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Please mail the completed form to Internship Coordinator, 91ֿ- LEJA, 1 University Circle, Macomb, IL 61455, or fax it to 309/298-2516, or e-mail it to  HYPERLINK "mailto:leja-internship@wiu.edu" leja-internship@wiu.edu (your professional e-mail address will represent your signature). Click on the * to open the text box and enter information; text box will expand automatically. 1. Did the intern behave professionally, and demonstrate an understanding of ethical behavior in a law enforcement setting?  2. Did the intern display a real understanding of agency terminology, policy, procedures, and the basic components of the criminal justice system?  3. Did the intern demonstrate a basic understanding of criminal law and procedure?  4. Generally, has the intern been successful in relating to and interacting with supervisors, employees, and the particular clients or public served by your agency?  5. Have you become aware of any particular problems or abilities in the intern that suggests either future career difficulties or successes in this field?  6. Would you consider the intern for future employment with your agency? 7. Please list any additional comments concerning the interns dependability, initiative, and temperament, etc.  8. Do you have any comments or suggestions concerning the internship program?  Submitted by (Typed or Printed) (Title)  (Signature) (Date)     PAGE  Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 2 * * * * * * * *  -/012NOx   B E   , - 1 5 ` a b m ɹ}u}u}qmieah+%h7hBh(h*Fhvhv6hvhOS6 h(h(hOShwohz0J hzhzhzjhzUhZh hRM>*jhRMCJUmHnHujh(LZCJUmHnHu hRM5jhjCJUmHnHuhRM hRM5\ hO:5\$ -0OP _ a c S ` a   h^h`gd[gdus  gd 0^`0gdN-$a$gd( !H]H$a$ & ' > ? 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