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He asked senators to consider, however, whether they wished to add one curricular item to the agenda that was approved by CCPI on April 28. Motion: To add the request for change of major for Instructional Design and Technology to the end of the agenda (Thompson/Erdmann) Chairperson DeVolder explained that in order for an item to be added to the agenda, it must be approved by two-thirds of the senators present. MOTION APPROVED 13 YES 0 NO 0 AB Reports of Committees and Councils Council for Admission, Graduation, and Academic Standards (Bill Polley, Chair) Review of Changes to Admissions Procedures for Fall 2011 and Proposed Admissions Criteria for Fall 2012 Dr. Polley reported that the changes approved by CAGAS and Faculty Senate for fall 2011 are proceeding well, and both CAGAS and the Office of Academic Services are happy with the way they are going. He stated that OAS is close to reaching its target of 400 students, and that hasnt happened for quite some time. Admissions numbers are for fall 2011 also up based upon housing deposits. Dr. Polley stated that when CAGAS approved the changes for fall 2011 in November, they justified those with the best data available at the time with the understanding that the Council would use this academic year to do more research and look deeper into WIUs admissions in order to make recommendations for fall 2012. He informed senators that, in consultation with the Office of Academic Services and the Office of Admissions, CAGAS is recommending that 91ֿmove to a profile model for publishing admissions requirements on the website and in the catalog rather than the current language stating that students with a 20 ACT and 2.5 GPA are regular admits and that a sliding scale is applied if students are deficient in one of those areas. Dr. Polley pointed out that the sliding scale, commonly known as the grid, is not defined in the published material. He stated that CAGAS is recommending that changes made to the grid for fall 2011 remain as well as changing a couple of cells from automatic admits to OAS admits. Dr. Polley stated that CAGAS thinks students who fall within these cells on the grid would really benefit from being in the OAS program and that it makes WIUs admissions standards marginally tighter and better. He stated that OAS is expected to become slightly more selective over time with these admissions changes. CAGAS proposes that rather than the 20/2.5/sliding scale, Western profile the middle 50 percent and median figures for incoming freshmen in terms of ACT and high school GPAs because that information tells potential students where WIUs freshmen fall within the range. A statement will be included encouraging students who fall below the 50 percent range to submit additional materials such as a personal essay and letters of recommendation with their admissions requests. Dr. Polley noted that in the past when students did not immediately provide the supporting evidence, the decision regarding their admission would sometimes be deferred, which was one of the things the Noel-Levitz consultant did not like about Westerns admissions process. Dr. Polley stated that one of the advantages of publishing the profile will be that students are told up front that if they fall below the profile, they are encouraged to submit supporting documents right away; students applications will not be deferred while they are asked to submit information since they are being asked up front. Dr. Polley stated that the changes being proposed for fall 2012 are quite minor, adding that CAGAS did not want to make two big changes in a row without seeing the results from the fairly substantial fall 2011 changes. Senator Thompson asked if there is a limit to the number of students that can be helped through the Office of Academic Services. Proposed Revision of Academic Integrity Policy Committee on Committees (Gloria Delany-Barmann, Chair) Motion: To adjourn (Haynes) The Faculty Senate adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Lynda Conover, Senate Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 2 #*+,-279CRfg    % & . ytldl\Th)hS5hjhj5h)hq5h)hYy5 htYG5h)htYG5h)h!RW5h)h35h)h\$5h)hhm5h)h(5 hFJ5 hK;3hhm h+hhmhaahhmCJaJh he9hkPhe9hFJ6 h6he9hhm6 he9hvv he9h 1{hj he9hhm CfgF w x h i   B C ^gd{ & F gd{gdgd)gdhm $^a$gde9. 0 = E F R j t }  ! - : F G T v w x ؼ㴯㯖yqhqh5CJaJhCJaJhy&CJaJ hn\&5h0Q[hYy5h0Q[hOBI5 hD#5 h0Q[hhm hj5h)hj5 h5h)h5hK;3hhm5CJaJh0nCJaJhCJaJhK;3hhmCJaJ hK;3hhmh)hGj5h)hc 5 hS5%   B E zYZіwlaVNhjCJaJh1h= CJaJh1hF1CJaJh1hb,CJaJhNKCJaJh1hPkCJaJh1hPk5CJaJhCJaJhnCJaJhHqCJaJhi7CJaJhVhVCJaJhVCJaJh{CJaJh{h{CJaJh{h{>*CJaJh{hCJaJhh5CJaJC ~ YZ & FgdHN4gd^gd{ & F gd{p^pgdVp^pgd{ & F p0^p`0gd{^gd{ & F gd{  23iklnoqrtu~&`#$ & F p@ P@&^`Pgdw!& & F p@ P@&^`Pgd=  & Fgd= & F^gdF1  23hijlmoprsuv|}~hi70JmHnHuh0 h00Jjh00JUh/jh/Uh1h7CJaJh1hSCJaJh1hw!&CJaJh1h= CJaJh1h8SCJaJ & F p@ P@&^`Pgdw!&5 01h:pw!&/ =!8"*#$% ^/ H002 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH PP  Heading 1$ & F @& >*CJaJR@R  Heading 2$ & F@&^5CJ\aJHH  Heading 3$ & F@& >*CJaJJ@J  Heading 4$ & F@&5CJ\aJZZ  Heading 5$ & F@&]^5CJ\aJDA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List X/X Level 17$8$H$^OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH X/X Level 4@ 7$8$H$^@ OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH X/X Level 3p7$8$H$^pOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH X/"X Level 57$8$H$^OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XC2X Body Text Indent ^ >*CJaJ6BB6 Body TextCJaJ4 @R4 Footer  !.)@a. 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