
Provost & Academic Vice President

Document Definitions

Administrative Personnel Performance Evaluation Forms (Division of Academic Affairs) Form 1 Form 2

These forms are used to conduct the annual review of administrative personnel in the Division of Academic Affairs. The supervisor completes one of the forms, or prepares a written letter, to evaluate the performance of employees in positions exempted by the State Universities Civil Service System (SUCSS). This includes all personnel not covered under a collective bargaining agreement or the SUCSS. These evaluations do not apply to faculty. In addition, these evaluation forms do not replace the existing periodic review process for Deans as outlined in the Faculty Policy Manual and by the Faculty Senate.

Assignment of Duties Form (Excel)

These forms are used for Unit A and Unit B faculty in defining ACE assignments for the Academic Year. Fall and Spring Semester assignments are tentatively scheduled during the previous academic year using this form. Revisions to assignments are also recorded on this form. See the University Timetable for specific Unit A deadlines for assigning ACEs. This form is forwarded to the Provost's Office from the Deans at the time the Faculty Summary ACE Workload Report forms are due in the Provost's Office.

Counteroffer Form (Excel)

This form is used when Unit A faculty seek a salary increase outside of the collectively bargained salary for a fiscal year.

Faculty Summary ACE Workload Report Form (Excel)

This form is finalized after Spring Semester's 10th day count. Each department chair forwards to the Dean's Office. The Dean's report is a summary of all departments in their college. All reports, along with copies of the individual faculty ACE Assignment of Duties sheets, are forwarded to the Provost's Office in order to process payment of ACE overloads.

I-9 Form - Employment Eligibility Verification (FORM I-9) List of Acceptable Documents

Download . Note the Special Instructions section of the the Form I-9 page.

Offering Letter Templates & Instructions

Offers are sent by the Provost's Office and Human Resources

  1. Prepare the offering letter in the department/dean office for the selected candidate.
  2. 1. For offers to prospective employees for whom a formal search was conducted, forward the offering letter with the Personal Data Sheet.
    2. For offers to prospective employees for whom a search waiver is requested, forward the offering letter with the Request to Fill. If the waiver request is for someone who has not been formerly employed at WIU, or has had former 91²Ö¿âemployment but has had a significant break in employment, include a Personal Data Sheet with the offering letter and Request to Fill form.
  3. The Human Resources Office sends the offering letter to the candidate. Enclosures include New Employee Procedures and Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9) List of Acceptable Documents.
  4. After the candidate accepts the position, Human Resources informs the department when the letter is sent.
  5. Employment is contingent upon receipt of appropriate documents for Employment Eligibility (Form I-9) and official transcripts from the candidate.

    An offering letter serves as the legally binding contract between the future employee and the university, thus its contents must be correct and precise. There are three basic types of offering letters. Depending on employee type, any new appointment would require one of these letters:
    a. New Administrative Appointment
    b. Tenure-Track Faculty Appointment
    c. Temporary Faculty/Administrative Appointment
    Temporary appointments require a letter each employment period. All other appointments are considered continuing and do not require reappointment letters each year



Pay Spread Authorization Form (Word)

This form has two options. The first option may be elected by Faculty and Administrators who do not have a position 12 months in length, authorizing payment of the employee's salary over a 12 month period. The second option may be used when there is a change in status when pay spread is no longer required, revoking the first option.

This form is used for Unit A, Unit B, and ASPÌýmembers to request approval for employment outside the University.

Request for Leave without Salary (Word)

This form is used for an academic or administrative employee to request a leave without salary.

Request to Fill Academic Administrative Position (Download Word Form) (Download Detailed Instructions)

  1. The Requesting Department Administrator forwards the Request to Fill form to the Dean/Supervisor. The Request will list characteristics of the employee previously in the position, where applicable, and the characteristics of the position requested. Requested funding for the position should be market salary.
  2. After Dean/Supervisor approval, forward the Request to Fill to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access in order to initiate the search process.
  3. Budget Office will set up the position in the budget.
  4. Request to Fill is forwarded to the Vice President for final approval. A copy of the approved Request to Fill form will be sent to the requesting department.

Summer Department Budget/Schedule (DBS) (Download Excel Form) (Download Detailed Instructions)

This form is completed by the chair and approved by the dean before being forwarded to the Provost's Office for processing salaries for summer teaching faculty. This form is for processing payment to the employee; the Registrar's Office provides a separate form for scheduling classes.

Supplemental Payment Request (pdf)

To pay a current employee for duties outside of their official job description.

Official transcripts verifying degree or coursework completion. For new employees, an official transcript is one sent directly to the Provost’s Office from the institution granting the degree or coursework. Receipt of official transcripts is a condition of employment. The employee initiates this request.

Tuition and Fee Waiver Request (Current | Retired)

Processed by the Provost’s Office to certify eligibility.

Web-Based Course Compensation Forms

Initial Development (Word): Use this form to authorize compensation to faculty for the initial development of a web-based course.

Major Revision: Use this form to authorize compensation to faculty for the major revision of a web-based course.