
Greek Life

FSL Chapter Accreditation

Purpose & Overview

The purpose of the 91²Ö¿â Fraternity and Sorority Life Chapter Accreditation Program is designed to gather information about the excellent work our community is doing.Ìı The information gathered will be immensely valuable. First, this will give our council leadership and staff that support the community important information to develop more intentional programs, workshops, and opportunities to help each chapter continue to improve.Ìı Second, it is our hope that this program will provide a spark to help each member, chapter, and council continue to elevate themselves to new heights.

This packet outlines the basic expectations of fraternities and sororities at 91²Ö¿â. In addition, this program allows and challenges chapters in monitoring and improving their own activity and performance through recognition.

The accreditation criteria has been found to promote a healthy foundation for fraternities and sororities.

The requirements are based upon the core values & learning outcomes of the 91²Ö¿â fraternity and sorority community; leadership, scholarship, friendship, accountability, unity, community involvement, diversity and inclusion.

Revisions to this program are made annually by chapter representatives, along with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. Input from all members of FSL is encouraged and appreciated.

How do I complete the Chapter Accreditation process?

  • Items required for submission will be done through Leatherneck Link via .
  • This accreditation program is meant to be done throughout the calendar year. There are check-ins and collections of information at the end of the spring and fall semesters. Do not wait until the end to complete this!
  • Best practice: Have a chair or assign the process to an e-board position, in advance, so that person has the entire semester/year to collect & organize information for submission. This person does not need to be the Chapter President. Delegate, delegate, delegate!
  • 2024 Chapter Accreditation PDF
Don't be afraid to reach out and ask questions as well as provide constructive feedback.

Chapter Status Definitions

All chapter accreditation statuses will be shared on our website under 'Accountability Reports'

5 Star Chapter
  • In order to achieve a chapter status of 5 Star Chapter, the chapter must score a 85% or higher on their submission.
  • The chapter met goals in each of the components and has added value to the 91²Ö¿âfraternity and sorority community over the past year! The FSL Staff will look for the chapter to set goals that require them to stretch even further for continued success.
  • The chapter will receive special recognition on social media, through University communication, and at any end of year award ceremonies.
4 Star Chapter
  • In order to achieve a chapter status of 4 Star Chapter, the chapter must score between 70% - 84.99% on their submission.
  • 4 Star Chapters chapters are those that have successfully met the requirements and are considered in “Good Standing†with the university. This means they will have access to University facilities and all privileges granted to chapters such as awards recognition. The FSL Staff will look for the chapter to set goals that require them to stretch even further for greater success.
3 Star Chapter
  • In order to achieve a chapter status of 3 Star Chapter, the chapter must score between 50% - 69.99% on their submission.
  • 3 Star Chapters chapters are those that have successfully met the requirements and are considered in “Good Standing†with the university. This means they will have access to University facilities and all privileges granted to chapters such as awards recognition. The FSL Staff will look for the chapter to set goals that require them to achieve greater success.
2 Star Chapter
  • Chapters who score less than 50% on their submission will receive a status of 2 Star Chapter
  • 2 Star Chapters are those that failed to meet the minimum requirements. Those chapters would not be eligible to receive any recognition through FSL awards.
  • The committee noted that the chapter had strived to reach its goals but still had some work to do and needed to focus on improving the core areas of operation.
  • 2 Star Chapter status does not reflect the loss of chapter privileges. Instead it reflects a time allocated for growth and achievement within the chapter. Inter/National Organizations will be notified of the local chapter not meeting expectations. A meeting between the president, chapter advisor, and FSL Coordinator will be required to outline a course of action to receive accreditation the following year and the limitations of the chapter.
  • A chapter receiving 2 Star Chapter status for three consecutive years will be under review with the university and an intentional discussion will be had involving advisors, chapter leaders, and Headquarters staff regarding the chapter’s relevancy at WIU.
1 Star Chapter
  • Any organization that fails to complete the Chapter Accreditation process will automatically be a 1 Star Chapter chapter, regardless of efforts throughout the year.
  • Any chapter that fails to submit a Chapter Accreditation packet is subject to a hearing with the FSL Accountability Board.

2024 FSL Chapter Accreditation Components

Academic Achievement:
Scholarship Plan
Submit via Leatherneck Link & name the file type (ie. XYZ ORG SCHOLARSHIP SP24)
A written program outlining the academic plan for the semester. One for Spring 2024 and one for Fall 2024.Ìı
Scholarship Plan Example Here
Diversity and Inclusion:
Diversity & Inclusion Plan
Submit via Leatherneck Link & name the file type (ie. XYZ ORG DEI 24)
A written strategic plan of how to create an inclusive chapter. This can include, but not limited to: membership accessibility, accommodations for members and events, education and training, intentional committees, and any bylaw/constitution amendments. Include goal and any completion dates for the entire year of 2024 (Labeled Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2024)
Leadership Development:
Presidential Meetings>
No Documentation Needed - FSL Coordinator tracks Attendance
Chapter Presidents are required to schedule at least three meetings with the FSL Coordinator each semester. It should be scheduled at the start of a semester, the middle of the semester, and end of the semester. Presidents should use this time to go over any chapter action plan, challenges they are facing within the chapter, updates, or other information.
Required attendance and the following Fraternity and Sorority Life sponsored events:
No Documentation Needed-Attendance and Completion Rate will be tracked
Emerging FSL Leadership Retreat (Fall 2024- 1 chapter member)
FSL President’s/Leadership Retreat (Spring 2024- 1 Chapter President)
FSL Community meetings (1 chapter leader must be present)
Membership Development:
Required attendance at the following Fraternity and Sorority Life sponsored events:
No Documentation Needed-Attendance will be tracked
FSL Speaker &/or Event (50% of chapter attendance)
Both Fall & Spring semesters (2 total)
Hazing Prevention & Education Week event attendance (50% of chapter total in attendance)Ìı
Community Impact and Relations:
Chapters are required to submit service hours and philanthropic donations
No additional documentation beyond Leatherneck Link submissions
Chapters must submit to the form each semester for both community service hours completed by members and fundraising/philanthropy events.
Chapter Operations:

It is imperative that chapters work to create communication lines throughout the semester. These are basic expectations for all student organizations in addition to Fraternities and Sororities.

The chapter is up to date on university and council financial obligations
No Documentation Needed
Roster updates each semester
No additional documentation needed outside of Leatherneck Link updates
Each semester, chapters must maintain and update their roster using the form on Leatherneck Link. It is imperative that these rosters accurately reflect the current state of the chapter within 24 hours of any changes. This could be due to the termination of membership or the addition of new members. Dates are recorded and will be the only way for staff to know how to make changes.
Officer Updates


No additional documentation needed outside of Leatherneck Link updates
If there are changes made within chapters to leadership, it is the chapter’s responsibility to make the correction (within 2 business days).
Provide Chapter Action Plan
Submit via Leatherneck Link & name the file type (ie. XYZ ORG ACTION PLANI SP or FL 24)
Chapters should submit a detailed plan including lists of goals and expectations for each semester. This will be used during the presidential meetings to ensure that each chapter is supported to reach their goals. One for Spring 2024 and one for Fall 2024.Ìı
Semester Action Plan Example Here
Wellness and Safety:
Health, Wellness, and Safety Presentation each semester for all members
The presentations & attendance must be uploaded via the form on Leatherneck Link (Labeled Health/Safety Presentation SP/FL 2024)
Presentation includes information about University and organizational policy & procedures and available wellness resources to members. Documentation would include the presentation and/or highlighted meeting minutes. Include a roster of attendees.Ìı
The chapter does not have any outstanding violations or sanctions of FSL or University policies
No Documentation Needed. This will be verified with Fraternity & Sorority Life Accountability Board and Student Rights & Responsibilities
Provide Crisis & Risk Management Plan
Submit via Leatherneck Link & name the file type (ie. XYZ ORG RISK PLAN 24)
Chapters should file their Crisis and Risk Management Plan each semester. Any changes that are made from one semester to another should be noted for reference. This should include local and inter/national policies and plans. This should also include how the local chapter handles communication with the university and the national organization.Ìı

Bonus Programming for Accreditation

  • Points will be allocated based on the percentage number of members who attended the approved program.
  • Chapter Attendance % at event
    • 100 - 85% = 5 points
    • 84.99 - 70% = 4 points
    • 69.99 - 55% = 3 points
    • 54.99 - 40% = 2 point
    • 39.99 - 25% = 1 point
  • An approved program must represent FSL core values/learning outcomes
  • Chapters must submit bonus programs to the FSL Coordinator for “bonus point†approval.
  • Chapter President must email the FSL Coordinator for the event to be approved
  • Attendance is tracked when members sign in through Leatherneck Link at the event or a participant list is recorded (ie. Screenshot on Zoom)
  • Attendance must be verified & uploaded to the chapter’s Google Drive folder for bonus points
  • Utilize campus, community, & National resources
  • Chapters can receive a maximum of 25 points total (1 event per category at 5 points each)
Bonus Programming Areas
Academic Achievement Event
The goal of this category is to help each member improve their academics by attending an educational event.
Diversity and Inclusion Event
The goal of this category is to expose & educate each member of populations who are different from them in numerous ways. These ways may include but are not limited to: age, disability, familial status, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status.
Leadership Development Event
The goal of this category is to focus on how to build leadership skills and tools. By focusing on how to become a more efficient leader, each chapter should excel.
Membership Development Events
These programs are meant to help assist your members in their individual needs and foster personal and growth. These are not leadership opportunities, but ways to create well-rounded citizens. This could include professional development opportunities and a variety of brotherhood and sisterhood programming, events, and workshops. Often tailored to education beyond the new member experience and grounded in chapter values.
Wellness and Safety Events
These programs aid in learning how to create safe environments for members and for the community. They can focus on an individual or as a cultural norm.