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Grad classes that have no impact on any other department can set their own schedules for classes. Those that would have an impact on another department would be in contact with each other and work out the details of times, etc. 2. All Gen Ed classes offered for 3 or more credit hours must fall within the time lines established for the 6 or 8-week sessions, with the exception of 1-2 credit hour Gen Ed which can be offered in a 4-week session. 3. Times for 1-2 credit hour Gen Ed courses in 4-week sessions will be 8:15-10:15, 10:30-12:30, 12:15-2:15 or 2:30-4:30 pm. 4. Evening classes may begin anytime after 5:00 pm. Be aware of your audience and any possible impact that the starting time earlier or later might have on them. 5. All classes must follow a four-day schedule (MTWTh) unless there is an educational reason for offering the course MTW-F or MT-ThF.Request for an exception must be approved by the Chair and presented to the Dean. 6. Upper-division and Grad courses may be offered during any session. 7. The Deans, or their representatives, will meet to work out scheduling of Gen Ed courses to ensure that a variety of Gen Ed courses are offered during each block of time. 8. Pre-session and weekend offerings do not follow a structured scheduling plan. Gen Ed courses offered during these times need approval of the Summer School Committee, all other courses during these sessions require dean approval. Sessions Pre-Summer School Session (Three weeks from May 13 May 31) Scheduling Rules Variable scheduling allowed Types of Courses Workshops, Upper Division/Grad, select General Education courses 4- week Sessions (First from June 3 June 28, Second from July 1 July 26) Scheduling Rules Classes meet MTWTh during one of the following blocks: 9-11:45, 1-3:45, 6-8:45 Types of Classes primarily Upper Division/Grad, no General Education courses. 8-week Session (June 3 July 26) Scheduling Rules Classes meet MTWTh during one of the following blocks: 9-10:15, 10:30-11:45, 1-2:15, 2:30-3:45, 6-7:15, 7:30-8:45 Types of Classes primarily general education 6-week Session (June 3 July 12) Scheduling Rules classes meet MTWTh during one of the following blocks: 10:30-12:20, 2:30-4 Types of classes Select general education Weekend Sessions (Fri/Sat/Sun May 11 July 21) Scheduling Rules variable scheduling allowed Types of Courses Workshops, Upper Division/Graduate Scheduling Samples 3 S.H. LECTURE COURSE Pre-Summer School Session 3 weeks MTWThF 9-11:55 1-3:55 6-8:55 (includes 15-minute break) 4-Week Session MTWTh 9-11:45 1-3:45 6-8:45 (includes 15-minute break) 8-Week Session MTWTh 9-10:15 10:30-11:45 1-2:15 2:30-3:45 6-7:15 7:30-8:45 6-Week Session MTWTh 10:30-12:20 2:30-4:20 (includes 10-minute break) Weekend Session 3 weekends Fri/Sat or Sat/Sun 9-4:30 (includes lunch and breaks) Fri/Sat/Sun Fri 1-4:30, Sat 9-4:30, Sun 9-12 or 1-4 4 S.H. LECTURE COURSE (8-WEEK SESSION) MW 9-11:45 1-3:45 6-8:45 TTh 9-10:15 1-2:15 6-7:15 4 S.H. LAB COURSE (8-WEEK SESSION) Lecture MW 9-11:45 1-3:45 6-8:45 Lab TTh 9-11 1-3 6-8 2 S.H. LECTURE COURSE (8-WEEK SESSION) MTWTh 9-9:50 1-1:50 6-6:50 $'(:;FGh ~ĺ|peWWWIWWh#CJOJQJ^JaJh)CJOJQJ^JaJh)>*OJQJ^Jh)CJOJQJ^Jh?%6CJOJQJ]^Jh)6CJOJQJ]^Jh)CJOJQJ^Jh)5>*CJOJQJ\^Jh)h)OJQJ^Jh)CJOJQJ^Jh3PCJOJQJ^Jhd~CJOJQJ^Jh]rCJOJQJ^Jh2 CJOJQJ^J:;FG h i ^ ` a h p z $$Ifa$$If$a$ KEEEEEE$Ifkd$$Iflr$ X `'  t0'644 la ICC::: $$Ifa$$Ifkd$$IflLr$ X `'  t0'644 la $$Ifa$ kdN$$IflUr$ X `'   t20'644 lap2 Ckdu$$IflUr$ X `'  t0'644 la$If    $$Ifa$$If   kd%$$Ifl1r$ X `'   t20'644 lap2  & ' ( ) * + CkdL$$Iflr$ X `'  t0'644 la$If+ , 6 7 = > D E K L R $$Ifa$$If R S kd$$Iflgr$ X `'   t20'644 lap2S T i j k l m n Ckd#$$IflUr$ X `'  t0'644 la$Ifn o v w ~  $$Ifa$$If kd$$Iflgr$ X `'   t20'644 lap2 Ckd$$Iflur$ X `'  t0'644 la$If NO & F  h^h` h^h`FTNRqrstwyz|PeŹ}qh2 CJOJQJ^J hiwaJ h#aJ hLaJ hvaJ hd~aJ h2 aJ h1QaJ haJ hM aJ h)aJh)CJOJQJ^Jh)>*CJOJQJ^Jh)hM CJOJQJ^JaJh)CJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ'OPr*+M 8pq&$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$h^h & F efnop*+?@ABCIKMqľʸНpaRNh)hKhM CJOJQJ^JhKhGfCJOJQJ^JhKhd~CJOJQJ^JhKh2 CJOJQJ^JhKhLCJOJQJ^JhKh)CJOJQJ^J h#aJ hLaJ haJ hM aJ h2 aJ h)aJh)CJOJQJ^JhiwCJOJQJ^Jh2 CJOJQJ^JhCJOJQJ^JUeп h)>*CJOJQJ\^JaJh)CJOJQJ\^JaJ h)>*CJOJQJ\^JaJh)5CJOJQJ^JaJ UVeWB\]&$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$ ^`] ^`&$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$,1h/ =!"#`$% $$If!vh#v #v#v:V l t0'65 55/  $$If!vh#v #v#v:V lL t0'65 55/ / %$$If!vh#v #v#v:V lU  t20'65 55/ / p2$$If!vh#v #v#v:V lU t0'65 55/ / %$$If!vh#v #v#v:V l1  t20'65 55/ / p2$$If!vh#v #v#v:V l t0'65 55/ / %$$If!vh#v #v#v:V lg  t20'65 55/ / p2$$If!vh#v #v#v:V lU t0'65 55/ $$If!vh#v #v#v:V lg  t20'65 55/ p2$$If!vh#v #v#v:V lu t0'65 55/ w2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@6666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH F@F  Heading 1$$@&a$ 5CJaJNN  Heading 2$@&>*CJOJQJ\^JaJNN  Heading 3$@&5>*CJOJQJ^JaJbb  Heading 4$$@&a$(5CJOJQJ^JaJehr\@\  Heading 5$$h@&^ha$5>*CJOJQJ\^JDA D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List NCN Body Text Indent X^X B*phLBL Body TextB*CJOJQJ^JaJphFP@F Body Text 2CJOJQJ^JaJ6>@"6 Title$a$ 5CJ\dR@2d Body Text Indent 2h^h`CJOJQJ^JaJLJ@BL Subtitle$a$5>*CJOJQJ\^JPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VGRU1a$N% ʣꂣKЛjVkUDRKQj/dR*SxMPsʧJ5$4vq^WCʽ D{>̳`3REB=꽻Ut Qy@֐\.X7<:+& 0h @>nƭBVqu ѡ{5kP?O&Cנ Aw0kPo۵(h[5($=CVs]mY2zw`nKDC]j%KXK 'P@$I=Y%C%gx'$!V(ekڤք'Qt!x7xbJ7 o߼W_y|nʒ;Fido/_1z/L?>o_;9:33`=—S,FĔ觑@)R8elmEv|!ո/,Ә%qh|'1:`ij.̳u'k CZ^WcK0'E8S߱sˮdΙ`K}A"NșM1I/AeހQתGF@A~eh-QR9C 5 ~d"9 0exp<^!͸~J7䒜t L䈝c\)Ic8E&]Sf~@Aw?'r3Ȱ&2@7k}̬naWJ}N1XGVh`L%Z`=`VKb*X=z%"sI<&n| .qc:?7/N<Z*`]u-]e|aѸ¾|mH{m3CԚ .ÕnAr)[;-ݑ$$`:Ʊ>NVl%kv:Ns _OuCX=mO4m's߸d|0n;pt2e}:zOrgI( 'B='8\L`"Ǚ 4F+8JI$rՑVLvVxNN";fVYx-,JfV<+k>hP!aLfh:HHX WQXt,:JU{,Z BpB)sֻڙӇiE4(=U\.O. +x"aMB[F7x"ytѫиK-zz>F>75eo5C9Z%c7ܼ%6M2ˊ 9B" N "1(IzZ~>Yr]H+9pd\4n(Kg\V$=]B,lוDA=eX)Ly5ot e㈮bW3gp : j$/g*QjZTa!e9#i5*j5ö fE`514g{7vnO(^ ,j~V9;kvv"adV݊oTAn7jah+y^@ARhW.GMuO "/e5[s󿬅`Z'WfPt~f}kA'0z|>ܙ|Uw{@՘tAm'`4T֠2j ۣhvWwA9 ZNU+Awvhv36V`^PK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!g theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] He  !   + R S n ]"#8@0(  B S  ?CDE  9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsState8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity>*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PostalCode V[ m r ejHK$&(9:FT q r s t u | e f g h m m n p ? 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