
Administrative Services

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why was Risk Management and Emergency Preparedness established?

The purpose for establishing this function within the Office of the Vice President for Administrative Services is to clarify ways in which the university community can be served in the areas of risk management and emergency planning.

The Assistant Vice President for Administrative Services administers a comprehensive risk management program – including risk assessment, loss control strategies, insurance coverage, etc. – intended to protect the interests of the 91²Ö¿â, its administrators, faculty, staff, students, and visitors.

Additionally, recent tragedies on college and university campuses have increased awareness of the need for emergency preparedness. Also, in order to continue to receive grant money for our public safety assets, we are required to be compliant with the National Incident Management System, or NIMS.

What emergency response plans are in place at WIU?

The 91²Ö¿âEmergency Operations Plan establishes a procedure for mobilizing the University's resources and communicating with the 91²Ö¿âand surrounding communities in the event of a large-scale emergency. The plan was developed by the 91²Ö¿âEmergency Operations Planning Team in cooperation with various departments, colleges, and offices as well as local public safety agencies. The plan describes four levels of campus conditions with regards to an emergency.

  1. Normal Campus Conditions (No Emergency)
  2. Critical Incident (Minor Emergency)
  3. Crisis (Major Emergency)
  4. Disaster (Severe Emergency)

Whenever an emergency affecting the campus reaches such proportions that it cannot be handled by routine measures, the University President, or designee may declare a State of Emergency and shall cause implementation of the EOP by a designated Incident Commander.

For more information on these response and emergency levels, please see the 91²Ö¿âEmergency Operations Plan.

What is the best way to stay informed during an emergency?

During any critical incident or emergency, the University will use several methods of communication to disseminate information. The methods to be used may include, but will not be limited to:

  • 91²Ö¿âEmergency Alert System (WEAS)
  • Commercial media outlets such as local radio and television stations
  • The University telephone system
  • Two-way Radios and Pagers
  • Cellular Telephones
  • Voice-mail
  • E-Mail
  • Web messages
  • Person-to-Person Couriers
  • Signage on campus

What purpose does the 91²Ö¿âEmergency Alert System (WEAS) serve?

The 91²Ö¿âEmergency Alert System (WEAS) will be activated to send voice, text, and e-mail messages to students, faculty, and staff when an emergency situation threatens their safety. To sign up for the alert system, please visit http://www.wiu.edu/alertsystem. Students, faculty, and staff may also update their contact information at any time in order to continue to receive timely alerts.