


Americans with Disabilities Act

A Guide to Selected Government Information. Available at WIU's Government Publications Library.

Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.

Federal Government Information

This website is the federal government's portal to information on disability rights and services, including the ADA in education, employment, housing, transportation and health. If you're not sure where to start, try the site map.

This Dept. of Justice website contains a lot of useful information, including enforcement reports, links for businesses, design issues and technical assistance manuals.

Helping Employers Comply with the ADA

This report from the United States Commission on Civil Rights analyzes the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's implementation of the ADA. Sections include assessment of enforcement, EEOC's outreach, education and technical assistance, and finally the Commission on Civil Rights' findings and recommendations. 1998
CR 1.2:AM 3

Common ADA Errors and Omissions in New Construction and Alterations

Document from the U.S. Department of Justice which details several common mistakes made in new construction projects. Design problems regarding parking spaces, door clearances, signage, and many others are discussed. Excellent resource for facility managers, contractors, and public officials. 1997
J 1.2:AM 3/14

This is an online report from the Civil Rights Commission discussing the history and purpose of the ADA. It contains the Commission's findings and recommendations concerning the efficacy of the ADA, trends in enforcement, recommendations for tax incentives to employers who employ disabled Americans, and training recommendations for government agents so they can respond appropriately to psychiatrically disabled persons. 2000

Promises to keep : a decade of federal enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act

This report from the National Council on Disability analyzes the ADA enforcement efforts by government agencies, including training activities, complaint processing, compliance monitoring, litigation and mediation. 2000
Y 3.D 63/3:2 EN 2

Voices of Freedom: America Speaks Out on the ADA

A report to the President and the Congress, this book provides an assessment of the ADA five years after the legislation passed. Individuals with disabilities discuss the implementation of the Act itself. 1995
Y 3.D 63/3:2 F 87

This website from the Small Business Administration is designed to answer questions small businesses have regarding the ADA.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website providing a definition of reasonable accommodations. Includes information on how a request for accommodations can be made, and on the types of accommodations that employers may be asked to provide. Also features a listing of resources for establishing reasonable accommodations.

Illinois Government Information
ADA Resource Guide

Small guide to ADA resources available from various federal and state agencies. A summary of the ADA is also included. Addresses and phone numbers are provided for agencies, such as the Illinois Assistive Technology Project. Published by the Illinois Department of Human Services. 1999
ILLINOIS 344.730113 ADA 3

Trainer's Curriculum: The ADA and Persons with Cognitive Disabilities

Comprehensive resource concerning group education of the ADA. Includes all the materials required to implement ADA training for a business or an organization, as well as templates for promotional materials. 1996
ILLINOIS 344.730113 ADA

Local Governments and Title II of the ADA

This document provides answers to common questions regarding Title II of the ADA, which concerns public services. Architectural adaptations, funding availability, and interpretation are a few of the topics covered in this report. Also included is a resource guide, providing access to a number of agencies who deal with the ADA. 1996
ILLINOIS 353.929 I29rm no. 97

Legal Information
Americans with Disabilities Act

The official version of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 1990
104 STAT. 337; P.L. 101-336

How to deal with employment issues under the Americans with Disabilities Act

This guide from the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a short and sweet Q & A to all the basic questions employers have about their obligations under the ADA. 2000
LEGLREF. KF 3469.Z9 M323 2000

"Has the ADA Got Your Client Covered?"

This is an article describing who is covered under the ADA and how recent inconsistent court decisions make this a fertile ground for litigation.
Trial. October 1999 pp. 34-41

"The ADA: A Problematic Limitation on 'Reasonable Accommodation' for the Union Employee"

Discussion of reasonable accommodation may be disregarded due to a collective bargaining agreement. A good example of the difference between how a law is written, and how the law is interpreted. Author calls for a revision of the current law.
University of Illinois Law Review. 1999. Vol. 1999, No. 2 pp. 751-773

"Not Disabled Enough: The ADA's "Major Life Activity' Definition of Disability"

A look at employment-related lawsuits and the ADA definition of disability. The author contends that accomodation and discrimination need separate definitions of disability.
Stanford Law Review. Vol. 52, No. 1 November 1999 pp. 171-203


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