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"Literature" (7 results)
Le Dictionnaire des ?ivains francophones r?it plus de cent soixante articles emprunt?au fonds de l'Encyclop?a Universalis. À travers des oeuvres aussi diverses que celles de L?old S?r Senghor, Aim??ire, Kateb Yacine, Georges Sch?d?u Patrick Chamoiseau, on voit comment les litt?tures francophones ont progressivement affirm?eur existence propre en m? temps que s'affirmait la notion de « francophonie », au moment des d?lonisations, lorsqu'on prit conscience que le fran?s, loin de se r?ire ?ne identit?ationale, pouvait exprimer les valeurs et les r?s des peuples les plus divers. The Dictionary of French-speaking writers brings together more than 160 articles borrowed from the collection of the Encyclop?a Universalis. Through works as diverse as those of L?old S?r Senghor, Aim??ire, Kateb Yacine, Georges Sch?d?r Patrick Chamoiseau, we see how French-speaking literatures have gradually asserted their own existence at the same time as the notion of "Francophonie" asserted itself, at the time of decolonization, when we realized that French, far from being reduced to a national identity, could express the values and dreams of the most diverse peoples. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Literature | |
Master index to author and title entries in the major literature series from Gale, many of which are on the shelves at 91²Ö¿âLibraries and which contain biographies of authors and critical essays on their writings. Search by title of a literary work, author's name, or criteria such as birth date, death date, or nationality. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Literature | |
Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds | Spotlights works that have been censored, banned, or condemned because of their political content. Entries include a summary, censorship history, and brief bibliography and range widely from Aristotle through Adolf Hitler. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Literature |
Literature Suppressed on Religious Grounds | Spotlight works that have been censored, banned, or condemned because of their religious content. Entries include a summary, censorship history, and brief bibliography, and are wide-ranging. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Literature |
Literature Suppressed on Sexual Grounds | Spotlight works that have been censored, banned, or condemned because of their sexual content. Entries include a summary, censorship history, and brief bibliography, and are wide-ranging. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Literature |
Literature Suppressed on Social Grounds | Spotlights works that have been censored, banned, or condemned because of their social content. Entries include a summary, censorship history, and brief bibliography, and range widely. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Literature |
World Literature In Spanish: an Encyclopedia | Covers literatures throughout the world that are written in Spanish. Entries are arranged alphabetically and provide an introduction to the global, complex tradition of literature composed in Spanish and demonstrate the distinguished and numerous contributions of Spanish literature to world civilization. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Literature |
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