Course Reserve
The purpose of the Reserve Collection is to provide special access to items needed for class assignments, or which may be in high demand. We offer faculty a traditional paper-based reserve option or access to the electronic reserve model ERes.
Items at the reserve desk which are normally designated a 2-hour (in-house) check out period. Items with reserve status are listed in the online catalog under Course Reserves.
For electronic reserves (ERes), faculty submit their requests and the library creates individual course pages either by scanning articles or uploading links to full-text databases. We will provide copies of any materials to be found in the University Library's collection. Other items must be provided by the professor.
In addition, some items of general interest (e.g. the University Budget) are listed in a "special" binder at the reserve desk.
Faculty wishing to place items on Reserve should contact the Reserve Manager for a copy of the Reserve Policy and Reserve Materials Request Form. You may submit the form electronically.
- What is it?
- Electronic reserves (ERes) provides online access through a password protected web page to library materials placed on reserve by instructors for students enrolled in their courses.
- Who can participate?
- Any instructor teaching a course for WIU.
- How do I get started?
- Request an account using the online form or contact Access Services staff for more information.
- What are the advantages?
- ERes is available online to students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even when the library is closed. Students can access required readings from the convenience of their home or computer lab. Students save money by printing out articles rather than making photocopies. Faculty may make request and the Reserve Department will retrieve materials available at WIU. The Reserve Department will apply for copyright permission for articles previously used and for multiple chapters from the same source. If approved, the Reserve Department will pay up to $20 per item for copyright permission. ERes documents can be accessed directly from the course reserve tab in WestCat.
- ERes Guidelines
- Complete bibliographic citations must be included for all copies of articles or chapters. Photocopies must be clean and on one side only. Items previously used and multiple chapters from one source require copyright permission.
Policies and Guidelines
Contact Information
- Reserve Coordinator
- 309-298-2411
- Unit Supervisor
- 309/298-2759
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