one of Westerns social missions and ways of supporting surrounding communities and providing outreach. He said that while this is somewhat stated in Action item 4.b., Responding to emerging needs in the state and region, including P-20 (preschool through graduate school) initiatives its a bit hidden and he would like it made more explicit. Senator Rabchuk asked if Vice President Rives could summarize the changes proposed to the mission statement. Vice President Rives responded the mission statement is being made a little more concise, buzz words such as synergy would be removed, and the phrase global and regional perspective would be substituted for in a global community. Vice President Rives stated that the realign of the mission statement has been faculty led; the faculty community felt that the strategic plan does not need to worry as much about North Central Association (NCA) wording as it needs to concentrate on Western usage. NCA terms such as 21st century have been replaced with wording such as regional and global perspectives. Vice President Rives believes what has been developed is a fine mission statement that will pass NCA scrutiny and does a good job of better telling Westerns story. Chairperson Rock asked if Vice President Rives would be seeking Faculty Senate endorsement of the strategic plan, as he did during the last revision; Vice President Rives responded he would like to come back to Senate in March to seek endorsement of the final draft. Vice President Rives and Interim Associate Provost Parsons have been presenting the first draft to various governance groups; Vice President Rives related that similar questions about changes to the mission statement were raised when the draft was presented to the Quad Cities Faculty Council, while the Civil Service Employees Council had questions about under-represented groups. He added that Senator Thompson asked that it be made explicit that there is one Centennial Honors College because that language was unclear. Four senators will be elected from the College of Arts and Sciences to fill fall 2012 vacancies on Faculty Senate, including one new seat; one representative will be elected from Education and Human Services; and four Senators At-large will be elected, including one from the Quad Cities Campus. Of the four Arts and Sciences senators, three will be appointed to three-year terms and one will receive a two-year term, according to the provision in Article I, Section 3. of the Faculty Senate Bylaws stating that For the purpose of balancing the number of Senators to be elected in any one year, the Senate may revise the term of office prior to the election. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee has determined that the Arts and Sciences nominee receiving the fourth highest vote total in the current election will be appointed to the two-year term. Article I, Section 3. also stipulates that, A faculty member filling a one- or two-year term may be renominated and re-elected. 4. Provost Hawkinson announced that all of the Provosts Travel Awards about $47,000 have been released. He encourages faculty to continue to apply for the awards; he said that while money may not be released immediately, the University will try to fund eligible requests at the end of the year. Reports of Committees and Councils Council on Intercollegiate Athletics (Andy Baker, Chair) Report on Student-Athlete Absences for 2011-2012 The 2011-2012 91ֿStudent-Athlete Missed Class Analysis shows that all 91ֿsports were below the Guidelines for Missed Class Policy with the exceptions of womens golf, womens soccer, baseball, womens basketball, mens basketball, and softball. The Council for Intercollegiate Athletics (CIA) provided explanations for each of those that exceeded the guidelines. Senator Rabchuk remarked upon the fact that indoor and outdoor track, which are both spring sports, have separate schedules so each could miss up to the maximum allowable five Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes and four Tuesday-Thursday classes per semester. Dr. Baker noted that, even with the two separate schedules, 2011-2012 absences for indoor and outdoor track combined still fell within the guidelines for missed classes. Dr. Baker explained that coaches develop schedules for their sports and submit those to Senior Associate Athletic Director Josh Moon, who checks them against the Guidelines for Missed Class Policy. Both Mr. Moon, as well as Athletic Director Tim VanAlstine, serve ex-officio on the Council for Intercollegiate Athletics, to whom the schedules are next reported. Dr. Baker told senators that Mr. Moon does a good job of educating the Council as to why certain decisions were made regarding the schedules, and Dr. Baker stated that sometimes those decisions are out of WIUs hands. He explained that the Summit League has recently gone through many changes which are beyond the Universitys control; conferences make changes, and they must be implemented by participating universities. He stated that the Council does try to encourage coaches to leave later, for instance, so that students do not have to miss too many classes and tries to work with coaches in the best interests of faculty and staff and to put academics first. Dr. Baker related that student-athlete grade point averages are increasing. He stated that coaches are making efforts to recruit higher achieving student-athletes. He explained that student-athletes should bring their professors a paper showing dates and departure times for their sports, although on occasion some sports may have to leave earlier than originally anticipated. Dr. Baker informed senators that the 91ֿfaculty National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) liaison, Tom Cody, also serves ex-officio on CIA, and professors may consult with him when they have questions, such as when student-athletes indicate they must leave earlier than stated on their schedules, or if they wish to provide feedback; professors may also provide input to Mr. Moon, Dr. Baker, or other CIA reps. Chairperson Rock asked if the CIA report represents the anticipated number of days student-athletes missed classes or the actual number of days. He noted that sometimes games may be shifted or teams may make it to the finals and wondered if these occurrences are reflected on the report. Dr. Baker responded that CIA views the report as the actual record of days missed, adding that few changes ever need to be made to what is originally reported. He stated that Dr. VanAlstine has already submitted a request to CAGAS for exceptions to the academic calendar for track and field and softball obligations during finals week, which was approved by CAGAS on January 19. He added that track and field will automatically participate in conference finals, but 91ֿmust qualify for softball so the exceptions for finals week may or may not be necessary. Senator McNabb asked what constitutes a missed day of classes, for instance, if a student must miss only afternoon classes but can attend all morning classes, whether that constitutes a missed day. Dr. Baker responded that even if one student on the team must miss one class, that is counted as a missed day for that team. Senator McNabb asked if CIA has made any effort to track data on missed classes over successive years to determine if certain sports are struggling to meet the missed class policy. She asked if any directives are applied if the same team exceeds policy guidelines year after year. Dr. Baker confirmed that there are certain sports that exceed the guidelines almost every year. Womens golf competitions, for instance, are normally scheduled on Mondays and Tuesdays of each week based upon golf course availability, and those courses are not available on weekends. He said that what golf coaches do to compensate for this is to try to take those student-athletes to competitions that have not missed too many class days so that individual team members do not exceed the guidelines. In fall 2011, womens golf as a team exceeded the missed class guidelines by one MWF. Dr. Baker stated that baseball also regularly exceeds the missed class guidelines. He explained that, unlike some other sports, all baseball games are held in spring semester, and CIA allows baseball some overage when approving their schedule because of the understanding that weather will require some cancelled games, although very few were cancelled due to weather last year. Dr. Baker said the bracket buster game in February which will require the 91ֿbasketball team to travel on additional dates was determined by the Summit League Conference as a whole, and 91ֿhas representation at the Summit League meetings. Senator Lauer noted that the 91ֿStudent-Athlete Missed Class Analysis shows baseball as a team missing four Tuesday-Thursday classes, but the schedule he was given by a student-athlete shows six missed classes for those days. Dr. Baker stated that CIA is presented with the schedule provided by the coaches and approves it based upon that information. Dr. Baker and Mr. Moon will follow up on Senator Lauers specific situation and provide a more formal response once they are able to investigate it. Senator Rabchuk related that one of his student-athletes, in addition to her athletic commitments, is very active in her academic discipline and sometimes attends academic conferences that last three or four days. He believes there may need to be more allowances made for those students who are more academically committed if there are significant numbers of days involved in higher-level academic requirements in addition to their sports obligations. He believes perhaps some thought needs to be given to these types of considerations as 91ֿtries to target higher performing student-athletes. Dr. Baker told senators that as Western recruits more academic-minded student-athletes, the University will see more self-motivated students that will work with faculty members to make sure that academic assignments and deadlines are met. He stated that in his 13 years at Western, he has only had a problem with one student-athlete and has found the majority of them very up-front with their athletic responsibilities in relation to class requirements. He said that faculty members need to be aware of their students wishes to pursue academic and athletic endeavors, to work with those students as much as possible, and to recognize that student-athletes have desires and aspirations that faculty should not try to deaden. Senator Yoder pointed out that 25 percent of 91ֿsports have exceeded the Guidelines for Missed Class Policy. He asked if this is a trend and how it compares with the last few years. Dr. Baker stated that he will ask the Faculty Senate Office Manager to post the previous CIA reports on student-athlete absences on the CIA website so that senators will have access to information from previous years. He stated that 2011-2012 has been a somewhat odd year with Westerns conferences; for instance, womens soccer traveled to Southern Utah University this year, which is a long way away, and the new bracket buster was added to mens basketball this year. He explained that Southern Utah will leave the conference after this year to be replaced by the University of Nebraska-Omaha, which will be a shorter trip. Dr. Baker said that CIA expressed the same concerns about the number of sports exceeding the guidelines, and the Council does have faculty thoughts and concerns in mind when approving athletic schedules. He added that Mr. Moon does a good job of conveying the Councils concerns to the coaches. Parliamentarian Kaul asked what action, if any, is taken with the teams that exceed the guidelines as indicated on the CIA report. He also wonders what happens to the report, if it is filed anywhere, and if CIA looks at it from year to year with thought toward possible follow-up. Dr. Baker responded the CIA does make some suggestions to teams that consistently exceed the stated guidelines; for instance, the Council was able to suggest that departure times for baseball be extended in order to reduce the number of missed class days. He admitted, however, that many of the decisions about the schedules are out of the Councils hands because they are made at the conference level, even though 91ֿdoes have representation at Summit League meetings. Parliamentarian Kaul remarked that the larger question remains regarding what correction CIA plans for specific instances of exceeded guidelines, and no input on those actions is being reported back to Faculty Senate. He noted the report is submitted every year, but there is no indication on it what actions were taken to correct teams who exceeded the guidelines the previous year or years. Mr. Moon responded that CIA does talk about these issues as a council and tries to work within the University Sponsored Activities Policy and the Guidelines for Missed Classes. He noted that five of the last six semesters saw student-athletes achieving an overall GPA of 3.0, so Athletics realizes the importance of student-athlete academic success and believes these guidelines contribute toward it. Mr. Moon stated that Athletics does mandate study sessions for teams that exceed the missed class guidelines and has seen the baseball teams overall GPA increase from 2.4 to 2.8 with the help of its coaches. Parliamentarian Kaul remarked that this is the kind of information that would be helpful to find on next years CIA report to Senate so that the corrective actions taken can also be reviewed by senators. Mr. Moon reported that CIA has looked at peer institutions and what kinds of policies on missed classes they utilize, and plans to get that information published on the CIA website. He has found that 91ֿhas the most stringent missed class policy among its peer institutions, which Athletics believes is a good thing because it demonstrates Westerns expectation of academic excellence and helps when recruiting student-athletes. Mr. Moon informed senators that Northern Iowa, Southern Illinois University, and Illinois State have unlimited policies on missed classes for athletic participation. Senator Werner noted that while Southern Utah is being eliminated from the womens soccer schedule next year, the CIA report indicates that softball has added away trips to North Dakota State University, Oakland University, and the University of South Dakota, which all require an extra travel day because of the distance of these institutions. She asked if there is not some mechanism at the conference level to address the effects of travel distances on student-athletes, noting that surely 91ֿis not the only institution having these kinds of issues. Dr. Baker stated that he believes 91ֿis one of the institutions that is concerned about these kinds of issues, and he thinks the CIA report reflects that. He pointed out that Mr. Moon has indicated some of WIUs peer institutions allow student-athletes an unlimited number of missed classes for sanctioned activities, whereas 91ֿprovides a guideline that it wants to see coaches follow as they prepare schedules for their teams. Dr. Baker stated that there are some conference issues, such as those with the Summit League, that are unavoidable despite 91ֿrepresentation and participation in their decisions 91ֿis told which teams they will be playing, where they will be playing them at, and what dates they will be playing those games, and that is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow. He stressed, however, that 91ֿis an institution that does express concerns about student-athlete schedules, and the Council on Intercollegiate Athletics and WIUs coaches do try to adhere to the guidelines set by the University in order to minimize the number of instruction days lost. Senator Werner stated she strongly believes 91ֿis about educating people first, and recalled that in some cases the NCAA has stepped in because of problems at universities with issues related to academics. She believes that at some point the amount of class time that student-athletes are required to miss should become an issue at the conference level. Senator Rabchuk pointed out that the CIA report needs a minor correction in that the mens/womens outdoor track shows two MWF classes missed and one TTH which adds up to a total of three, not one as is related in the report. That correction will be made before posting the report to the CIA website. Senator Hironimus-Wendt noted that he is under no obligation as a faculty member to make exceptions for student-athletes. He stated that his syllabus makes clear that students are allowed four unexcused absences; if a student-athlete must miss six of his classes, that student would be docked one letter grade for the fifth absence and another letter grade for the sixth. Senator Hironimus-Wendt stated that he would not expect to make exceptions for student-athletes that he would not make for students engaged in other activities. He asked if his absence policy should be the first priority of his students or if athletics should be their first priority. Dr. Baker pointed out that athletics are University-sponsored activities and should be excused by faculty members. Senator Hironimus-Wendt stated that student-athletes provide him with notices of their anticipated absences at the beginning of the semester, and he informs them that he has a firm attendance policy that applies to every student in his classes. He stated that while he has never had a problem arise in this area and student-athletes have traditionally been his best students, he wonders if student-athletes must adhere to his policy or if he must allow them six legitimately excused absences while he does not normally allow this number for his other students. Senator Polley responded the policy indicates faculty have the final say as to whether an absence is excused or unexcused; the Universitys policy on sanctioned activities is a recognition of the value academically of extracurricular activities but not an indication that they must be excused. Senator Polley asked if the NCAA has placed any limits on the number of missed days university student-athletes cannot exceed in order to remain in compliance; Mr. Moon responded the NCAA has not issued any limits in this regard. He added that all of Westerns peer institutions either have policies that are unlimited or limit student-athletes to ten or 11 missed class days. He said that NCAA likely doesnt address this issue because it would be difficult to manage with universities having to travel to sites that are of varying distance and with so many different sports and conferences to consider. Senator Polley believes Westerns policy of limiting athletic absences to a certain number of days is a very good one, as is the ability for the University to allow certain sports to exceed those limits in cases where it is necessary for reasons beyond the Universitys control. He applauded the Council on Intercollegiate Athletics for their oversight of this process. Dr. Baker stated he thinks it is good to have a faculty council reviewing the athletic schedules. Senator Hunter stated that in his 16 years at Western he has had a few questions regarding his student-athletes, and the Athletic Department has gone out of their way to assist and have worked with him to resolve any issues. He stated that if the CIA report goes onto their website, it should include a disclaimer so that student-athletes understand that it does not represent an approval for them to miss the maximum number of days. Senator Lauer noted that student-athletes in womens sports seem to miss one to two more days per semester than those in mens sports, although this may be anomalous for this particular year. He stated that in terms of looking for repeat offenders, the Council may wish to see if there appears to be a trend towards womens sports missing more classes than mens. Dr. Baker responded he does not think this has been the trend over the past few years, but Senator Lauer suggested CIA may wish to track this for advocacy purposes. Senator Yoder expressed his concern regarding comments indicating that 91ֿhas to bite the bullet because theres nothing we can do about it and our hands are tied. He believes the issue of student-athletes missing classroom instruction is an important one for the University, and it is dangerous to think that 91ֿis locked into things about which it can do nothing. He stated that when it comes to sports and everything that goes along with that, the University certainly can do something about these issues. NO OBJECTIONS TO THE REPORT Council for Curricular Programs and Instruction (Steve Bennett, Chair) Request for Change in Major Forensic Chemistry CHANGE IN MAJOR APPROVED Request for New Course ECON 496, Seminar in Economics, 1-3 s.h. Senator Made Gowda asked how students will be graded if they will prepare a report, submit a paper, deliver an oral presentation, or some other method. Parliamentarian Kaul, who chairs the Department of Economics and Decision Sciences, responded ECON 496 is a graded course rather than S/U; each particular topic will have a course syllabus and will be graded according to the professors stated grading policy. Senator Made Gowda asked if the course will include lectures; Parliamentarian Kaul responded it will include lectures, presentations, or activities, depending on the specific seminar topic. Senator Made Gowda asked if students will be asked to prepare a report and present it to their peers. Parliamentarian Kaul responded that seminars can be run in different fashions; he thinks of ECON 496 as a current topics course, something the department wishes to offer without having to go through the new course approval process each time. He explained the instructors involved in teaching the course will develop a syllabus based on the topic and treat it as a regular course which can be repeatable to 9 s.h. because it can be taken three different times. He added that seminars can also be offered with guest speakers. Senator Made Gowda asked if students can take one, two, or three semester hours as desired; Parliamentarian Kaul responded that is correct, and students can repeat the course up to 9 s.h. maximum. Senator Rabchuk asked if the Department of History offers a free topic course every year. Senator McNabb responded that History has a capstone seminar course whose topic changes but it is always 3 s.h. and is not repeatable. Senator Rabchuk asked why Economics and Decisions Sciences chose to offer a seminar course rather than a special topics course. Parliamentarian Kaul responded at the time the course was developed, the department did not consider offering it as a special topics course and concentrated on the seminar route, but it would be fine to offer it as special topics. Senator Singh stated that when he read the title of the course, he thought the student would be much more engaged than in a special topics course. He believes special topics courses dont necessarily have the same expectation of engagement on the part of the student as seminar courses; in special topics courses, the onus is on the instructors to deliver. Senator Singh liked to see the seminar idea incorporated into the course because, while there might be formal presentations, there is a different expectation from students in seminar courses; more of a discussion format is expected and a higher order of learning because of that. Senator McNabb noted that making the credit hours variable by semester suggests that there could be tremendous diversity of expectations in experience under the same course number. She stated that while she is sympathetic to the advantages of a seminar-type setting where the topic can change from semester to semester, she thinks that assigning a specific credit hour to that format would add solidity. She noted that with 1-3 s.h. of credit, ECON 496 is many different courses to different students rather than a single course, and she asked what the departments thinking was in choosing variable credit. Parliamentarian Kaul responded that he also raised this question when the departments curriculum committee brought this proposal to him, but the curriculum committee felt more comfortable offering the course for variable credit because they felt that is what is desired by students of economics. Senator Hunter noted that when he read the course proposal, he was struck by the possibility of various speakers not quite adjuncts presenting to the class, which is part of its flexibility. He explained that if a speaker were to only come to the course three or four times, it may be only a one semester hour course, but if faculty have an issue of immediacy, such as the recent financial crisis, the professor may wish to have the flexibility to offer one section of the course the first semester followed by a second section of the course the following semester. He asked if the topic of the seminar will appear on students transcripts; Parliamentarian Kaul responded affirmatively because the multiple titles request for ECON 496 was approved by CCPI. Senator Rahman stated that the Department of English and Journalism offers a senior seminar, and she does think the seminar title implies intensive study in a topic, such as student presentations and a substantial research project at the end of the semester. She believes that this level of intensity implies the need for 3 s.h., and she wonders how a seminar can be offered for 1 s.h. of credit. Senator Hunter remarked that when he returned from completing an overseas Fullbright trip, he was asked to give two to three lectures at two universities for which students received seminar credit. He said that while students received minimal credit, offering the course for credit served two purposes: 1) to entice students to attend the presentation, and 2) to indicate the educational benefit of attendance. Senator Polley, who serves in Economics and Decision Sciences, told senators he does not serve on the undergraduate curriculum committee so cannot attest to their thinking when recommending variable credit, but he can see some advantages to assigning variable credit for the course. He explained that multiple sections of ECON 496 could be set for sequential dates in the same semester with one semester hour assigned for each and different faculty members teaching each section for PAA or ACEs credit; students might register for 3 s.h. comprised of 1 s.h. for each section with different titles. He stated that such a scenario would not be used every time ECON 496 is offered offering the seminar class for 3 s.h. would probably be more common but the 1-3 s.h. of credit will give the department the flexibility to explore different ways to offer it each seminar. Senator Polley stated that in regard to the question regarding what a seminar entails, this is addressed in the Students Needs to be Served section of the request where it indicates that ECON 496 would provide students with intensive study. He said the requirements, expectations, and graded work would vary from one professor or topic to another so that cannot be specifically stated on the request; for topics in an economics course, the work might be more quantitative and held in a computer lab, or it might involve discussing and presenting papers, or inviting guest speakers and writing responses to their presentations. Senator Polley believes it would be unfair to tie faculty members hands as to what the course requirements for their students will be; the course will involve intensive study, and he believes the faculty teaching a seminar in economics will understand what a seminar should be. Senator Rabchuk noted that one of the course objectives listed for ECON 496 indicates that students will Develop and address research questions within a particular field of economics, and as long as the course meets the three course objectives listed on the request form in whatever time period ECON 496 is offered it will have met the spirit of what a seminar course should be. Senator Myers remarked that listening to Senators Hunters and Senator Polleys descriptions sounds like they are discussing two different courses an intensive study course for 3 s.h. and a workshop course or something similar for multiple titles that would allow faculty the flexibility to do some of the activities that are being discussed. She stated that offering three workshops does not seem to be the same course as offering an intensive study seminar. Senator Myers believes a seminar course should include a set number of credit hours, and a 1 s.h. repeatable course is something different. Parliamentarian Kaul remarked he would have no objection to offering ECON 496 as a 450 workshop course, but Interim Associate Provost Parsons pointed out that 450 workshop courses cannot be offered for multiple titles. Senator Lauer noted that the University offers several different kinds of variable study, such as internships or independent study courses. He observed it sounds like the departments curriculum committee would like to see flexibility built into the course so that there is the possibility of doing some innovative things with it at some particular time. Chairperson Rock asked if any senators wished to object to the course request; there were no objections. NEW COURSE APPROVED Senate Nominating Committee (Martin Maskarinec, Chair) UNIVERSITY COUNCILS AND COMMITTEES: Technology Security Committee Christine Anderson, Curric. & Instr. replacing John Closen 2012 E&HS Search Committee, Vice President for Administrative Services Janice Gates, Management and Marketing Old Business Ad Hoc Committee to Review Early Warning Grade System Chairperson Rock told senators the proposal was presented to CAGAS for their input, and the Council indicated they would like a voting representative from CAGAS to be added to the ad hoc committee membership. That addition was made to the committee composition, and the proposal is being returned to Senate for a vote on its creation. Senator Rabchuk noted that a change was proposed to the third bullet of the charge at the last meeting: To consider whether there should be an actual grade reported for each course or only for those students receiving grades of C- or less in courses, should be changed to each student in each course That change will be made to the charge. Chairperson Rock noted that the membership includes a faculty senator; he asked for volunteers. Senator Polley volunteered to serve; there were no other volunteers, so Senator Polley was elected by acclamation. He a New Business None Motion: To adjourn (Singh) The Faculty Senate adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Bill Thompson, Senate Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 14  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 *+,-7<>HWXYuv    % 0 1 : < D yqidy_ hB5 h/5h(h/5h/hB5h(hB5h(hhm5hBhL5h(hL5h(hE45 hpmT5h(hpmT5h(hYy5 haf5h(haf5h(hhmCJaJhX h(hkP haf6 h36h(hhm6 h(hvv h(h 1{ h(hhm$HXYuv|   > ? 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