
Beu Health Center


*** Special Immunization Announcement ***

Effective July 21st, 2016 updates to the Illinois General Assembly Administrative Code have increased the immunization requirements for college students attending all Illinois State schools. These changes have increased the requirements for Tdap, MMR and Meningitis.

Immunization records can be faxed to 309-298-2188

All required immunization information must be submitted and in compliance within the first 10 days of the semester on campus. Failure to do so will result in registration encumbrance and a processing fee.

All students are encouraged to log in to the secure patient portal at with their ecom credentials to check their current compliance status.

Questions may be addressed to: The Immunization Compliance Officer by calling (309) 298-3171 or by emailing Beuhealthcenter@wiu.edu

Important Notice:

Upload immunization Records at . the due dates to upload records are August 1 for Fall Semester and January 1 for Spring Semester

Illinois Immunization Requirements

The following students must comply with the Illinois Immunization Law:

  • Undergraduate students taking 6 credit hours or more
  • Graduate students taking 5 credit hours or more
  • All students taking 3 or more credit hours during the summer session

There is a fee for receiving additional immunizations at Beu Health Center by appointment. For details, please call (309) 298-1888.

Immunizations offered at Beu Health Center
Gardasil (HPV)
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Td (tetanus)
TBST Tubersol
Flu Shot

*Prices may change without notice.*

Acceptable Documentation of Immunizations

An immunization form is available for use of documenting immunizations. This form is NOT required if an official record can be provided with a verifying signature.

Illinois high schools are a good source for obtaining an up-to-date record. A copy of the high school record is acceptable.

Copies of a baby book are acceptable providing there is an official signature verifying dates and the name of the person receiving the shots.

Your family doctors office may be able to provide the record of immunization. A signature by a health care provider or their nurse is acceptable.

Previous Colleges and Universities students have attended may have required immunization information. A copy from a previous College or University is acceptable.

Students who are exempt:

You may be exempt from the Illinois Immunization Law if you meet one or more of the following

  • students with approved medical waivers
  • students with approved religious exemptions
  • students taking less than half of a full-time load each semester
  • students taking online only classes with no direct physical interaction with other 91²Ö¿âstudents or the Macomb campus

Students must show verified proof of immunity by:

Beginning with the Fall term 2016-2017, students who enroll at a post-secondary educational institution shall present to Beu Health Center proof of immunity evidencing the following immunizations: 

Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis

Students shall provide dates of any combination of three or more doses of Diphtheria, Tetanus containing vaccine.  One dose must be Tdap vaccine.  The last dose of vaccine (DTP, DTaP, DT, Td, or Tdap) must have been received within 10 years prior to the term of current enrollment.

  • The minimum time interval between the first and second dose must have been at least four weeks (28 days), with the third dose having been received at least six months after the second or last dose of the basic series.
  • Receipt of Tetanus Toxoid (T.T.) vaccine is not acceptable in fulfilling this requirement.


  • Students shall provide documentation of receipt of two doses of live measles virus vaccine on or after the first birthday. The minimum time interval between each dose must have been at least four weeks (28 days). If either dose was received prior to 1968, proof must be provided that a live virus vaccine, without gamma globulin, was administered.
  • Students who cannot provide proof of immunization may provide laboratory (serologic) evidence of measles immunity.


  • Students shall provide documentation of receipt of two doses of live rubella virus vaccine on or after the first birthday.  The minimum time interval between each dose must have been at least four weeks (28 days).
  • Students who cannot provide proof of immunization may provide laboratory (serologic) evidence of rubella immunity.


  • Students shall provide documentation of receipt of two doses of live mumps virus vaccine on or after the first birthday.  The minimum time interval between each dose must have been at least four weeks (28 days).
  • Students who cannot provide proof of immunization may provide laboratory (serologic) evidence of mumps immunity.

Meningococcal vaccine.  

  • Beginning Fall term 2016-2017, all new admissions under the age of 22 shall show proof of having at least one dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine on or after 16th birthday.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS are also required to have a TB blood test to be administered upon arrival at WIU. If the TB blood test is positive, a chest x-ray will be required.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS NEEDING BOTH second TD & MMR -- both should be administered four - six weeks after the initial series. If you are not able to present us with proper documentation, we are required by law to re-administer the immunizations.

Revised 07/2018