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The Consumer Product Information Database (cpid) currently links over 23,000 consumer brands to health effects; it has been designed to educate consumers about chemical ingredients of household products. | Consumer Info | |
Basic consumer health information about the transmission and treatment of diseases spread from person to person, along with facts about prevention, self-care, and drug resistance. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Health/Medicine | |
The Copyeditor's Handbook is a resource both for new editors and for experienced hands who want to refresh their skills and broaden their understanding of the craft of copyediting, incorporating the latest advice from language authorities, usage guides, and new editions of major style manuals, including The Chicago Manual of Style. Includes an extensive annotated list of editorial tools. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Writing/Style Manuals | |
Provides current, accurate corporate linkage information and company profiles on the most prominent global public and private parent companies and their affiliates, subsidiaries and divisions down to the seventh level of corporate linkage. Also contains corporate contacts, board members, brand names and competitors. Available via Nexis Uni. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Companies/Industries | |
For over 25 years, The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology has been the reference tool psychologists, researchers, academics, and students have turned to for coverage of the field of psychology. The fourth edition has been updated and expanded to reflect new research in many areas including biological and neurological discoveries and has an enhanced index that provides cross-references between articles. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Psychology | |
Sponsored by the Department of the Army, 71 countries are included providing a wide range of information including history, geography, economy, transportation, people and more. | Countries | |
Please use "Search CQ Magazine" option at top. Covers virtually every act of Congress, delivering nonpartisan news and analysis. Contains in-depth reports on issues, plus a complete wrap up of the news, including the status of bills in play, behind-the-scenes maneuvering, committee and floor activity, debates and all roll-call votes. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Political Science/Government | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports and data about motor vehicle accidents, fatalities, and traffic-related safety incidents. | Transportation | |
The Crime Data Explorer (CDE) replaces Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), Crime in the United States, and Crime in Illinois. Crime data including offenses and arrests are searchable for the entire United States or individual states. The data presented will be updated regularly; look for a time stamp that reflects the refresh date of content or statistics. Datasets can be downloaded. | Crime/Justice | |
Debates on U.S. Health Care | Uses introductory essays followed by point/counterpoint articles to provide readers with views on multiple sides of this complex issue. | Health/Medicine |
Debates on U.S. Immigration | Uses introductory essays followed by point/counterpoint articles to provide readers with views on multiple sides of this complex issue. | Society & Issues |
The United Nations Demographic Yearbook collects, compiles and disseminates official statistics on a wide range of topics. Some are covered on an annual basis: population size and composition; births; deaths; and marriage and divorce. Special topics are covered less frequently, including economic activity, educational attainment, household characteristics, housing, ethnicity, and language, among others. Data have been collected from national statistical authorities since 1948. | Countries | |
Provides basic consumer health information about diagnosis, treatment, and management of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, along with facts about lifestyle issues and preventing complications. Includes index, glossary of related terms, and other resources. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Health/Medicine | |
Diccionario m?co es una obra de consulta completa, su contenido proporciona a los estudiantes, m?cos y profesionales tanto de medicina como de diferentes ?as relacionadas con la salud las definiciones de los t?inos m?cos utilizados con mayor frecuencia. La informaci | Health/Medicine | |
Ce dictionnaire est un v?table livre de l'?iture pour ?ivains, confirm?ou d?tants, journalistes, et tous ceux qui ?ivent quotidiennement et qui sont constamment habit?par le souci de trouver le mot juste autour d'un germe d'id? D'acc?facile, il fournit de nombreuses id? pour enrichir tous types d'?its : romans, essais, nouvelles, po?e. contes, th?re, etc. Ce "Dictionnaire de l'?iture" appara?a vite comme le meilleur compagnon dans tout travail de cr?ion litt?ire. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Writing/Style Manuals | |
Le Dictionnaire des ?ivains francophones r?it plus de cent soixante articles emprunt?au fonds de l'Encyclop?a Universalis. À travers des oeuvres aussi diverses que celles de L?old S?r Senghor, Aim??ire, Kateb Yacine, Georges Sch?d?u Patrick Chamoiseau, on voit comment les litt?tures francophones ont progressivement affirm?eur existence propre en m? temps que s'affirmait la notion de « francophonie », au moment des d?lonisations, lorsqu'on prit conscience que le fran?s, loin de se r?ire ?ne identit?ationale, pouvait exprimer les valeurs et les r?s des peuples les plus divers. The Dictionary of French-speaking writers brings together more than 160 articles borrowed from the collection of the Encyclop?a Universalis. Through works as diverse as those of L?old S?r Senghor, Aim??ire, Kateb Yacine, Georges Sch?d?r Patrick Chamoiseau, we see how French-speaking literatures have gradually asserted their own existence at the same time as the notion of "Francophonie" asserted itself, at the time of decolonization, when we realized that French, far from being reduced to a national identity, could express the values and dreams of the most diverse peoples. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Literature | |
A compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of American education from prekindergarten through graduate school. | Education | |
The AAA Digest of Motor Laws is an online compendium of laws and rules related to driving and owning a motor vehicle in the United States and Canada. Browse each state's traffic laws, vehicle titling and registration requirements, fees and taxes, driver's licenses, and traffic safety. | Political Science/Government | |
Digital Sanborn Maps | Maps for most Illinois towns and cities from the years 1867-1970. Maps contain information such as outlines of each building, the size, shape and construction materials, street names, property boundaries, and much more. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Geography/Maps |
This multivolume reference work provides an overview of challenges and opportunities for people with disabilities and their families at all stages of life. Topics covered include characteristics of disability; disability concepts, models, and theories; important historical developments and milestones for people with disabilities; prominent individuals, organizations, and agencies; notable policies and services; and intersections of disability policy with other policy. Includes primary documents and a glossary of terms related to disability studies. 91²Ö¿âUSERS ONLY. | Society & Issues |
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