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If the class meets for the full term for Fall or Spring, no code is needed. All summer courses must have a session code. All irregular courses (any course that does not meet all weeks of an established semester or session) should be marked with IRR. blank = Regular Term IRR = Irregular 3S = Summer Pre-Session 4S = Summer First 4-Week 5S = Summer Second 4-Week 6S = Summer 6-week 8S = Summer 8-Week CREDIT HOURS: The credit hours of a course can only be changed if it is offered for variable credit hours according to the catalog. A variable credit hour course can be offered for a range of credit hours, or for a set number of credit hours. However, it cannot be offered for more credit hours than are listed in the catalog. To change credit hours, type the number of hours on the corresponding line. Changes that contradict the catalog will not be made. COURSE TITLE: The title of a course can only be changed if the course is considered a multiple-titled course. When the title is changed, the section number will probably also be changed because titles of multiple-titled courses are linked to their section number. Note: If the new title does not yet exist on the catalog, you must first submit the Request for New Title (Multiple-Titled Course) form. This form is available on the Registrars website at: http://www.wiu.edu/registrar/forms.php. CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT IN: This field will be blank unless there is a corequisite (course that must be taken at the same time as the course on the screen) listed in the catalog, in which case it will appear automatically in this field. If the course you are listing has a corequisite, enter the other course in this field. Enter the department abbreviation in the first field. Enter the course number in the second field. If there is a specific section that must be taken at the same time, enter the section number in the third field. Do not use this field for prerequisites (courses that must be taken before the course on the screen). RESTRICTIONS: The Restriction field may be filled in automatically based on what is in the catalog. Up to five restrictions may be specified per course and can include restrictions on major, minor, program and sport. When adding restrictions, enter a description of who the course is restricted to. If there is more than one type of restriction, add an AND or OR between each. Example: "Restricted to Pre- LEJA Majors OR Fire Science Minors". TIME: For spring and fall semesters, please use the appropriate begin and end time designations below. If the course is arranged, enter ARR. Intended for 3-hr course three times a week (MWF): Intended for 3-hr course twice a week (TTh): 8:00-8:50 11:00-11:50 2:00-2:50 8:00-9:15 12:30-1:45 9:00-9:50 12:00-12:50 3:00-3:50 9:30-10:45 2:00-3:15 10:00-10:50 1:00-1:50 4:00-4:50 11:00-12:15 3:30-4:45 Meeting Two Evenings Per Week: Meeting One Evening Per Week: 2 sem. hrs. class meets 6:30-7:20 1 sem. hr. class meets 6:30-7:20 3 sem. hrs. class meets 6:30-7:45 2 sem. hr. class meets 6:30-8:10 4 sem. hrs. class meets 6:30-8:10 3 sem. hr. class meets 6:30-9:00 4 sem. hr. class meets 6:30-9:50 Evening classes with labs should meet longer: 2 hour lab = 1 hour lecture For summer term begin and end time designations: please refer to the Summer School Scheduling document at www.wiu.edu/registrar/coursesched.php CLASS DAYS OF WEEK: For most courses, you can enter the abbreviation for the days, such as: MWF = Monday, Wednesday, Friday TTH = Tuesday, Thursday SS or SASU = Saturday, Sunday For courses that meet on Tuesday or Thursday only, please enter the entire word or the abbreviations TUES or THURS. If the course is arranged, enter ARR CLASS LOCATION: If the class is meeting on the Macomb campus in a classroom, enter the building and room number. If the class is arranged, enter ARR. If the class is online, enter ONLINE. Note: if you are adding an online course that is offered for Bachelor of Arts in General Studies (BGS) students during advanced registration, you must also add a restriction or comment that states this. Please verify room availability with the appropriate office before scheduling the class. For assistance finding an available room, call the Office of the Registrar at 298-3115. CLASS FOOTNOTE: You can add two footnotes to each course. Footnotes should be brief and used sparingly. Do not include prerequisite information in a footnote as that information will appear on Course Search in the catalog description section. If the course requires special permission, add a footnote that tells students who to contact to get permission. If the course meets irregularly, list the meeting dates. CLASS COMMENT: The last field on this page is for indicating the course type as well as any additional information the Office of the Registrar may need to list your course correctly. For the course type, please use one of the following: (blank) - regular face-to-face meetings ONLINE - not restricted to BGS students during advance registration ONLINE-BGS - restricted to BGS students during advance registration Other Information: Press Enter to submit changes when all the fields have been completed. The following message will appear at the bottom of the screen: This request will be submitted to the Registration Center for processing on the next working day. DEPARTMENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING ENROLLED STUDENTS. Changes to this screen can be updated on the same day. Questions? Contact the Registrars Office at 298-3115. /0BCDW^v ? 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