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He stated that the President informed him that Faculty Senates recommendation was the first he had heard of any problems with the requirement and he felt that the issue merited further study. Chairperson Blankenship stated he also heard from several faculty after the Senates recommendation to eliminate the requirement questioning how the decision was made without consultation with the persons teaching the classes. Chairperson Blankenship stated this does not indicate that Faculty Senate did anything wrong in voting to eliminate the requirement since what the Senate does is solve problems, and there was a perceived problem with the W requirement. He added, however, that the First Year Experience classes do not appear to have been causing the kinds of conflicts that Faculty Senate was led to believe, and referred to an email from College of Arts and Sciences Dean Levi explaining the FYE process and that COAS departments should continue to offer the same amount of W courses as before FYE implementation. Chairperson Blankenship stated that during the April 26 meeting, it seemed as if approving the CGE recommendation to not require that students take courses from at least two different General Education categories or from at least two different academic departments within the same Gen Ed category to fulfill their W requirements would be simply putting a bandaid on a gaping wound, but perhaps that is not the case. He stated acceptance of the CGE recommendation may allow for W courses to be offered in a more relaxed environment so that Faculty Senate can then look closer at scheduling and curriculum issues surrounding W classes in the fall. One senator stated that faculty he spoke to were against removing the W requirement, and he made the suggestion that CGE, instead of surveying advisors, should have surveyed faculty for their input into the process. Chairperson Blankenship explained that CGE had a limited time to act on the recommendations from the Deans Council Subcommittee on University Advising, and that they did survey chairs, some of whom discussed the survey with their faculty and some of whom did not. Provost Rallo stated he thinks the Registrars office and the advisors overreacted, and added that he has learned from the Registrar that this conversation comes up every year, although the Senate meeting was the first the Provost learned of any problem with the requirement. He stated that the key issue from the Presidents perspective is that Western has a requirement for which no one plans ahead of time and no one has tracked from the beginning how many faculty will have their classes designated as W. Provost Rallo stated that the W requirement should have some value, integrity, and planning associated with it, and he added that whatever Faculty Senate decides is fine, but he will guarantee that advance planning will be applied to this requirement in future. Provost Rallo also stated that he wants everyone to understand that FYE is a new resource that is not being implemented at the expense of the W requirement. He informed senators that one million new dollars this year are being dedicated to FYE. A senator stated that the only action that Faculty Senate can take that will be acted upon is to accept CGEs recommendation since the Presidents memo stated that I am willing to approve, on an interim basis, the CGE recommendation to modify the current W course policy. But another senator pointed out that the other option is to maintain the status quo and have departments step up and offer enough W courses. Provost Rallo told senators he met with the Registrar last week to check on the enrollment of W courses. He stated that Arts and Sciences has 2,265 seats available in W courses for fall 2005 and, as of last week, 1,421 students enrolled in those classes, although FYE students have not registered yet. The Provost stated that each of the colleges has capacity for students who plan to enroll in W classes and that even without modification what is on the books is sufficient. Provost Rallo asked the Registrar if Western has a crisis with its W courses and was told that there is no crisis. Provost Rallo also told senators that one modification has been made to FYE courses that should help students meet the W requirement. Currently, First Year Experience courses must include 25 percent writing, and W courses must be 50 percent writing. A new designation has been recommended by the FYE Committee for FYE courses that have 50 percent writing: Z. So now a First Year Experience student could take two FYE courses, one W course, and one WID course to fulfill graduation requirements, or the student could take one Z course, one W course, and one WID course. Senator Erdmann said he had spoken at the April 26 Senate meeting about the difficulty of interpreting WARD reports, and this will add even more coding. Senator Livingston-Webber, who will teach an FYE course in the spring, stated she has received no information about the Z designation for FYE-W courses, and other senators agreed that they had not heard of it. Chairperson Blankenship, who co-chairs the FYE Committee, stated that the Z designation will be discussed at the three summer workshops for FYE faculty, but Senator Livingston-Webber stated that this would not relieve the pressure of scheduling W classes if students do not have this information when registering. Motion: To accept the CGE recommendation as submitted to Faculty Senate (Brice/Livingston-Webber) One senator asked why students entering Western in the fall should be treated any differently if there apparently is no problem with the W requirement. A senator pointed out that at the previous Senate meeting it sounded like there was a real crisis with the requirement and now it appears there is no problem at all, which is quite confusing. Another stated that if Faculty Senate today accepts the CGE recommendation to change the W requirement, then after further comprehensive study in fall recommends changing the requirement further, that would make three different levels of W students under different regulations, which could become quite complicated. Another senator added that students might perceive the different levels of W requirement as unfair, which would be bad for student morale. One senator wondered if the possible different W requirement levels might lead to more appeals. SENATOR JELATIS CALLED THE QUESTION MOTION FAILED 4 YES 10 NO 0 AB Senators discussed whether any additional motion would be necessary to retain the status quo, but determined that with the CGE recommendation not being approved, the W requirement would remain as it currently is stated. Senators also stated that this would be part of the discussion of the blue ribbon committee to examine General Education since the W requirement would be a part of any Gen Ed discussion. Motion: To adjourn (Brice/Livingston-Webber) The Faculty Senate adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Julie Mahoney, Secretary Annette Hamm Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 2 #+3ABJKQVXY]^bwx  R ^ h u Ƹܢܢܢܖ܈}rg\}g}rgQgh: hB CJaJh: h`CJaJh: hkiCJaJh: h+@CJaJh: h{kCJaJh: hki5CJ\aJhki5>*CJ\aJh+@CJaJh+@56CJ\]aJhki56CJ\]aJhki6CJ]aJhki5CJ\aJhkiCJaJh+@hki5CJaJh+@h+@5CJaJhkiBWXbxi uvZ[_` ]^gd3]gdvj@&$a$$a$gd+@$@&a$@&&' t 1 4 &fjov]m%,tu BImƻ}}}}h|CJaJhKT2CJaJh: h.)CJaJhx[CJaJhCJaJhvjCJaJh: hQaCJaJh: h3CJaJh: hB CJaJh: h{kCJaJh: h+@CJaJh: hkiCJaJh: hki5CJ\aJ1AD^`s7>HGZ [ \ d X!Z![!!!"#"$"*"2":"v###K$L$M$q$r$$պպݺݺՎպݪݪݺݲ݆zzh"ph"p5CJaJh(XCJaJh: 5CJaJh: h: CJaJh"pCJaJhjCJaJhCJaJhCJaJhhaCJaJh: hhaCJaJh: CJaJheWCJaJh|CJaJhKT2CJaJh: h.)CJaJ/bc[ \ L$M$q$r$$$3&4&b&c&&&& & F & F@&p^pgdgdvjgdB ]^gd3 ]^gd: ]gdvj$$2&3&4&=&I&O&`&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&''' ' ' ' ' ''''ĹϹϹϹϱhx[0JmHnHuheW heW0JjheW0JUh&Njh&NUh: hB CJaJh: hCJaJh: hkiCJaJh: hki5CJ\aJ h: h h"ph"ph"p hh\P5%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&''' '&`#$ & F p@ @&^` & F & F p@ P@&^`P & F p@ P^`P '''''/ 01h/ =!"#$h% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH P@P Heading 1$ & F @& >*CJaJR@R Heading 2$ & F@&^5CJ\aJH@H Heading 3$ & F@& >*CJaJJ@J Heading 4$ & F@&5CJ\aJZ@Z Heading 5$ & F@&]^5CJ\aJDA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List XOX Level 17$8$H$^OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XOX Level 4@ 7$8$H$^@ OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XOX Level 3p7$8$H$^pOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XO"X Level 57$8$H$^OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XC@2X Body Text Indent ^ >*CJaJ6B@B6 Body TextCJaJ4 @R4 Footer  !.)@a. 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