

educational training

Why should a student want to participate in the program?

Student teachers will learn how the Menominee Tribal School (MTS) is a family and community-based K-8 Bureau of Indian Education school. The school integrates academics with Menominee Language and culture through the teachings of the Seven Grandfathers and restorative practices to promote academic and behavioral success. Student teachers will work together with highly qualified teachers who will demonstrate effective instructional teaching strategies that work for Native American children. Student teachers will experience how a Bureau of Indian Education School operates which can be different from public school operations.

What makes doing their student teaching at tribal school such a wonderful opportunity?

The school integrates academics with Menominee Language and culture through the teachings of the Seven Grandfathers to promote academic and behavioral success. Student teachers will learn from an exceptional teaching staff. Helping students experience: personal self-worth, cultural pride, achievement according their individual ability, proficiency in basic life skills, self-discipline, a sense of belonging, an appreciation of governmental responsibility, citizenship and the important role of family involvement in their education.

What will their weeks at your school look like? Both in and out of the classroom?

Student teachers will begin with observing their classroom teacher and students. Then will learn the importance of routines and educational strategies. Working with other teachers to eliminate learning barriers. Their time teaching will be spent in a classroom and/or outdoor. Practicing cultural projects while infusing and promoting traditional language. Using lesson plans to learn how to support children’s social emotional needs.


