
Graduate Studies

Faculty/Staff Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find curriculum request forms?

Curriculum forms can be found here and require, at a minimum, department chair and dean signatures before being sent to the Graduate School. Forms with * after them require Graduate Council approval.

When are curriculum items due for the next Graduate Council meeting?

Curriculum items that require Graduate Council approval must be submitted by the published agenda deadlines dates found here. If an item for a specific meeting is submitted late, it will be moved to the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting. Graduate Council does not meet during the summer months.

Our department would like to offer an external assistantship. What is required?

The selected student(s) must meet all eligibility requirements for an assistantship to hold an external position. The academic department will submit an Externally Funded Assistantship Agreement with all required signatures and a Graduate Assistantship Contract Request to the Graduate School.

I am unable to load an instructor on the class schedule screens. What is the problem?

For any course offered for graduate credit, the instructor must be a full, associate, or temporary member of the graduate faculty. Please submit the appropriate application to the Graduate School.