
Campus Recreation

students playing basketball

Campus Recreation Policies

The Donald S. Spencer Recreation Center is for University students, employees of the University (who are members), and their guests. It serves as the central location of most recreational activities and some class programs. The building and its services are also available to those individuals and groups that have been invited or scheduled by the University and/or Campus Recreation. It is not a public facility. Area grade school and high school students are not considered guests of the University unless specifically invited or scheduled by the University and/or Campus Recreation. These students will not be permitted to use our facilities.

In order to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, we ask that all patrons adhere to the policies. Listed below is important information on various policies. Please do not hesistate to contact Campus Recreation if you have any questions.

ID Policy

Students and members must present their valid 91²Ö¿âstudent ID to enter the Rec Center at all times. This policy applies to Intramural sports and Special Event participants unless otherwise specified.

Any individual using a false ID or allowing someone else to use their ID to enter the Rec Center will be suspended from the Spencer SRC for a minimum of two weeks.

General Building Policies


Animals are not allowed in the Student Recreation Center with the exception of service or emotional support animals. Please refer to the following 91²Ö¿âpolicies:

Card Playing, Gambling

Card playing is allowed only in the Oasis area unless scheduled elsewhere. Gambling is prohibited.


Any person damaging fixtures, equipment, or any other property of the Student Recreation Center shall be charged the cost of repair and replacement with the approval of the Director of Campus Recreation.

Disruptive behavior

Disruptive behavior in Campus Recreation facilities or during Campus Recreation activities: Anyone who is disruptive while using Campus Recreation facilities or during activities sponsored by Campus Recreation will be asked to leave. Violators may lose their usage privileges. An incident report will be filed and suspensions will be given at the discretion of the Director.

Emergency Assistance

  • Medical emergencies or first aid requests should be directed to the supervisor on duty. This contact can be made through the Equipment Room, Front Desk, or Aquatics Center.
  • Please notify the Campus Recreation staff if you have a condition that may require assistance.

Facility Safety Procedures

  • Emergency exits are located throughout the building.
  • Please use them only in case of an emergency.
  • Should a tornado siren sound indicating a tornado warning, everyone in the Rec Center will be required to move immediately to the locker rooms located between the mezzanine and arena levels.

Food & Beverages

The Keeney Room, Colgate Room, and the Oasis are the only areas of the Rec Center where food and beverages are permitted unless otherwise approved by the Director of Campus Recreation. Only sealed beverage containers are allowed past the Front Desk. NO open cups or cans are allowed.

Lost and Found

  • Apparel, equipment etc., left in daily lockers will be removed, bagged, and dated at the end of the day. Locker number will also be recorded. Such items will be kept 30 days before they are donated to a local charity.
  • Lost and found wearing apparel and sporting equipment will be kept at the equipment desk for 30 days.
  • Lost and found keys, wallets, radios, and valuable jewelry. Items will be kept at the Front Desk in the safe. OPS will be notified when University keys are found.
  • IDs which are found in/or at any Campus Recreation facility will be kept at the Front Desk of the Student Recreation Center for one day. After one day, they will be sent to University Housing and Dining. A record of IDs which are found and sent to UHDS will be kept at the Front Desk.

Panhandling and/or begging

Panhandling and/or begging is prohibited in the Student Recreation Center. Persons panhandling or begging should be advised that this is contrary to University policy. Persons who continue to panhandle or beg after being advised of this policy shall be reported to the Office of Public Safety.


  • For your safety, and the preservation of our floors, you are required to wear only clean and dry aerobic, cross training, or court shoes in the Rec Center.
  • Employees may ask anyone wearing inappropriate shoes to discontinue participation.


Student groups on campus may not use the mezzanine level of the Student Recreation Center for solicitation; that is the function of the Union Concourse.


Towels will be available to wipe down equipment in various locations in the building. The Center will provide a wipe or shower towel for check-out at the equipment room with a valid student ID.