
University News

91²Ö¿âStudents Invited To Enter University-Wide Writing Contests

March 7, 2002

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91²Ö¿â undergraduates are invited to submit their stories, poems and works of literary nonfiction for the Lois C. Bruner Literary Nonfiction Award and the Cordell Larner Award in Fiction or Poetry. The annual contests recognize excellence in student writing, regardless of major.

Interested students should submit one personal essay of any length to the Lois C. Bruner Literary Nonfiction contest. Essays should be about life experiences – though these may fit into any of the following categories: travelogue, memoir, biography, autobiography, nature writing or cultural critique. The writing should strive toward literary qualities; voice and style will be weighed heavily.

Student fiction writers and poets are invited to submit their work for the Cordell Larner Award in Fiction or Poetry. Undergraduates are invited to submit up to 15 poems and/or one short story to the contest. The literary merit of each entry will be weighed heavily. Most important are matters of voice and style.

Submissions to either contest are due in the department of English and journalism, Simpkins Hall 124, by 4 p.m. Monday, April 1. Entries must be typed, double-spaced. Entrants are asked to write or type their local address and phone number on the back of the first page of their entries to preserve the anonymity of the judging process. Participants are also asked to write or type the exact name of the contest they are entering on the first page of their entries. Entries should be paper-clipped or stapled; no additional binding, folders or envelopes are required. Do not submit the original copy of the work as entries will not be returned.

There will be an awards ceremony at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 25 in the Writing Center, Simpkins Hall 341. Winning authors will be notified prior to the ceremony and several cash prizes and honorable mentions will be awarded. All entrants will be invited to participate in the celebration. For more information, call the department of English and journalism at 298-1103.

Posted By: University Communications (U-Communications@wiu.edu)
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