
Office of Public Safety

Parking & Traffic Regulations

Effective: August 1, 2023

The following regulations for the registration, operation, possession, and use of vehicles by 91ֿstudents, staff, faculty, employees of contracted services, and visitors are effective as of August 1, 2023 and are enforced year-round, 7 days a week, 24 hrs. a day except as noted in these regulations. The authority to regulate parking is vested in the administration by the 91ֿ Board of Trustees. These regulations are reviewed and approved by the Vice President for Student Success.

Persons who own, possess or operate a vehicle on Western's campus are responsible for knowing the regulations. Violation of parking regulations may subject an individual to University discipline, including but not limited to revocation of parking permits and privileges. Individual cases will be reviewed by the Director of the Office of Public Safety or his designee and/or Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

  • UNIVERSITY FACILITIES-- All 91ֿproperty owned or controlled by the 91ֿ Board of Trustees.
  • REGISTERED VEHICLE-- A vehicle registered to a valid 91ֿparking permit or licensed by a government agency.
  • EMPLOYEE-- An individual employed at 91ֿor a non- student employed by a business under contract to work on campus.
  • STUDENT-- An individual enrolled in any class at WIU, including the Department of Continuing Education, who is not an employee as defined above.
  • COMMUTER STUDENT-- All students who do not live on 91ֿcampus property.
  • RESERVED SPACE-- A department or organization assigned a reserved parking space for clients and/or departmental use. A request for approval will be forwarded from the Vice President for Student Success.
  • INDIVIDUAL RESERVED SPACES-- Reserved spaces are for designated administrators after approval of the President or Vice President for Student Success.
  • UNIVERSITY VEHICLE-- A vehicle which is clearly marked as owned by the university.
  • VISITOR-- An individual who is not enrolled in any classes or receiving credit on an internship and who is not employed at 91ֿ(Includes both the Macomb & Quad Cities Campus).
  • VENDOR-- An individual who conducts business on campus and is not affiliated with the university.
  • Meters will be enforced between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday- Friday the entire calendar year. Meters located in lots adjacent to a residence hall will be enforced 7 days a week 7 a.m.-midnight. Permits are NOT valid for parking in metered spaces, the vehicle operator is responsible for paying the meter. Only vehicles displaying a “Meter Exempt Disability Parking Placard” may park in metered spaces without paying the meter.
    • Subsequent meter violations may be issued at 30-minute intervals for 30-minute meters and 1-hour intervals for 1 hour to 10-hour meters.
    • Malfunctioning meters (i.e., jammed, incorrect timing) should be reported immediately to Parking Services. A meter ticket will be cleared only if a report is filed within 24 hours and the malfunction is verified.
    • Meter Rates; $0.25 - 30 Minutes $0.10 - 12 Minutes $0.05 - 6 Minutes
  • All parking spaces are defined by white lines and/or parking blocks; all other areas are "no parking zones". Such areas will include, but are not limited to: posted fire lanes, no parking zones, yellow zones, crosswalks, grass or unpaved areas and service drives.
  • Service drives and service vehicle spaces are reserved at all times. For loading/unloading purposes, non-University vehicles may be issued a service permit to allow 30-minute parking. Prior consent may also be obtained via telephone and entered on the car log; violations will not be cleared without appeal unless the vehicle is on the car log. Vehicles may not be logged into meters, fire lanes, reserved or handicap spaces or on the grass.
  • The speed limit is 20 m.p.h. on internal university roadways and 10 m.p.h. in parking lots.
  • 91ֿassumes no responsibility for the care or protection of any vehicle or its contents on 91ֿproperty.
  • 91ֿreserves the right to temporarily or permanently close any parking area. When possible, advance notice will be given. Any vehicle in a barricaded area may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner's expense.
  • Operators and owners of mobile homes, trailers, campers, etc. are not permitted to use University facilities for the purpose of living except with permission from the Office of Public Safety.
  • Commuter A & B Lots may be used by faculty/staff permit holders.


  • The responsibility of finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator. A parking permit does not ensure the availability of a parking space, but grants the privilege of parking in specified areas when space is available.
  • Visitors may obtain a free parking permit for restricted hours. Employees and students are not considered as visitors and may not register a visitor permit on their vehicle.
  • Visitors who receive parking tickets may have registration violations excused by personally appearing at Parking Services of the Office of Public Safety (open 24 hours) and establishing their visitor status PRIOR to leaving campus. The registered owner/university affiliated individual of the vehicle will become the responsible party for violations that are not resolved during the seven-day appeal period; a notarized letter may be required to clear a ticket.
  • A substitute or disabled vehicle may be placed on a vehicle log by calling Parking Services. The registrant is responsible for tickets issued prior to notification.
  • Substitute vehicle log-ins will be honored if the registrant has a valid annual permit.
  • Vehicles may be logged in for 30 minutes for loading/unloading by calling Parking Services. Tickets received in no parking zones, reserved lots, faculty/staff, and Q Lots during logged in time will be cleared upon receipt by Parking Services. When Parking Services is closed contact the Office of Public Safety at 298-1949.
  • A parking permit is required in certain lots from 7 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday, and at all times (24 hours) in certain lots or spaces as posted.
  • Parking regulations (i.e., reserved spaces, no parking zones, fire lanes etc.) are in effect at all times, including weekends, holidays, and when classes are not in session.
  • Individuals may purchase a temporary permit for $5.00 per week for their respective parking lot(s).
  • All permit holders will be permitted to park in F/S lots during periods when classes are not in session. Any vehicle will be allowed to park in all Q lots for the first 5 days of a semester and during finals week without a permit. Faculty/staff lots will be enforced during these times. Assessment Day is considered as class in session.
  • One ticket for a No 91ֿPermit and Restricted Parking ($50) may be reduced to $10 when an annual permit is purchased within seven days of the ticket issue date.
  • Dealer plates may not be used to register for a permit except as a temporary substitution.
  1. Permit Classifications

Employee Permits

Reserved Lots- Available to certain employees to park in lots 9 and 10 upon the approval of the Vice President for Student Success.

F/S- Available to employees. Valid in F/S, CA, CB, and Q Lots. Service Permits- May be issued to individuals who have been approved for use in service drives/spaces for a maximum of 30 minutes.


Q Permits-- Available to students and employees for all Q Lots.

Commuter A Permits-- Available to graduate and senior students who do not live on the 91ֿcampus for parking in CA, CB and Q Lots.

Commuter B Permits-- Available to all students who do not live on the 91ֿcampus for parking in CB and Q Lots.

Residence Hall/University Village Permits-- Available to residents of University Village, Corbin/Olson, Thompson and Grote/Lincoln/ Washington Halls. Permits are valid in an individual’s residence building lot and all Q lots. Residence Hall permits revert to Q lots only as of the date the individual leaves the residence hall. Residence Hall spaces are reserved at all times during the fall and spring semesters.

MOTORCYCLE PERMITS-- Motorcycles and mopeds are permitted to park in designated motorcycle parking and meters. This is a 24-hour restriction. Individuals who register a primary vehicle and obtain a permit, may register one motorcycle to the permit at no cost. Individuals who use a motorcycle as a primary vehicle only, will be required to pay the current motorcycle registration fee to obtain a permit.

EMERITI PERMIT-- One permit is available at no charge to each 91ֿemeriti as designated by the Vice President for Student Success which is valid in F/S and Q Lots.

TEMPORARY MEDICAL PARKING PERMITS-- Students with special medical needs may obtain a temporary medical parking permit from Beu Health Center for faculty/staff lots. The student must have a current 91ֿparking permit.

HANDICAPPED PARKING PERMITS-- Any Faculty/ Staff/Student vehicle displaying a state issued handicapped permit or license plate must have a current 91ֿparking permit and is authorized to park in any unreserved handicapped space. Handicapped spaces are reserved for state authorized handicapped vehicles at all times. Unauthorized use of state handicapped permits will result in revocation of 91ֿparking privileges. Vehicles displaying a “Meter Exempt Disability Parking Placard” may park in a metered space without paying the meter.

SUBSTITUTE VEHICLES/TEMPORARIES-- Individuals using a substitute vehicle may call Parking Services to request a vehicle log ( up to 3 days per call). Substitute vehicle permits are available at Parking Services (7 days at a time)Limit 5 logs per semester.The substitute vehicle may not be registered to or owned by an individual otherwise ineligible for the requested parking area. To assure citations are removed, individuals should contact Parking Services with citation information.

DISABLED VEHICLES-- Individuals must report and log in vehicles that are disabled for a specified period of time (up to 4 hours); tickets will be cleared only during the logged in time period. Vehicles may not be logged into meters, reserved spaces, or fire lanes.

Permits may be purchased for the school year or by semester.


Reserved Space
Reserved Lot
Residence Hall
Q Lot


$ 60.00
$ 100.00
$ 60.00
$ 60.00
$ 30.00


$ 30.00
$ 62.00
$ 50.00
$ 30.00
$ 30.00
$ 15.00


The following violation fines will be enforced year-round as follows:

  • No 91ֿPermit: $25
  • Restricted Parking/Permit not valid in lot: $25
  • Improper Parking: $5
  • No Parking Zone/Undesignated Parking: $40
  • Fire Access Area (plus any tow charges): $75
  • Towable Violation, issued in addition to Parking Violation: $75
  • Reserved Space/Lot: $40
  • Handicapped Space (plus any tow charges): $250
  • Overtime Meter: $5
  • Subsequent Meter Violation: $10
  • Failure to Register a Substitute Vehicle: $5
  • Failure to Report License Change or Correction: $10
  • Failure to Utilize Bicycle Parking Area: $5

A second ticket may be issued for certain violations which occur for longer than a 4-hour period.

Ticket payments may be made at Parking Services or the Union Service Center. Outstanding violations may restrict student registration and the release of student records. Unpaid violations may be referred to a collection agency.

You have seven (7) days to appeal, void, or have a violation reduced. No adjustments will be made after seven days.

Employees with more than one registered vehicle on their permit, are only allowed to have one of those vehicles on campus at a time. You may not register vehicles of other employees or vehicles of students on your permit. Sharing permits/registration is not allowed and will be enforced.

Students with 10 or more tickets will be referred to Student Rights and Responsibilities for appropriate action.


  • Individuals receiving 5 tickets, other than $5.00 overtime meter violation, (PAID or UNPAID) will be placed on the Tow List for the remainder of the academic year. Thereafter, whenever parking in violation, the vehicle is subject to being towed at the owner's expense in addition to the parking violations.
  • A towable violation ($75) ticket will be issued in addition to the specific parking violations.
  • Individuals on the tow list are not eligible to use press passes or restricted permits other than Residence Hall permits.


  • Persons issued a parking ticket may appeal online within 7 calendar days of the ticket issuance. Appeals that are amended or approved will result in an adjustment to the individual's account.
  • Appeals are adjudicated by the Appeals Committee.
  • If there is additional pertinent information after an appeal has been denied, an individual may submit a written appeal. Requests for second appeals must be made within ten calendar days from the first appeal's review date. The decisions of the Appeals Committee are final.

Parking Services shall enforce all University parking regulations.

Parking Services

Mowbray Hall
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455
309/298-1921 Phone
309/298-2884 Fax
7:30AM - 4:00PM Mon-Fri