


Sexual Harassment In the Workplace

A Guide to Selected Government Information Available at WIU's Government Publications Library

Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.

Federal Government Information
Senior Review Panel Report on Sexual Harassment

The Secretary of the Army Senior Review Panel reviewed human relations environments in the Army, emphasizing sexual harassment issues. This report includes the Panel's recommendations and findings. 1997
D 101.2:SE 9/v.1 and v.2 microfiche

Initial Entry Training Equal Opportunity/Sexual Harassment Policies and Procedures

This report presents the findings of the Army Inspector General special inspection of initial entry training organizations to assess sexual harassment training, the complaint process, reporting accuracy, and soldier confidence. 1997
D 101.2:T 68/8 microfiche

Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Work Place

This booklet from the Federal Aviation Administration Office of Civil Rights includes a definition of sexual harassment, examples and types of sexual harassment, and options for preventing and addressing it. 1999
TD 4.2:SE 9/2

Army Sexual Harassment Incidents at Aberdeen Proving Ground and Sexual Harassment Policies Within the Department of Defense

The Committee on Armed Services heard testimonies on sexual misconduct in the military services and looked at policies and procedures used in the Department of Defense and the military departments. 1997
Y4.AR 5/3:S.HRG.105-76 microfiche

Oversight Hearing on Sexual Harassment within the Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

This hearing examines sexual harassment in the Federal Government law enforcement agencies. The General Accounting Office shares the results of its comprehensive study. 1994
Y4.P 89/10:103-37 microfiche

Department of the Army Reports on and Corrective Actions Related to Recent Cases of Sexual Misconduct and Related Matters

This hearing examines the investigation of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment in the U.S. Army, and the Army's plans for correction of these problems. 1998
Y4.SE 2/1 A:997-98/9 microfiche

Allegations of Sexual Harassment at the Federal Aviation Administration

This hearing discusses the prevalence of sexual harassment at the FAA and examines the agency's efforts to combat it. 1998
Y4.T 68/2:105-42

This report is a followup to studies done in 1980 and 1987. It presents the results of a Governmentwide survey of Federal workers who provided information on their attitudes and beliefs about relationships in the workplace, as well as data on their reported experiences with sexual harassment, the effects it had on them, and the programs agencies use to combat it. 1994
MS 1.2:SE 9/3

Sexual Harassment In the VA

This hearing examines sexual harassment prevalence and discipline in the Department of Veterans Affairs. 1997
Y4.V 64/3:105-5

Illinois Government Information
Illinois Law Prohibits Sexual Harassment

This pamphlet defines sexual harassment and tells what to do if you are sexually harassed. 1995

This web site tells how to file discrimination charges of workplace sexual harassment and includes the Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/1-101 et. al), the Illinois law against sexual harassment in employment and higher education. 1999

Legal Information
The Employment Context

As part of a 7-volume series, Gender and the American Law, this volume focuses on women and employment law. Many chapters explore sexual harassment.
LEGL REF KF 478 .A 45 G 45 1997 v. 3

Women and the Law

This treatise is a comprehensive examination of the needs of women in the legal system and of current changes in laws affecting women. Chapter 2E looks at workplace sexual harassment and related 1998 Supreme Court decisions. Chapter 3 examines (510 US 17, 1993) and (477 US 57, 1986) and offers aids for the legal practitioner.
LEGL REF KF 478 .W 65 1984

"Letting the Master Answer: Employer Liability for Sexual Harassment in the Workplace After Faragher and Burlington Industries"

This Note examines the standard and circumstances under which employers should be held liable for employee-to-employee sexual harassment.
New York University Law Review. Vol. 74, No. 6 December 1999 pp. 1786-1828

"The Thin Line Between Love and Hate: Same Sex Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment"

A look at cross gender and same sex sexual harassment case law and the need for a gender neutral standard.
Labor Law Journal. Spring 2000 pp. 15-28

"Employer Liability for Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment By a Supervisor: A Critical Assessment of the Supreme Court's New Vicarious Liability Standard"

In light of (524 US 742, 1998) and (524 US 775, 1998), this article critiques the standard for employer liability set forth in these cases and its likely impact on future litigation.
Defense Law Journal. Volume 48, No. 4 1999 pp. 915-945

"Free Speech and Hostile Environments"

This article seeks an answer to the question, "Does sexual harassment law conflict with the First Amendment?"
Columbia Law Review. Vol. 99, No. 8 December 1999 pp. 2295-2320

"Multiple Masculinities: A New Vision for Same-Sex Harassment Law"

A look at (523 US 75, 1998), which held that same-sex harassment in the workplace is actionable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This author proposes that Title VII should combat societal stereotypes of gender and gender regulation.
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review. Vol. 34, No. 2 Summer 1999 pp. 577-603

"The New Legal Landscape for Workplace Sexual Harassment"

This article reviews the legal history of sexual harassment and the three 1998 U.S. Supreme Court decisions which clarify sexual harassment laws.
Illinois Bar Journal. Vol. 87, No. 8 August 1999 pp. 422-427

"Employer Sexual Harassment Policies: The Forgotten Key to the Prevention of Supervisor Hostile Environment Harassment"

This Note argues that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is being applied in a way that does not encourage employers to counteract future harassment. The author favors a standard focused on the employer's efforts to adopt and enforce a sexual harassment policy.
Iowa Law Review. Vol. 84, No. 3 March 1999 pp. 561-610


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