Human Resources
Civil Service Handbook - A
All requests to be absent from work should be approved in advance by your supervisor; sick leave and emergency absences should be reported to your supervisor at the earliest possible opportunity. If you telephone to request sick or vacation leave in an emergent situation, you are expected to speak directly with your supervisor to receive approval of the absence. Absences must be recorded on your time card.
Adoption Benefits
Recognizing adoption as a meaningful and viable way to build a family, the State of Illinois has implemented an Adoption Benefit Program to help employees who adopt a child. To encourage adoption, especially of children who traditionally wait longer for families, the Adoption Benefit Program of the State of Illinois will reimburse State employees for some adoption expenses incurred.
The Adoption Benefit Program is available to all Employees who are eligible for benefits under the State Employees Group Insurance Program. Active Employees who opt out or waive health, and other benefits remain eligible for the Adoption Benefit Program.
The program pays eligible expenses up to a maximum of $1,500 for a waiting child and up to $1,000 for any other child. If you adopt more than one child, you may file for benefits for each child. Call the Human Resource Benefits Office (309-298-1853) for further information or go to .
Appointment Types
(SUCSS 250.70)
91²Ö¿â Civil Service employees are employed in different types of appointments. These appointments are defined below. Any questions about your type of appointment should be referred to Human Resources.
Apprentice Appointment
An apprentice is a non-status employee who is employed in an occupation defined as an "apprenticeable occupation" by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor. A six-month probationary period follows certification offered by the University.
Extra Help Appointment
An extra help appointment may be made for any position emergent in nature and meeting the following conditions: 1) employee is called for service occasionally; 2) services are not regularly required on a constant, repetitive basis; 3) amount of time needed is not usually predictable; 4) payment for work is usually made on an hourly basis; and 5) work cannot readily be assigned on a straight-time or overtime basis to a status employee. Employees in extra-help positions are not eligible for BOT or State of Illinois benefits.
Provisional Appointment
Provisional appointments are made in the absence of a register. A person so appointed must be qualified as stated in the class specification. In order to establish eligibility for a status appointment, the provisional appointee must file application for examination and compete by score for the status position. A provisional employee who has not passed the examination may continue to be employed, providing no candidate is available for appointment from the appropriate register. Provisional employees are entitled to benefits offered by the Board of Trustees of 91²Ö¿â.
Status Appointment (Certified)
Status appointments are positions continuing on a regular basis for six months or more and which have been assigned to a classification. Such appointments may be on a full-time or on a percentage of a full-time basis. Those employees assigned to a status appointment must satisfactorily complete a probationary period to become a certified employee. All employees with status appointments of 50 percent time or more are entitled to employee benefits offered by the Board of Trustees of 91²Ö¿â.
Temporary Appointment
Temporary appointments are made to any position which the employer certifies to be emergent, temporary, or transitory. Such appointments should not be for more than three months, but may be extended for a maximum of six months less one day, with approval by the Director of Human Resources. Board of Trustees benefits provide eligibility for holiday pay to employees in temporary positions.
Intern Appointment
An Intern appointment may be made if the following conditions exist: 1) there are no qualified candidates available from the reemployment or promotional register for the classification; 2) the applicant lacks one or more of the minimum qualifications for the classification. Intern programs are applicable for any classification which require certain educational and/or experience qualifications, except craft or trade classifications. An intern cannot receive more than 95 percent of the minimum of the range during the intern period, but the employee is entitled to the benefits offered by the Board of Trustees of 91²Ö¿â and the State of Illinois. An intern may take vacation leave on an exception basis with the approval of the Designated Employer Representative (Human Resources Director) as provided for in the Board of Trustees regulations.
Audit Appeal Procedure
The following outline of procedures describes the formal process used to review audit determinations:
- An employee and/or a supervisor may appeal an audit determination by submitting a completed Classification Audit Appeal Form within ten working days of receiving the decision. All appeals must be signed by the employee's immediate supervisor.
- Initial appeals shall be forwarded to the Classification Division of Human Resources. The audit will then be reviewed in an attempt to resolve the stated concerns. This review will include an interview with the employee and/or supervisor. Following the review, an appeal decision will be issued in writing within fifteen working days of the date of the interview.
- Within 5 working days of receiving the results of an initial appeal, an employee and/or a supervisor may further appeal the classification decision by submitting a completed Classification Audit Appeal Form to the Director of Human Resources. The Director or his/her designee will then review all submitted data and interview appropriate personnel in a second attempt to resolve the stated concerns. The Director or his/her designee will issue a decision in writing within 20 working days of the date of the interview.
- Should resolution still not be reached, an employee or a supervisor has the right to address a final appeal to the Director of the State Universities Civil Service System. Such appeals must be filed with the System Office within 15 calendar days of receiving a decision from the Director of Human Resources or his/her designee.
Audit Procedure for Positions
Visit the Audit Procedures landing page for updated information.
- Handbook Directory
- Absences
- Adoption Benefits
- Appointment Types
- Apprentice Appointment
- Art Exhibits (see Entertainment)
- Athletic Events
- Audit Appeal Procedure
- Audit Procedure for Positions
- Benefits
- Benefits While on Leave
- Bereavement Leave
- Bonds
- Book Awards for Civil Service Employees
- Breaks
- Bureau of Cultural Affairs (see Entertainment)
- Campus Connection
- Civil Service Award Fund
- Civil Service Award Selection Committee
- Civil Service Bulletin Boards
- Classification
- Clerical Services Policy
- Committees
- Concerts (see Entertainment)
- Copying, Printing, and Copiers
- Credit Union
- Cultural Affairs (see Entertainment)
- Death Benefits and Survivor Benefits
- Disability Leave
- Discharge
- Disciplinary Management Program
- Dismissal
- Educational Benefits
- Educational Benefits for Retirees/Employees' Children
- Educational Leave
- Employee Assistance Program
- Employee Newsletter (see Campus Connection)
- Entertainment
- Equal Opportunity Policy
- Examination Scheduling Procedures
- Extra-Help Appointment
- Family and Medical Leave Act - FMLA
- Fine Arts (see Entertainment)
- Food Service Operations
- Funeral Leave (see Bereavement Leave)
- Health Service
- Hiring Procedures
- Holidays
- Identification Cards
- Insurance
- Intern Appointment
- Interviewing for Positions
- Job Descriptions
- Jury Duty/Court Witness Service
- Layoff Policy
- Learner Appointment
- Leaves of Absence
- Library Privileges
- Lost and Found (see University Union Facilities)
- Mail Services
- Make-Up Time
- Meal Period
- Medical Leave
- Military Leave
- Night Shift Differential (see Shift Differential Procedures)
- Notary Public Service
- Office Supplies
- Overtime
- Parental Leave
- Parking and Traffic Regulations
- Part-Time Employee Benefits
- Pay Checks
- Payroll/Personnel Procedures
- Performance Evaluation
- Personal Convenience Leave
- Personnel Files
- Physical Plant Services
- Pregnancy Leave
- Probationary Period - Six Months
- Probationary Period - Twelve Months
- Promotions
- Provisional Appointment
- Reassignment
- Recreation for Employees and Families
- Resignation
- Retirement
- Safety
- Salary
- Scholarship Awards to Dependents of Civil Service Employees
- Sexual Misconduct & Gender Non-Discrimination Policy (Title IX)
- Shift Differential Procedures
- Sick Leave
- Sports (see Athletic Events)
- Status Changes
- Status Appointment
- Tax Deferred Accounts
- Telecommunication/WESTEL Services
- Temporary Appointment
- Termination
- Time Cards
- Transfers
- Transportation Services
- Tuition Waivers
- Unemployment Compensation
- University Union Facilities
- Vacation
- Veterans Preference Points
- Work Schedules
- Workers' Compensation
- A - Policy on Acquiring Computing Devices
- B - Clean Air/No Smoking Policy
- C - Clerical Services Policy
- D - Policy on Commercial and Charitable Solicitation
- E - University Compensation Policy
- F - Compensatory Time/Overtime Policy
- G - Constitution & By-Laws of 91²Ö¿âCivil Service Employees Council
- H - Disciplinary Management Program
- J - Policy on Distribution of Printed Materials and Collection of Signatures
- K - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
- L - Drug-Free Workplace Policy
- M - Policy on Employment of Individuals with Disabilities
- N - Policy Statement on Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action
- O - Flex-Time Policy
- P - Flex-Year Civil Service Status Appointments
- Q - Civil Service Employee Grievance Policy
- R - Legal Procedures
- S - Policy on Limiting University Operations Because of Emergency Conditions
- V - Security of Information
- X - Tuition Reduction & Educational Assistance Plan
- Y - Union Solicitation Guidelines
- BB - Blood and Organ Donor Leave Policy
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