
Human Resources

Civil Service Handbook - D

Death Benefits and Survivor Benefits

In case of the death of an employee, the following persons should be notified:

  1. Employee's Immediate Supervisor
  2. Human Resources Department
  3. Payroll Office

When notice of a death is received in Human Resources, the Benefits Manager sends a letter to the beneficiary(ies) with the benefits available and offers assistance with filing claims. Salary - Payroll and Human Resources must determine and adjust where necessary the final paycheck for work completed. The supervisor must submit the completed time card to Payroll. Unused vacation and sick leave are paid in accordance with state and BOT regulations upon presentation of the required documentation to Benefits.

Employee/Annuitant/Dependent Benefits

Human Resources notifies the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) of the death. SURS sends applicable forms directly to the beneficiary with a list of the documents required for the claim (death certificate, birth certificates, and marriage certificate if there is a surviving spouse or minor child). Life insurance claims are usually processed about a month after the claim is submitted.

SURS Survivor Benefits Summary

Survivor benefits are in effect for an employee with at least one and one half years of service credit. Survivors may choose a full refund of contributions and interest and a lump sum payment or

  1. $1,000 lump sum
  2. A monthly annuity to qualifying survivors
  3. 7/8ths of contributions and interest
  4. Continuation of state health, vision, and dental coverage
Death of a Covered Dependent

Upon notification of the death of an employee's covered family member, the Benefits Manager will send a letter with information to the employee and offer assistance in the completion of applicable claims (298-1853).

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Civil Service employees may be discharged from employment with Western Illinois University after completion of probation in accordance with State Universities Civil Service System Rule 250.110.e, and the 91²Ö¿âDisciplinary Management Program. A discharge action may be initiated when less severe sanctions fail to correct an employee's inappropriate job-related behavior or when the offense is of such severity that it requires immediate separation from employment.

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Disciplinary Management Program

In compliance with Board of Trustees Regulations, 91²Ö¿â has developed a statement of policy standards for Civil Service employee conduct. The program is designed to serve as a guide and is not meant to be complete and all encompassing. The goal of the program is to obtain corrective action in an equitable and constructive manner and to reduce the likelihood of its recurrence.

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Civil Service employees may be dismissed from employment with Western Illinois University prior to completion of probation if there has been failure to demonstrate the ability and/or the qualifications necessary to furnish satisfactory service.

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Civil Service Handbook


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