
Board of Trustees

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Approved: November 16, 2001
Section III: Academic Affairs
Subsection: E. Grants and Contracts

  1. The University shall develop policies concerning grants and contracts. The policies and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.

    The policies shall contain the following provisions and such other provisions as are necessary and appropriate:
    1. Provisions for the review and administration of grants and contracts which shall ensure their consistency with the University's academic mission, instructional commitments, and financial capabilities.
    2. Provisions to ensure that persons engaged in grant or contract funded activities do not have conflicts of interest that could compromise the integrity of the activities and the University.
    3. Provisions to safeguard human subjects involved in research activities.
  2. Grants and contracts that do not require Board of Higher Education approval shall be approved by the President.
  3. The President shall submit a quarterly report to the Board on grants and contracts