
Office of the Registrar

< Student Lists & Downloads

Student Lists & Downloads Help

Who has access?

Faculty, staff, and administration have access using their ECom username and password.

When is the data updated?

  • The date and time last updated is displayed when at the selection page below the dropdown.
  • Download data for the current term is updated daily (by 11:00AM).
  • Future terms begin updates a week before advanced registration.
  • The official up-to-date roster is available through the RSTR screen on WIUP at

How do I save the data?

  • Click the SAVE button instead of VIEW when viewing the major selection page.
  • Once saved to your computer, import (or open) the data in a spreadsheet program and specify that the file is "tab delimited".
  • Search the uTech Support Portal for details on how to import data into Excel.

What data is available?

  • The drop-down menus for rosters, majors, and minors include the total number of students in parentheses. If there are no students enrolled, then the roster, major or minor name will not appear in the selection list.
  • Brief field descriptions are included below.

Who do I contact for questions?

If the data you need is not available or you have any questions or concerns, please email b-beach@wiu.edu.


Fall | Spring | Summer
Column ID Column Name Description
PR PREREQ FLAG Indicates prerequisite status
WIUID 91²Ö¿âID Student ID
X SUFFIX Name suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., III)
NAME NAME Student's full name
CR CREDIT HOURS Number of credit hours for the course section
WITHDREW WITHDREW Indicates if student withdrew from course
MAJOR1 MAJOR1 Student's primary major
ONL1 ONL1 Indicates if primary major is online
MAJOR2 MAJOR2 Student's secondary major (if applicable)
ONL2 ONL2 Indicates if secondary major is online
EMAIL 91²Ö¿âEMAIL Student's 91²Ö¿âemail address
PRIVACY PRIVACY INVOKED Indicates if student has privacy restrictions
CAMPUS CAMPUS Campus where student is enrolled
Column ID Column Name Description
NAME NAME Student's full name
CLASS CLASS Student's class standing (e.g., Freshman, Sophomore)
P PROGRAM Academic program code
MAJOR MAJOR Student's major (includes 2ND flag or INT for integrated)
ONL1 ONLINE 1 Indicates if primary major is online
ONL2 ONLINE 2 Indicates if secondary major is online
OPTION OPTION Specific option within the major
EM EMPHASIS Area of emphasis within the major
MINOR MINOR Student's minor (if applicable)
WITHDREW TOTAL UNIVERSITY WITHDRAWAL Indicates if student has withdrawn from university
ENRCAMP ENROLLED CAMPUS Campus where student is enrolled
APPCAMP APPLIED CAMPUS Campus to which student applied
PRE-ENR PRE-REG ENROLLED Indicates if student is pre-registered for next term
EMAIL 91²Ö¿âEMAIL Student's 91²Ö¿âemail address
Column ID Column Name Description
NAME NAME Student's full name
CLASS CLASS Student's class standing (e.g., Freshman, Sophomore)
MINOR MINOR Student's minor (includes 2ND/3RD flag)
EM EMPHASIS Area of emphasis within the minor
MAJOR MAJOR Student's major
ONLINE ONLINE Indicates if the minor is online
WITHDREW TOTAL UNIVERSITY WITHDRAWAL Indicates if student has withdrawn from university
ENRCAMP ENROLLED CAMPUS Campus where student is enrolled
APPCAMP APPLIED CAMPUS Campus to which student applied
EMAIL 91²Ö¿âEMAIL Student's 91²Ö¿âemail address


Fall | Spring | Summer
Column ID Column Name Description
NAME NAME Student's full name
P PROGRAM Academic program code
MAJOR MAJOR Student's major
ONLINE ONLINE Indicates if the major is online
EM EMPHASIS Area of emphasis within the major
OPT OPTION Specific option within the major
MINOR MINOR Student's minor (if applicable)
CLASS CLASS Student's class standing
AHE AHE Academic Hours Earned
GRAD TRAC GRADTRAC CODE GradTrac program code
PRE-REG PRE-REG DATE Pre-registration date
TIME PRE-REG TIME Pre-registration time
ENR PRE-REG ENROLLED Indicates if student is pre-registered
ADV ENC ADVISER HOLD Indicates if there's an adviser hold
ADMN HOLD ADMIN HOLD Indicates if there's an administrative hold
IMM ENC IMMUNIZATION HOLD Indicates if there's an immunization hold
BALANCE<1000 BALANCE UNDER 1000 Indicates if student's balance is under $1000
REG PRMT# REGISTRATION PERMIT# Registration permit number
WITHDREW TOTAL UNIVERSITY WITHDRAWAL Indicates if student has withdrawn from university
ATH ATHLETE Indicates if student is an athlete (includes sport)
GRAD APPL ANTICIPATED GRADUATION Anticipated graduation date (if application on file)
CGPA CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
MJGPA MAJOR GPA Major Grade Point Average
SDP STUDENT DEGREE PLAN STATUS Status of student's degree plan
CATALG CATALOG DATE Catalog year for student's degree requirements
STATUS ACADEMIC STATUS Student's current academic status
HONORS HONORS Indicates if student is in honors program
NOT RET NOT RETURNING Indicates if student is not returning
ENRCAMP ENROLLED CAMPUS Campus where student is enrolled
APPCAMP APPLIED CAMPUS Campus to which student applied
EMAIL 91²Ö¿âEMAIL Student's 91²Ö¿âemail address

CERTIFICATES (undergraduate)

Fall | Spring | Summer
Column ID Column Name Description
NAME NAME Student's full name
CLASS CLASS Student's class standing
CERT CERTIFICATE Certificate program (includes 2ND/3RD flag)
MAJOR MAJOR Student's major
WITHDREW WITHDREW Indicates if student withdrew from certificate program
ENRCAMP ENROLLED CAMPUS Campus where student is enrolled
APPCAMP APPLIED CAMPUS Campus to which student applied
EMAIL EMAIL Student's 91²Ö¿âemail address

Updates and Changes

  • 2024/09/18 Updated help. When saving lists, the file should be saved as txt files.
  • 2018/09/13 Enrolled campus and applied campus indicators added to ADVISEE list.
  • 2018/02/21 Applied campus indicator added to MAJOR, MINOR, and CERTIFICATE lists
  • 2018/02/15 Enrolled campus indicator updated to identify all groups (Macomb, Mac-Ext, QC, QC-Ext)
  • 2016/11/21 Minor emphasis added to MINOR list
  • 2016/10/28 Integrated degree flag added to MAJOR list
  • 2015/05/12 Undergraduate CERTIFICATES added to student lists and downloads
  • 2015/05/04 Not Returning status added to ADVISEE list
  • 2013/08/09 Academic Status added to ADVISEE list
  • 2011/12/09 Pre-reg enrollment field added to MAJOR list
  • 2011/12/07 Pre-reg enrollment field added to ADVISEE list
  • 2011/09/15 Major and minor abbreviations added to Help page
  • 2010/10/18 Minor added to ADVISEE list
  • 2010/10/11 Catalog date defaults to matric if not available in ADVISEE list
  • 2010/10/01 Option and emphasis added to MAJOR list.
  • 2010/09/07 Student emails have been separated from report in ADVISEE list
  • 2010/01/14 Data files now in tab delimited format making them easier to import into Excel
  • 2009/09/16 Credit hours added to ROSTER list
  • 2009/03/06 Major added to MINOR list; Email added to MINOR and MAJOR list
  • 2008/10/06 Major GPA added to ADVISEE list
  • 2008/09/19 Minor added to MAJOR list
  • 2008/08/26 GradTrac projected graduation date added to ADVISEE list
  • 2008/02/22 Catalog year added to ADVISEE list
  • 2008/01/03 New flag (**) added to ROSTER for students who will be automatically dropped for not meeting enforced prerequisite course requirements.
  • 2007/09/19 Campus indicataor added to MINOR list to identify WIU-QC students.
  • 2007/02/13 Campus indicator added to MAJOR list to identify WIU-QC students.
  • 2006/04/24 Program code added to MAJOR list to assist with identifying teacher education.
  • 2006/03/23 Separate undergrad and grad counts added to MAJOR list.
  • 2006/02/08 Course specific prerequisite checking added to ROSTER list.
  • 2006/02/03 Program code added to ADVISEE list to assist with identifying teacher education.