
Note: * denotes a required field.


  • This form is for individuals or groups without their own dedicated calendar. If you have a calendar login you should submit events by signing in here.
  • Only WIU-affiliated events will be approved.
  • Please submit events at least 2 business days before the scheduled event date to allow adequate time for approval.
  • Only add future events; events that have already passed will not be approved.
  • Please double-check your information for correctness, spelling and grammar before submitting. Events submitted with major errors or without complete information may not be approved.
Category *
Can be used to generate specific category displays on your web site

Base Categories

Arts & Entertainment
Conferences, Camps & Workshops
Cultural Experiences/Diversity
General Events
Lectures, Colloquiums & Research Presentations
Personnel Information, Development & Training
Public Service & Events
University Governance & Councils
WIU-Quad Cities
Title *
Avoid acronyms and abbreviations since the calendar is viewable by the public
Short Title. Please limit your short title to 24 characters or less, including spaces, if you wish this event to be submitted for the 91²Ö¿âHomepage.
Date *
All Day Event? Click to set as all day event.
Start Time * :
End Time :
Location *
Write out building names
Description *
Contact Name *
Contact Phone *
Include Area Code
Contact E-mail *
URL (http://) You MUST include http:// before your web address or the link will not work.
Linked Text (Must be added if you added a web link or no link will show up.)
We require you to type the word rocky in this box so we know this entry is from a real person *

1 University Circle * Macomb, IL 61455
Phone: 309/298-1414 * E-mail info@wiu.edu
Calendar Administration: webstaff@wiu.edu