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Prior Learning Portfolio
The BGS degree program offers an option for assessment of prior learning that may enhance your progress toward degree completion.
A Prior Learning Portfolio allows BGS students to submit evidence that they have gained knowledge from past non-academic learning experiences that compares favorably with one or more courses identified in the current 91²Ö¿âUndergraduate Catalog. A key criterion in the evaluation of a portfolio for academic credit is the student's ability to organize and present verifiable evidence of university-level learning.
A Prior Learning Portfolio is a specific credit request for one or more 91²Ö¿âcourse credit(s). The portfolio MUST be written and compiled by you, and it must describe and document learning equivalent to that in a 91²Ö¿âcourse. Your portfolio may earn you academic credit; however please be aware there is no assurance that credit will ultimately be awarded through this procedure. In order for you to be fully informed regarding the Prior Learning Portfolio process, the required first step is to complete the Prior Learning Portfolio tutorial. Your BGS academic advisor will assist you with registration for this tutorial.
The portfolio must be written and compiled by the student without assistance from any other person, except individuals authorized by the BGS program director to provide guidance on portfolio preparation. Each student submitting a portfolio will be required to sign a Portfolio Certification (PDF), a statement indicating compliance with this requirement. When your Prior Learning Portfolio is accepted for evaluation, your student account is billed $30.00 for each course request submitted.
Portfolio Instructions pdf
Chronological History Example
PLP Letter of Verification Example
PLP Narrative Example
PLP TitlePageExample
Table of Contents Example
Note: Credits earned through portfolio evaluation may not be applied toward the 30 semester hour enrollment (residency) requirement. Any credit earned as a result of assessment of prior learning does not apply toward academic honors distinction.
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