Human Resources
Civil Service Handbook - P
Parking and Traffic Regulations
Employees who operate vehicles on campus must register the vehicles with Parking Services. When purchasing a permit, an employee will need to know their vehicle registration information and present their valid drivers' license. The permit fee may be paid by cash, check, or charged to the employee's 91²Ö¿âaccount. Annual permits expire August 31 of each year. Only one F/S hangtag parking permit is allotted per employee.
New employees are to register and display the 91²Ö¿âhangtag parking permit on the vehicle they operate on or before their first day of employment. A violation for "Failure to Register Vehicle" is $22.00. Purchase of a permitdoes not guarantee a parking space in a specific area. 91²Ö¿âParking Regulations are available at Parking Services, Office of Public Safety, in Mowbray Hall. Parking Services office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday (298-1921).
Part-time Employee Benefits
Part-time employees with 50 percent up to 100 percent permanent positions of nine or more months, hired on or after January 1, 1980, may receive partial benefits by paying a pro rata share of premiums. Contact Benefits for further information (298-1853).
Pay Checks
Salary checks for non-exempt Civil Service employees are issued every two weeks or 26 times per year. A check covers a period of time representing a two-week delay. Salary checks for Civil Service exempt employees are issued semi-monthly on the 1st and 16th of each month (24 times a year). Net pay will be electronically deposited to a bank account authorized by the employee.
Payroll/Personnel Procedures
A. No position request will be acted upon by Human Resources until it is actually received by said office.
B. All non-status appointments must have specific starting and ending dates on the position request. This will allow the Budget Office to accurately cost out such positions before approving them.
C. All payroll changes must be made by Human Resources no later than Wednesday of a payday week for hourly employees, and no later than the 10th or the 25th of the month for semi-monthly paid employees.
A. Employees are expected to give two weeks notice when resigning a position.
B. Prior to issuing a final check, Human Resources must receive a termination clearance sheet with all appropriate signatures.
C. Employees are expected to schedule an appointment with Benefits when resigning or retiring to process all insurance and retirement system papers.
Performance Evaluation
(also see Probationary Period)
Regular performance evaluations must be completed for each Civil Service employee. Evaluations typically occur at 2, 4, 6, and 12 months for employees with a 6-month probationary period and on a yearly basis thereafter; evaluations typically occur at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months for employees with a 12-month probationary period and on a yearly basis thereafter. Performance evaluations are generated and monitored by Human Resources. Employees and supervisors are encouraged to discuss performance evaluations, to maintain up-to-date job descriptions, and to develop goals and objectives for the upcoming year. Once the employee and supervisor have discussed and signed the evaluation, it is returned to Human Resources and becomes a part of the employee's personnel file.
Personnel Files
A personnel file is maintained for each Civil Service employee in Human Resources, Sherman Hall 105. Personnel files contain copies of status notices, performance evaluations, application materials, examination summaries, letters of evaluation/ recommendation, and other official correspondence. Employees may request access or copies of file documents by contacting Human Resources (298-1971).
Physical Plant Services
Physical Plant services include planning and design, contractual construction, scheduled maintenance and services, and in-house construction projects. Non-emergency requests should be submitted in writing via a service request form or electronically through the computerized maintenance management system utilized by the Physical Plant. Emergency requests should be telephoned to the Physical Plant (after hours phone emergencies to the Office of Public Safety 298-1949).
User departments are encouraged to plan and submit service requests as far in advance as possible to allow adequate time for scheduling personnel and obtaining materials.
Recognizing that adequate personnel and maintenance monies are not available within the Physical Plant budget to provide all services requested from various academic and administrative units on campus, Physical Plant will prioritize and schedule work accordingly. Work beyond that which can be addressed with routine or preventive maintenance monies will be identified and submitted as a future repair and renovation project.
Probationary Period - Six Months
(SUCSS Rule 250.90)
New status employees at 91²Ö¿âmay be on probation for a period of six months as determined by the position. This period allows the supervisor to assess on-the-job performance and give feedback on an employee's progress. Evaluations may occur at the end of the 2nd, 4th, and 6th month of employment; however the University retains the right to dismiss an employee (during the probationary period) without recourse if the employer determines that the employee has failed to demonstrate the ability and the qualifications necessary to furnish satisfactory service. While on probation, employees are entitled to use sick leave for appropriate reasons. However, vacation time may only be used for good cause and the approval of the Director of Human Resources. New employees may take advantage of educational benefits prior to completion of their probationary periods with appropriate approval. After the probationary period is complete, employees will be evaluated each year on their employment anniversary.
Probationary Period - Twelve Months
(SUCSS Rule 250.90)
New employees at 91²Ö¿âmay be on probation for a period of twelve months as determined by the position. Evaluations may occur at the end of the 4th, 8th, and 12th months; however the University retains the right to dismiss an employee (during the probationary period) without recourse if the employer determines that the employee has failed to demonstrate the ability and the qualifications necessary to furnish satisfactory service. While on probation, employees are entitled to use sick leave for appropriate reasons. However, vacation time may only be used for good cause with the approval of the Director of Human Resources. New employees may take advantage of educational benefits prior to completion of their probationary periods with appropriate approval. After the probationary period is complete, employees will be evaluated each year on their employment anniversary.
(SUCSS Rule 250.50)
Employees of 91²Ö¿â are encouraged to seek promotional opportunities. Employees may test for any classification for which they meet the minimum qualifications. A list of classifications used at 91²Ö¿âis available in Human Resources.
Employees may take examinations in the promotional line of the classification in which they are currently employed if they meet the minimum qualifications. Once off probation, employees receive a promotional score. Promotional scores are placed on the register ahead of original entry examinations. Employees who are promoted may take vacation leave during their probationary period in the new classification with supervisory approval if they have completed six or twelve months (depending on probationary period length) of status employment.
- Handbook Directory
- Absences
- Adoption Benefits
- Appointment Types
- Apprentice Appointment
- Art Exhibits (see Entertainment)
- Athletic Events
- Audit Appeal Procedure
- Audit Procedure for Positions
- Benefits
- Benefits While on Leave
- Bereavement Leave
- Bonds
- Book Awards for Civil Service Employees
- Breaks
- Bureau of Cultural Affairs (see Entertainment)
- Campus Connection
- Civil Service Award Fund
- Civil Service Award Selection Committee
- Civil Service Bulletin Boards
- Classification
- Clerical Services Policy
- Committees
- Concerts (see Entertainment)
- Copying, Printing, and Copiers
- Credit Union
- Cultural Affairs (see Entertainment)
- Death Benefits and Survivor Benefits
- Disability Leave
- Discharge
- Disciplinary Management Program
- Dismissal
- Educational Benefits
- Educational Benefits for Retirees/Employees' Children
- Educational Leave
- Employee Assistance Program
- Employee Newsletter (see Campus Connection)
- Entertainment
- Equal Opportunity Policy
- Examination Scheduling Procedures
- Extra-Help Appointment
- Family and Medical Leave Act - FMLA
- Fine Arts (see Entertainment)
- Food Service Operations
- Funeral Leave (see Bereavement Leave)
- Health Service
- Hiring Procedures
- Holidays
- Identification Cards
- Insurance
- Intern Appointment
- Interviewing for Positions
- Job Descriptions
- Jury Duty/Court Witness Service
- Layoff Policy
- Learner Appointment
- Leaves of Absence
- Library Privileges
- Lost and Found (see University Union Facilities)
- Mail Services
- Make-Up Time
- Meal Period
- Medical Leave
- Military Leave
- Night Shift Differential (see Shift Differential Procedures)
- Notary Public Service
- Office Supplies
- Overtime
- Parental Leave
- Parking and Traffic Regulations
- Part-Time Employee Benefits
- Pay Checks
- Payroll/Personnel Procedures
- Performance Evaluation
- Personal Convenience Leave
- Personnel Files
- Physical Plant Services
- Pregnancy Leave
- Probationary Period - Six Months
- Probationary Period - Twelve Months
- Promotions
- Provisional Appointment
- Reassignment
- Recreation for Employees and Families
- Resignation
- Retirement
- Safety
- Salary
- Scholarship Awards to Dependents of Civil Service Employees
- Sexual Misconduct & Gender Non-Discrimination Policy (Title IX)
- Shift Differential Procedures
- Sick Leave
- Sports (see Athletic Events)
- Status Changes
- Status Appointment
- Tax Deferred Accounts
- Telecommunication/WESTEL Services
- Temporary Appointment
- Termination
- Time Cards
- Transfers
- Transportation Services
- Tuition Waivers
- Unemployment Compensation
- University Union Facilities
- Vacation
- Veterans Preference Points
- Work Schedules
- Workers' Compensation
- A - Policy on Acquiring Computing Devices
- B - Clean Air/No Smoking Policy
- C - Clerical Services Policy
- D - Policy on Commercial and Charitable Solicitation
- E - University Compensation Policy
- F - Compensatory Time/Overtime Policy
- G - Constitution & By-Laws of 91²Ö¿âCivil Service Employees Council
- H - Disciplinary Management Program
- J - Policy on Distribution of Printed Materials and Collection of Signatures
- K - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
- L - Drug-Free Workplace Policy
- M - Policy on Employment of Individuals with Disabilities
- N - Policy Statement on Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action
- O - Flex-Time Policy
- P - Flex-Year Civil Service Status Appointments
- Q - Civil Service Employee Grievance Policy
- R - Legal Procedures
- S - Policy on Limiting University Operations Because of Emergency Conditions
- V - Security of Information
- X - Tuition Reduction & Educational Assistance Plan
- Y - Union Solicitation Guidelines
- BB - Blood and Organ Donor Leave Policy
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