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Employment History (List employment history beginning with current employer):  Employers Name: Phone: Employers Address:  (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) Position(s): From: To: Employers Name: Phone: Employers Address: (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) Position(s): From: To:  Honors Awards:  Extracurricular activities, hobbies, and/or organizations:   Internship Related Course Work: List all criminal justice and related classes you have completed. Include courses you are currently enrolled in (identified by *) and any special workshops, training session, or other criminal justice experience that relates to your internship request. List your classes by name not number.  Is there anything in your background that would preclude you from being acceptable to any of the agencies you are applying for? Yes No If yes, please explain.  References (List three references other than immediate family or employers): Name Complete Address Area Code + Phone # Relationship  1.  2.  3.   I acknowledge the information provided in this Student Information, Form VI, is true and correct and I understand that all information provided is subject to verification. Signature Date     (Student Photo) (Survey of Criminal Justice (Juvenile Justice (Criminal Law (Crime Scene Investigation (CJ Research Methods (Quantitative Techniques for Criminal Justice (Criminal Procedure (Diversity, Ethics, and Professionalism in Criminal Justice (Organization and Administration in Criminal Justice (Theories of Crime  nopqr|    дЮдК~whXIjhe+ >*UmHnHujhG8[CJUmHnHujh'K >*UmHnHu he+ 5\jh_<UmHnHujh3UmHnHu he+ CJjhwUmHnHu he+ CJjhe+ UmHnHujhV{HUmHnHu he+ CJ hkmCJhe+ he+ 5he+ 5mHnHujhe+ 5UmHnHu 9noq|  J v J P^P`^gd6gd6$a$$a$$a$gdkm    / J K M T f m u v w J ŵҤޗvhjhW1'UmHnHujhlUmHnHuhCJaJhhCJaJ hCJ hhe+ jhh|./UmHnHujhCJUmHnHu he+ >*CJ hZpCJ he+ CJ he+ CJ he+ CJjhe+ UmHnHujh|./UmHnHu#J K L M O ] ^ b      = ? @ A ˿諥藉|nhaShahjhgamUmHnHu he+ >*CJ he+ CJjh5U$UmHnHu h CJ he+ >*CJjhH}5UmHnHujh%UmHnHu hyCJ h8CJjhe+ UmHnHuhwhe+ >*CJaJhwhe+ CJaJ"jhe/CJUaJmHnHu he+ CJ"jh$CJUaJmHnHuJ L ^   > ? 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