Human Resources
Civil Service Handbook - S
91²Ö¿â recognizes its responsibility to provide an environment which is free from recognized hazards to employees, students, and visitors. Risk Management conducts inspections of facilities and oversees many other fire prevention and safety-related activities. Employees, students, and visitors are expected to utilize established safety policies, practices, and procedures.
Fire and safety related problems should be reported to Risk Management (Sherman Hall 317, 298-1989).
If an employee is injured on the job, the injury should be reported to the employee's supervisor immediately, follow the supervisor's guidance, and report to Beu Health Center. If the injury is of such a nature as to require hospitalization, an employee should go directly to McDonough District Hospital for immediate care as well as reporting the injury to the employee's supervisor, Beu Health Center, and the Office of Public Safety.
(BOT II.C.8)
Salary for each job classification is based on the rates generally paid in this area for comparable service. There are five compensation categories into which Civil Service positions of 91²Ö¿â are divided:
- Prevailing Rate Group: The Statute defines "prevailing rate" as that rate generally paid in the locality where the work is being performed, as for carpenters, painters, electricians, etc.
- Negotiated Group: Where there is a classification(s) organized as a union, the rate is negotiated for the group.
- Open Range Group: Most employees belong to this group, in which a salary range is established for each classification based upon the results of salary surveys. A wage administration plan for these classifications establishes a starting salary based on experience, skill, and market movement with opportunities for increases. For additional information, see the University Compensation Policy.
- Civil Service Exempt: Salaried employees who are not eligible for overtime compensation.
- Established Rate Group: Employees whose rate of pay is based on a direct tie or relationship to another classification or group.
Scholarship Awards to Dependents of Civil Service Employees
- A maximum of nine one-time scholarships of $1,000 are awarded to dependents of Civil Service employees each year. The scholarship is applied to the recipient's account in Billing & Receivables for the applicable semester.
- The scholarships are awarded to full-time students who have been accepted at WIU.
- To be eligible for the scholarship, a student must be a dependent of a Civil Service employee at 91²Ö¿âwho holds a status appointment. A dependent who is also a Civil Service employee in a status position is not eligible.
The term dependent shall mean the lawful spouse of the employee and the child or children of the employee who meet(s) one of the following criteria:
(a) financially dependent upon the employee for support and normally reside in the household of the employee; or
(b) qualify as a dependent as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. The term child shall also include such adopted children, stepchildren, and other children dependent upon the employee for support and/or who are domiciled with the employee in a parent/child relationship. Exceptions to this policy definition may be made only by unanimous decision of the Civil Service Award Selection Committee members. - Individuals may receive the scholarship only once.
- Selection criteria include dependability, leadership, motivation, community service, and work experience. Scholarship applications are available in Human Resources, Sherman Hall 105.
Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy
91²Ö¿â strives to provide an educational and working environment that is free from discrimination and harassment for faculty, staff, and students. 91²Ö¿âpolicy prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex, race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, marital status, national origin, disability, genetic information, veteran status, and any other classes protected by state or federal law. This policy covers nondiscrimination in both employment and access to educational opportunities.
For a complete copy of 91²Ö¿â’s policy governing sexual misconduct, see the Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy .
The University’s Title IX Coordinator should be contacted by calling 309-298-1977 or emailing
Shift Differential Procedures
- All regularly scheduled hours worked between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. shall receive a shift differential premium of 30 cents per hour.*
- The shift differential premium shall be paid for overtime hours worked between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. It shall be added to the basic hourly wage for the purpose of overtime or holiday pay calculations.
- The shift differential premium shall not be paid for compensatory time.
*However, any regularly scheduled shift which requires at least 5.5 hours work during the prescribed time above will receive shift differential for all hours worked, i.e., the entire shift. This is regardless of days worked, i.e., Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Sick Leave
(BOT II.C.7.d.)
Sick leave hours are accrued for status appointments of 50 percent or more on a pro rata basis of one working day for each month of full-time service and are cumulative, with no limit. Employees are expected to personally notify their supervisor as soon as possible of illness requiring absence from work and to report the absence on their timecard.
Human Resources reserves the right to request a doctor's release (the doctor to be approved by Human Resources) before an employee can return from an extended period of sick leave or in cases of possible excessive use or abuse.
For bi-weekly paid employees, the amount of sick leave accrued is reported each pay period on the time card. For CSE or semi-monthly paid employees, a printout is sent to each department monthly. Sick leave may be used for (a) personal illness, or (b) illness or injury of a parent, spouse, or child up to 12 days per calendar year.
Effective March 29, 1984, an employee whose employment or reemployment by the Board of Trustees of 91²Ö¿â commences within two years after termination of his or her employment by an employer covered by the State Universities Civil Service System shall, if separated in good standing, be allowed to transfer his or her accrued sick leave to the location of employment or reemployment within the Board of Trustees of 91²Ö¿â system, provided that such employee has not received a lump sum payment for accrued sick leave. If such employee has received a lump sum payment for accrued sick leave, only accrued sick leave which was earned before January 1, 1984, may be transferred; credit for accrued sick leave which was earned after December 31, 1983, shall be governed by Section II.C.7.d. of BOT Regulations.
Lump sum payments for sick leave upon termination are made in accordance with BOT Regulation II.C.7.d.(4).
If an employee is entitled to and applies for a retirement annuity from the State Universities Retirement System which is to begin within 60 days after termination of employment covered by this System, or one of the other systems subject to the Illinois Reciprocity Law, the employee will receive additional service credit for unused and unpaid sick leave. Service credit for unused and unpaid sick leave will be granted in accordance with the following schedule as of January 1979:
Number of Full Work Days | Additional Service Credit |
20-59 | 1/4 year |
60-119 | 1/2 year |
120-179 | 3/4 year |
180-259 | 1 year |
This formula is subject to change by the State Universities Retirement System. For up-to-date and more extensive information, contact Human Resources 309-298-1971.
Status Changes
Address, Marital Status, Dependents
It is the employee's responsibility to keep records current when personal status changes occur such as change of address, telephone number, marital status, and/or number of dependents. Employees can complete a change of status form and new W-4 form in the Payroll Office, Sherman Hall 221 (298-1867). This form is routed to Human Resources.
To comply with federal law, employees or their dependents must inform Benefits within 30 days of a change in health coverage because of a divorce, legal separation, or a dependent becoming ineligible.
Employees who are adding dependents through marriage, birth, or adoption should call 298-1853 to schedule an appointment to explore options for additional insurance coverage without evidence of insurability. Eligible new dependents are covered on the day the employee completes the paperwork or on the date the employee acquires them whichever is later. Employees may also want to change beneficiary designations.
- Handbook Directory
- Absences
- Adoption Benefits
- Appointment Types
- Apprentice Appointment
- Art Exhibits (see Entertainment)
- Athletic Events
- Audit Appeal Procedure
- Audit Procedure for Positions
- Benefits
- Benefits While on Leave
- Bereavement Leave
- Bonds
- Book Awards for Civil Service Employees
- Breaks
- Bureau of Cultural Affairs (see Entertainment)
- Campus Connection
- Civil Service Award Fund
- Civil Service Award Selection Committee
- Civil Service Bulletin Boards
- Classification
- Clerical Services Policy
- Committees
- Concerts (see Entertainment)
- Copying, Printing, and Copiers
- Credit Union
- Cultural Affairs (see Entertainment)
- Death Benefits and Survivor Benefits
- Disability Leave
- Discharge
- Disciplinary Management Program
- Dismissal
- Educational Benefits
- Educational Benefits for Retirees/Employees' Children
- Educational Leave
- Employee Assistance Program
- Employee Newsletter (see Campus Connection)
- Entertainment
- Equal Opportunity Policy
- Examination Scheduling Procedures
- Extra-Help Appointment
- Family and Medical Leave Act - FMLA
- Fine Arts (see Entertainment)
- Food Service Operations
- Funeral Leave (see Bereavement Leave)
- Health Service
- Hiring Procedures
- Holidays
- Identification Cards
- Insurance
- Intern Appointment
- Interviewing for Positions
- Job Descriptions
- Jury Duty/Court Witness Service
- Layoff Policy
- Learner Appointment
- Leaves of Absence
- Library Privileges
- Lost and Found (see University Union Facilities)
- Mail Services
- Make-Up Time
- Meal Period
- Medical Leave
- Military Leave
- Night Shift Differential (see Shift Differential Procedures)
- Notary Public Service
- Office Supplies
- Overtime
- Parental Leave
- Parking and Traffic Regulations
- Part-Time Employee Benefits
- Pay Checks
- Payroll/Personnel Procedures
- Performance Evaluation
- Personal Convenience Leave
- Personnel Files
- Physical Plant Services
- Pregnancy Leave
- Probationary Period - Six Months
- Probationary Period - Twelve Months
- Promotions
- Provisional Appointment
- Reassignment
- Recreation for Employees and Families
- Resignation
- Retirement
- Safety
- Salary
- Scholarship Awards to Dependents of Civil Service Employees
- Sexual Misconduct & Gender Non-Discrimination Policy (Title IX)
- Shift Differential Procedures
- Sick Leave
- Sports (see Athletic Events)
- Status Changes
- Status Appointment
- Tax Deferred Accounts
- Telecommunication/WESTEL Services
- Temporary Appointment
- Termination
- Time Cards
- Transfers
- Transportation Services
- Tuition Waivers
- Unemployment Compensation
- University Union Facilities
- Vacation
- Veterans Preference Points
- Work Schedules
- Workers' Compensation
- A - Policy on Acquiring Computing Devices
- B - Clean Air/No Smoking Policy
- C - Clerical Services Policy
- D - Policy on Commercial and Charitable Solicitation
- E - University Compensation Policy
- F - Compensatory Time/Overtime Policy
- G - Constitution & By-Laws of 91²Ö¿âCivil Service Employees Council
- H - Disciplinary Management Program
- J - Policy on Distribution of Printed Materials and Collection of Signatures
- K - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
- L - Drug-Free Workplace Policy
- M - Policy on Employment of Individuals with Disabilities
- N - Policy Statement on Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action
- O - Flex-Time Policy
- P - Flex-Year Civil Service Status Appointments
- Q - Civil Service Employee Grievance Policy
- R - Legal Procedures
- S - Policy on Limiting University Operations Because of Emergency Conditions
- V - Security of Information
- X - Tuition Reduction & Educational Assistance Plan
- Y - Union Solicitation Guidelines
- BB - Blood and Organ Donor Leave Policy
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