ࡱ> 685g ^bjbj 4&r\r\^     ,JJ.^ttttOOO$x. z OOOOO  ttO t tOt`<Y"0J {  OOOOOOOQOOOJOOOO OOOOOOOOO > : Master Schedule File Maintenance (MSFM) Instructions updated 01-31-2019 This screen works for all course types except Study Abroad, Travel Study, and Sponsored Credit. This screen is available on WIUP online and MVS. STAR number: Enter the Star number of the class you would like to update. If the STAR number entered is for a class that is on a schedule that has not yet been completed, the following message will appear: The term for this class is not available for update. Contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance. The course information will appear to the right of the STAR number, and the rest of the screen will show status, enrollment, instructor, and prerequisite information. ACTION (Status): Enter the action to be taken on this course and press Enter. blank = Open CA = Cancelled CL = Closed HO = On Hold RO = Re-Opened Note: The screen will not accept the CL code for a course that requires special permission. To close a course that requires special permission; update the maximum enrollment to equal the current enrollment. This will close the course automatically. Once a course has been canceled, it can not be re-opened using this screen. To reinstate a cancelled course, contact the Office of the Registrar at 298-3115. When a course is canceled, all the students will be dropped from the course within one working day. It is the departments responsibility to notify students of cancelled courses. CURRENT ENROLLMENT: Shows number of students registered. This field can not be changed. MAXIMUM ENROLLMENT: Enter the maximum enrollment for this course. This number should not exceed room capacity. If the new maximum enrollment is greater than the number of seats in the room the course is scheduled in, you will see the message: Exceeds capacity of __. If this message is displayed, either lower the maximum enrollment or move the class to a different room. Changes to the course location can be entered on the MSFC screen. The maximum enrollment for FYE courses cannot be changed. INSTRUCTOR 91ֿID: Enter the Instructor 91ֿID number or enter 000-00-0000 for STAFF. To look up instructor 91ֿID numbers on the PMID screen, click the PMID button (on WIUP online) or press F4 (on MVS). Note: For graduate level courses (400G, 500 or higher), the instructor listed with the class must be approved by the School of Graduate Studies. Contact the School of Graduate Studies for more information at 309/298-1806. INSTRUCTOR PERCENTAGE: Enter the percentage of time that this instructor is teaching this course. If there is more than one instructor for a class, the percentages must add up to 100%. If the percentages entered for each non-lab instructor do not add up to 100%, they will be automatically set to their defaults. Lab instructors must be set to 100%. ENFORCED PREREQUISITE OPTION: To enforce course specific prerequisites, enter Y. To remove an enforced prerequisite, enter N. The option to enforce must be put on before any students are registered. The option can be removed any time before the semester has started. Note: Students who do not meet enforced prerequisites will be automatically dropped from the course before the semester begins. For more information on Enforced Prerequisites please go to:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/registrar/forms/index.php" www.wiu.edu/registrar/forms/index.php and click on Prerequisite Information Sheet. To submit changes on this screen, press Enter. Any changes made on this screen will become effective immediately. Questions? Contact the Registrars Office at 298-3115.  45=GHIU $ % & ' (  Z a v { | ʾumubZbbObbhha7CJaJhjCJaJhh<8CJaJhTJ5CJaJhh93CJaJhh93>*CJaJhhQ>*CJaJhh?CJaJh/"CJaJh>CJaJh;h>CJaJhTJ5h>*CJaJh/"h/"5h>CJaJhO>CJaJ h/"5hCPh/"5CJaJhCPh?5CJaJHI' (    * - . ABgdcgd93gd$a$gd5$a$gd/"  * / 5 ? M V a j v   #  , BTV-.ɾɾɶɫɟɫ~rggɫhhqkCJaJhhqk>*䴳>*䴳>5C>$:5C><85CJaJhhcCJaJh$:CJaJhhCNCJaJhh<8CJaJhTJ5CJaJhh93CJaJhh93>*䴳?>*䴳(;<O  NOm]^$%]^ $h^ha$gd> $h^ha$gdCPgdTJ5gd93.STWq:<NO Ng굪~sh\sThTJ5CJaJhh93>*䴳մ5䴳9䴳$$䴳$93䴳$a7䴳$/"䴳$C䴳$9䴳䴳>*䴳>䴳C䴳93䴳<8CJaJ (LMNOlmfi 3XZ[#ȼtg\TTThVXCJaJhCPhCPCJaJh]h>0JCJaJh>h>CJaJh>CJaJjh>CJUaJhCPhTJ5CJaJhCPhCJaJhhCJaJhTJ5CJaJhhJ9>*CJaJhhc>*CJaJhh93CJaJhhSCJaJhhqkCJaJhhJ9CJaJ #$%9=O\]^hhCPCJaJhh>CJaJh kh>6CJaJh>6CJaJhCP6CJaJh9#CJaJ21h:pCP/ =!`"`#@$@% s2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 6U`6 ? 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