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Online Minors for the Bachelor of Arts in General Studies Degree Program
Minors are not required for BGS students. However, the addition of a minor can add more depth to a specialty and increase job options once you graduate. You can have as many as three (3) minors within the BGS Program.
Course availability subject to College Deans and Academic Programofferings.
Visit 91²Ö¿âAcademics Undergraduate Minors page for additional information regarding online minors.
Requesting to Add A Minor
The process to add a minor is:
- Download the form to your device
- Open the form with Adobe Acrobat (ALL 91²Ö¿âstudents have free access)
- Complete Form
- Print out the form
- SIGN the form. Please note: Forms submitted without a signature will cause a delay in processing your request
- Submit the form to BGS by:
- sending it in an email as an attachment to BGS@wiu.eduOR
Return the form in person or via mail to BGS at
General Studies Degree Program
3rd Floor Malpass Library
1 University Drive
Macomb, Illinois 61455
General Studies Degree Program
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