University News
91²Ö¿âBull Test Sale March 16
February 22, 2001
The Beef Evaluation Station at 91²Ö¿â will hold its 29th Annual Performance Tested Bull Sale at 7 p.m. Friday, March 16 at the University Livestock Center on Tower Road.
According to John Carlson and Bruce Engnell, test station managers, 65 bulls were tested this year with the Angus, Simmental, Charolais, Limousin, Polled Hereford and Murrary Grey breeds represented, as well as crossbred bulls. Approximately 60 bulls will be in the sale.
"At WIU, all bulls are tested under identical conditions so we can see how bulls from different breeders compare when fed and managed the same. And our computer feeding system determines how much each bull eats so we can measure the amount of feed it takes to put on a pound of gain," Carlson explained. "The emphasis in the beef industry today is on reducing input costs, and producers can cut costs quickly through greater efficiency of feed usage, using the information the test station provides."
In addition to average daily gain and feed efficiency, data will also be provided on ribeye area, 12th rib fat, marbling, scrotal circumference, pelvic area, frame score and birthweight, plus EPD information on weaning and yearling weights.
"The 91²Ö¿âBull Test provides breeders and potential buyers with more performance information than any other Performance Tested Bull Sale," he added. "All bulls offered for sale are also examined for breeding soundness and will have their semen checked by a veterinarian so that they should be ready for the upcoming breeding season."
The 91²Ö¿âbull testing station is open daily for those wanting to view the bulls prior to the sale. Catalogs for the sale will be available Thursday, March 1. For more information and a sale catalog, contact Carlson, 309/298-1611, or Engnell, 309/298-2233.
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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